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Sunrise Man. - Lori McNee Artist. In art and design, color allows us to create our own individuality and flare.

- Lori McNee Artist

For years, interior decorators, graphic designers, advertisers and artists have been using color to enhance our environments. Color can be used to evoke a certain mood or to create a message or sharp response in the viewer. As artists we learn how to use the positive or negative attributes of color in our works to subliminally send a message. The following examples illustrate how people react differently to cool and warm colors… Cool colors:

Surreal Outdoor Art in France. While England has the Olympics, walk along certain streets in France right now and you might just come across some of the strangest, most surreal art you've ever seen.

Surreal Outdoor Art in France

Two contemporary art events are concurrently happening, "Estuaire" (estuary of the Loire river) and "Le Voyage a Nantes" (A journey to Nantes). Where else could you happen to come across what remains of a giant ocean snake, a strangely bent boat or a house floating in the river? EXHIBITION CATALOGS. 4Th Ward School. ISophia3 : Slave #Art #photo... Jing Daily: The Business of Luxury and Culture in China. Li Keran's 1974 painting of Shaoshan sold this summer for 124.2 million yuan (US$22.3 million) With the autumn auction season approaching, major auction houses are taking stock of what we can expect to see in the Asian art market in the remainder of the year, following lower overall volumes despite record-breaking sales in Hong Kong this past spring.

Jing Daily: The Business of Luxury and Culture in China

In the wake of a three-year-long string of rising sales — which saw the Chinese art market crowned the largest in the world in 2011 — total sales for Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Christie’s Hong Kong, China Guardian and Beijing Poly dropped 32 percent in spring 2012 vs. fall 2011, as auction houses found it more difficult to procure quality artwork and existing collectors held onto pieces rather than trying to “flip” them for a quick profit. Additionally, supply has been hit by increasing connoisseurship and expertise among new buyers, as well as the building of many private collections that have taken many key works out of the market.

Blue Wire. Illustrations by Felideus Bubastis. Illustrations by Madrid, Spain based artist Felideus Bubastis .

Illustrations by Felideus Bubastis

Felideus has worked as an art director, graphic designer, animator and screenwriter in audiovisual productions. Nowadays he works as a freelance illustrator, designer and writer. View the website. Irish Seasons Photograph by Patrick J Murphy - Irish Seasons Fine Art Prints and Posters for Sale. Illustrations by hellobaby. The Art and Science of Minding Your Own Business. “There are only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God’s.” ~ Byron Katie Do you think you’re responsible for the universe?

The Art and Science of Minding Your Own Business

Or do you stick to your own business? Where do you draw the line between your business and other people’s business? If we suffer, it’s usually because we’re in somebody else’s business, not minding our own life and choices. THE #ART OF #PAINTING NEWS. Art Through Ancient History. 133 Flares Twitter 90 Facebook 28 Google+ 12 StumbleUpon 3 Pin It Share 0 133 Flares × Art is an incredible thing that has origins long before humans could even communicate with words on paper and still spoke in grunts and and mumbles.

Art Through Ancient History

Art began well before time was even being recorded with the first known sculpture being the ever famous Venus of Willendorf dating back to 24,000 BCE.Art was one of the first ways that people used to express themselves and get a message across. Alyona Subbotina by Yossi Michaeli. Alyona Subbotina by Yossi Michaeli for Dazed & Confused Korea March 2012.

Alyona Subbotina by Yossi Michaeli

Neon Deluxe – Yossi Michaeli captures a colorful and messy beauty story for the March edition of Dazed & Confused Korea. Starring Alyona Subbotina, the images showcase spring pieces matched with wild makeup by Deanna Melluso. Wearing a wardrobe pieced together by Martha Violante featuring pastel looks from the likes of Prada, Louis Vuitton and Alexander Wang, Alyona shines with eight unique ensembles. / Hair by Amy Farid View the website. 22 Clever and Interesting Photographs of Wall Murals and Street Art.

I'm Rob, the editor of Light Stalking.

22 Clever and Interesting Photographs of Wall Murals and Street Art

I try to keep this ship on course. By Admin on in Cool Photos, Featured While murals and street art are always a fun thing to photograph, getting good photos of the subject is a little harder than it seems at first. Amazing Surreal Paintings by Robert Dowling. Amazing Surreal Paintings by self-taught artist Robert Dowling.

Amazing Surreal Paintings by Robert Dowling

Robert Dowling was born in Bangor in 1972. He resides in Maine, living in a small dilapidated cabin on the shores of Hermon Pond where he dedicates his life to the arts. Robert Dowling is a horrible Musician, pathetic photographer, Illiterate writer and so so wood Sculptor but his true passion and the only thing he is good at is painting. He is a self-taught artist working primarily with acrylics and oils. View the website. Photo sharing service for twitter. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry review: Dissent with a difference.

A documentary about the Chinese dissident artist.

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry review: Dissent with a difference

Directed by Alison Klayman. 91 minutes. Opens July 27 at TIFF Bell Lightbox. 14A Know Ai Weiwei? I ask because if you’ve heard of any contemporary artist at all in the past half-decade, it’s more likely than not to be the jocular Chinese humanist for whom making art and aggravating the ruling party of his native land — where he has committed to live, despite the dangers — have become the celebrated, inseparable twin engines of his burgeoning fame. It was this fame, no doubt, that drew documentary filmmaker Alison Klayman to Ai a few years back, when his nagging insistence at questioning the power structures of a so-called “new” China clamouring to join the First World as something other than a manufacturing centre made him the regime’s most annoying and visible touchstone.

In the years that follow, he sets about painting it bigger, brighter and impossible to miss. Illustrations by Marcello. Blue spring. Turquoise Lake. Illustrations by Catherine Hennessey. Pollution Illustrations by Canada based artist Catherine Hennessey Martha. - Lori McNee Artist. I sent out a ‘tweet’ to some of the most respected art business stars on Twitter. This is what I asked, “will u share an art biz tip in 140 characters 4 an upcoming twitter art star post. u can add a link if u want & i’ll link 2 u” I got a great response from the art business pros on Twitter, and more keep coming in…(so stay tuned!) Below, in the order that I received them, you will find their top business tips within ‘140 characters or less’ for any creative person.Be sure and check out their links, websites and consider following them on Twitter.

Like I said above, there is a treasure trove of information to be discovered…enjoy. Silhouette" by Alexander Khokhlov. 3966241454_0807f3bf1c.jpg (JPEG Image, 180x180 pixels) HowdenDawn : Surreal Clouds, one of a series... Food Art. Jens Ullrich Selected Works. Pedro Reyes - Artist. Lori's New Summer Landscape Paintings.

Each summer, Kneeland Gallery in Ketchum, Idaho, and Dana Gallery in Missoula, Montana, both include me in their plein air painting exhibitions. The invited artists are required to paint 8-10 new studio landscapes, and then we paint en plein air on location for 3 days. At the end of it all, each gallery hosts a fabulous artists’ reception. I thought you all would enjoy seeing my new summer landscape oil paintings. Collage Artist Masterfully Controls Chaos. Florida-based artist Derek Gores creates brilliant collage masterpieces on canvas using recycling magazines, labels, and other found materials.

Over the years, he has become a master at controlling chaos within his artwork. "I start with a photo shoot, play around deconstructing digitally, and then recreate the tones on canvas with aggressive textures from magazines, maps, song lyrics, etc," Gores explains in an interview with Sour Harvest. "I was the typical tight artist at age 17 but saw the light at the end of that particular tunnel when I was introduced to swashbuckling painters and talking trees and have been fleeing forward into looseness ever since. "I now like tools that are big and clumsy and open up the range of touch, including the process of ripping paper in collage. What I initially thought of as an academic exercise has become heavier and more real than anything else I’ve sunk my teeth into.

Franz Richard Unterberger (1838-1902) - Classic Art Paintings. How Leonardo da Vinci Used Sacred Geometry in Painting the Mona Lisa. Lugano street art festival - MPCB20120715 #01. Astonishing Film of Arthritic Impressionist Painter, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1915) Dc-cops-snatch-camera-and-lose. Photo by lauralme. , Creative Professional, : The Whole 9. Unimaginable Surrealistic Paintings By Vladimir Kush. Today we proudly display Unimaginable Surrealistic Paintings Art by Vladimir Kush from Sokolniki, Russia for our web viewers.Vladimir Kush was born in Russia. At the age of seven Vladimir began to attend art school. Vladimir entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted.

After six months of military training the unit commander thought it more appropriate to employ him exclusively for peaceful purposes, namely, painting propagandist posters. Complete Collection Here. 20 Vibrant Cubist Art works and Illustrations by Georgy Kurasov. Delicious Coffee Latte Art -Too Beautiful to Drink. 18-Year-Old Creates Surreal Artworks to Express Emotions. Growing up can be a challenge, especially in the teenage years. Matteson Art - 1926-1930 Surrealism Paris Years. Magritte Gallery for the Surrealism-Paris Years 1926-1930 From 1926 to 1930 Rene Magritte was very productive, sometimes painting three canvases a week. Global City: A Sprawling Mural Drawn on the Walls and Cabinets of a Kitchen by Deck Two. Global City is an impressive new mural by graffiti artist Deck Two that was completed early this month in New York. The line drawing, which stretches across white walls and cabinet doors, includes major landmarks and scenes from countries around the world.

HenryStradford : #MadeWithPaper (... 11 Works of Art Made With Road Maps. Whether it’s a traditional Thomas Brothers map book or Google Maps Street View, most of us use maps on at least a fairly regular basis. It’s not all that surprising that we take them for granted, but fortunately there are plenty of artists out there to remind us just how beautiful the art of cartography can be. Here are 11 great artworks made with road maps. Amazing Portrait Paintings by Michael Shapcott. 50 Beautiful Watercolor Paintings. Snow Mood.


Animals. Whimsical. Abstract. Kate Pugsley. Landscape. Things. People. 25 Most Incredible Photos of Our Universe. Photography Of Strange Patterns In Nature. Places.