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Self Improvement

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Motivul pentru care intalnim in viata anumite persoane. Conexiunile nu se fac niciodata degeaba.

Motivul pentru care intalnim in viata anumite persoane

Intalnim mereu persoanele de care avem nevoie pentru a invata ceva in viata. Acele persoane vin la momentul potrivit pentru a ne forma, pentru ca noi suntem pregatiti pentru ele. Acum ceva timp imi tot puneam intrebarea „ De ce nu nimeresc relatiile potrivite? ( prieteni, iubire, munca)”. Raspunsul a venit pe loc de la o alta persoana mult mai matura ca mine: „ Vei primi relatiile potrivite atunci cand TU vei fi pregatita pentru ele.”

10 странных упражнений для мозга, которые помогут поумнеть.


Presentations. Refocusing. Changing life. Top 10 Ways to Make Yourself Look (and Be) Smarter. How terribly obnoxious of you.

Top 10 Ways to Make Yourself Look (and Be) Smarter

Thanks for sharing. Well, it is probably not the smartest move ever to call monolingual people dumb. But here in Europe (or at least in most countries) learning a second language is compulsory in secondary school. Therefore not speaking a second language often goes along with a lack of general education, probably leading roelroelroel to this bovine conclusion. People in Europe need only travel a few hours to encounter another language, and bi- and tri-linguality is essential to business and communication there. Also, way to be a dick. Yes, I realize that's the norm in Europe, where there's an international border every 50 miles. LH is an American-run site, with a largely American audience and authors who (I believe) are all American, so let's not pretend like suddenly the cultural norms around here are based on what happens in Europe or Canada.

Interview Tips. How to Memorize Things Quickly. People like to joke that the only thing you really “learn” in school is how to memorize.

How to Memorize Things Quickly

As it turns out, that’s not even the case for most of us. If you go around the room and ask a handful of people how to memorize things quickly, most of them will probably tell you repetition. That is so far from the truth, it’s running for office. If you want to memorize something quickly and thoroughly, repetition won’t cut it; however, recalling something will. The problem is that recalling something requires learning, and we all learn in different ways. Before we start, you need to establish something: are you an auditory, visual, or experiential learner? Step 1: Preparation. Hints for Remembering Better. How I Study... in an Organized Way. I'm super crazy about organization.

How I Study... in an Organized Way

I'm no where near OCD, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm all about things being in order. Perfect example: my closet is organized by type of clothing and then organized by color. Mind Mapping Software - Создание карты разума онлайн. What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately) A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.

What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately)

It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity. In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. And, best of all, it is fun! So, how does a mind map look like? (click for larger image) Self Improvement. SELF IMPROVEMENT. 42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself. Are you someone who likes to grow?

42 Practical Ways To Improve Yourself

Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? If you do, then we have something in common. I’m very passionate about personal growth. It was just 4 years ago when I discovered my passion for growing and helping others grow. At that time, I was 22 and in my final year of university. How To Master Your Time.

The secret to time management is simple: Jedi time tricks.

How To Master Your Time

Imagine you were a Jedi master called Bob (your parents, whilst skilled in the ways of the force weren’t the best at choosing names). The love of your life – Princess Lucia – is trapped in a burning building as you hurry to save her. You might think of Lucia as the embodiment of your dreams, your aspirations – she is your most important thing. Unfortunately, before you can reach her an army of stormtroopers open fire.

16 things I know are true but haven't quite learned yet. There’s a difference between knowing something and living as if it were true.

16 things I know are true but haven't quite learned yet

At the end of 2013, these truths are all lingering on that awkward threshold, for me anyway. 1) The sooner you do something, the more of your life you get to spend with that thing done — even though it takes less effort (or at least no more) than it will later. It’s the ultimate sure-thing investment and I pass it up all the time. 2) I never regret working out. I can’t count the number of times I’ve negotiated with myself to work out the next day instead of today because I’m worried it will be a “bad workout.” 10 Things I Wish Someone Told Me 10 Years Ago.

At the start of every year, I like to review my goals. I pull out the list of goals I set for myself last January, and then grade myself on how well I did. This year is quite different than past years. Everything changed after Cassie was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly, nothing was important except her health. 25 Positive Things to Keep in Mind in 7 Words or Less. Get motivated in 60 seconds. 6 Things You Can Do When You Lack Discipline. Post written by Leo Babauta.

6 Things You Can Do When You Lack Discipline

Follow me on Twitter. One of the biggest problems people face is the lack of discipline — they have goals or habits they want to achieve, but lack that discipline needed to stick with it. Then we beat ourselves up about it. We feel crappy because we can’t stick with it. And that leads to more failure, because we’re forming a mindset that we don’t have the necessary discipline. Here’s what to do when you face a situation like this: How to Build Self-Discipline.

Discipline is freedom.

How to Build Self-Discipline

You may disagree with this statement, and if you do you are certainly not alone. For many people discipline is a dirty word that is equated with the absence of freedom. In fact the opposite is true. 40 Amazing Things You Will Never Forget. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email. 50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do. 20 Things I Should Have Known at 20. Schmidt Talk.