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Animals Illuminated by the Sun. The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the trailing edge of the Sun’s disk disappears below the horizon in the west. There are few things in nature as photogenic as the sky at sunset, especially animals. The rich bright gold, pink and orange colors make unusually beautiful pictures of animals illuminated by the sun. Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source. 25 Most Beautiful Animals Photography. I think the most beautiful pictures are those made in nature. Nothing compares with the expression of a tiger, the majestic flight of an eagle or the strength of a white bear. Below you can see 25 the most beautiful animal photographs that will capture your attention, and were stumbled on StumbleUpon. 37 Beautiful Cat Pictures. Advertisement Cat photography, for most people, is a way to remember their pets’ funny actions and playing around.

But actually, cat pictures require more talent to move to the next level and become professional cat photographs. When taking cat pictures, you need a special talent in order to choose the right moment for taking the shot, especially because you are taking photos of a continuously moving and active creature that you cannot control. In order to succeed in cat photography and predict the next move of your cat, you will need some practice and a good understanding of animal behavior. You need to keep your cat in the photography location. On the other hand, try to avoid digital camera flash, because it will disturb the cats when shooting them. In this post I would like to showcase some cat photography examples with you, which I hope you will enjoy, and comment on them with your ideas.

Impressive cat pictures Funny cat by Govorit-vsluh She is…ONLY ONE CAT by MyosotisPL Cat byNelsonaf. True Friends - Tiger. Friends - Animal.