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33 Meticulous Cleaning Tricks For The OCD Person Inside You. Clean Coins - How to Clean Your Collectible and U.S. Coins - Cleaning Advice.

Game Design

Bottoming 101. This is gonna be a LOOOOONNNNNGG post because I have a lot to say on the subject. Also I totally fucked up what passes for a normal sleeping pattern for me doing this so I hope you're all fucking grateful. All puns intended. I've been reading lots about what its like to be a bottom from all kinds of sources recently. You know how some weeks certain things just keep cropping up in your life for no obvious reason? Some Basic Points: Bottoming does not *have* to hurt. - it probably will to start, but doesn't with experienceBottoming does not make you gay/less manly/a slut/desperate/whatever.

An Anatomy Lesson: Right, now that that's out of the way, let's start with some basic anatomy shall we, as a friend just said, it's important to have a knowledge of this stuff and how to abuse it ;) This shows more than I need but it's plenty useful. Right lets go over all the important things about this entire area. The Golden Rules of Bottoming: Okay so lets start with the sensible place to start. Lube.


Program Reference. Programming. The Sex EDcylopedia: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Sexuality, For the Modern, Male Teen: Jo Langford: 9781610983037: Dance. The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses: Jesse Schell: 9780123694966: