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UICloud | User Interface Design Search Engine, UI, UX, GUI, Inspiration, Resources, Elements, User Experience, Free Downloads, Freebies. Introduction aux graphes avec Neo4j et Gephi. Les solutions permettant de modéliser, stocker et parcourir de façon efficiente des graphes ont profité de plusieurs éléments qui les ont rendues populaires ces dernières années. Le premier élément aidant à leur démocratisation est l’explosion des réseaux sociaux. Un cas d’usage évident, facile à comprendre même si, étrangement, les solutions mises en œuvre ne sont pas forcément de « type graphe » (par exemple avec FlockDB chez Twitter).

Le second est lié au mouvement NoSQL qui a aidé à diffuser l’idée que la base relationnelle n’est pas la seule solution de stockage et de requêtage. Enfin, et même si la théorie des graphes n’est pas neuve, les algorithmes sous-jacents et certaines implémentations ont atteint un niveau de maturité permettant la « commoditisation » de ces technologies, les aidant du même coup à sortir de zones très spécifiques. Alors qu’est-ce qu’un graphe?

Un graphe est une structure de données, associant entre eux des nœuds (ou sommets) par des relations. Property graphs. Three.js css3d - periodic table. 10 Free jQuery Scripts to Create Impressive Slideshow - creatiface. 12 Practical jQuery Accordion Menus and Sliders - medleyweb. 25 Essential jQuery Plugin ToolKit for Developers - smashinghub. 40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Applications - designrex. Battle of the Tools: Which is the Best Code Editor? Martin Angelov For us, web developers, the choice of a source code editor shouldn’t come lightly. This is where we spend most of our development time and where productivity is gained or lost on a grand scale. No two developers are alike, so there is a plethora of editors that can accommodate any coding style. But this politically-correct statement doesn’t answer the most fundamental question of all – which is the best?

To determine the best editor, we will rate each one on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, consisting of: Editors are presented in groups, giving some context on the typical type of developer that would use them. For Gurus Who is a guru you ask? Vim Released in 1991 this versatile and powerful editor gained a massive following in the open source world. Emacs Development of Emacs started way back in the 1970 and continues to this day. Links: Website, Wikipedia For Professionals The editors in this category are full blown development environments. Eclipse Aptana Studio Netbeans Dreamweaver. Hex/Ascii Converter. Créer des publipostages avec Office 2011. Créer des courriers personnalisés, imprimer des étiquettes, c’est possible avec le couple Microsoft® Word et Microsoft® Excel.

Utilisation du fichier adresses Excel. Création de la lettre avec Microsoft Word 2011 et fusion des données. A suivre… Yves Cornil, MVP Macintosh Communautés Numériques et Clubs Microcam. Blender 2.63 Download - Freeware - Graphics Category. 32 Creative Free Image Slider Designs in PSD - 15 Best jQuery Images Galleries Sliders and Template Tutorials - Graphic Design Inspiration of Digital Photography and Photoshop Tutorials @Smashing Hub. Neogeo | Quelques outils libres de manipulation de données géographiques. Home | Slide Down Box Menu with jQuery and CSS3.

In this tutorial we will create a unique sliding box navigation. The idea is to make a box with the menu item slide out, while a thumbnail pops up. We will also include a submenu box with further links for some of the menu items. The submenu will slide to the left […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we will create a unique sliding box navigation. The idea is to make a box with the menu item slide out, while a thumbnail pops up. We will also include a submenu box with further links for some of the menu items. We will be using the jQuery Easing Plugin and some beautiful photos by tibchris. The Markup For the HTML structure we will be using an unordered list where each menu item will contain the main link item and a div element for the submenu: If there is no submenu, the div can simply be left out.

The CSS We will start by styling the unordered list: Genrally, we want to remove any default text-decoration and outline for all the link elements in our menu: And that’s all the style! 35 Creative Blue WordPress Website Designs - Intérêt croissant des développeurs pour Windows Phone au détriment de BlackBerry OS, iOS en tête, suivi de près par Android. Un récent rapport d'Appcelerator en collaboration avec le cabinet d'analyse IDC, montre un intérêt croissant des développeurs pour Windows Phone 7. Le sondage mené auprès de 2160 développeurs du programme Appcelerator Titanium du 2 au 3 novembre de cette année révèle que 38% (en hausse de 8 points) de ceux-ci sont « très intéressés » par le développement pour la plateforme de Microsoft. Cet attrait serait dû au partenariat entre Microsoft et Nokia. 48% des répondants ont admis que l’accord conclu entre les deux entreprises est l’élément qui les a poussés vers Windows Phone.

D’autres, par contre, un plus sceptiques (28%), ont attendu le lancement du premier téléphone Nokia Windows Phone 7 baptisé Lumia le mois dernier pour s’orienter vers la plateforme mobile. Un chiffre qui représente, selon Appcelerator, le double de l’intérêt des développeurs pour Symbian et MeeGo depuis la publication de ses premiers rapports dans ce domaine en janvier 2010. Source : Appcelerator Et vous ? Online Tools Offers Various Web Development Tools Under One Hood [Web] If you are a software developer and use multiple tools for testing and validating your code, then Online-Toolz can be of great help.

It’s a web service that provides software developers with a whole lot of validators, functions, generators and conversion tools. It offers HTML, XML validators, text conversion & encryption-decryption functions, date functions, password generators, color chooser and more. Online Toolz has a tools menu at left side. Starting with some encryption tools, it provides users with MD5 and SHA1 generators. Furthermore, it offers JS (JavaScript) escape functions. Another helpful tool is the date manipulation function. Online Toolz is a user-friendly web service that is completely free and does not require any signup. Visit Online Toolz Advertisement. Your Memories Take Center Stage with the New Photo Carousel. Photo galleries on are a great way to share the pictures you’ve taken with your friends, family, and your followers.

But the design of your theme can limit how large your high-resolution photos are displayed. Today, we’re announcing a great new way to make the most of your photos: a full-size carousel view that presents your images as large as your display can contain them. To experience the carousel, just click an image in a photo gallery on any blog. You can navigate between photos using the left and right arrow keys, or by clicking or tapping the arrows on the left and right.

Check it out here, with this gallery of images taken by some of our colleagues during our recent meetup in Budapest. Now, whether you’re using a tablet or a large desktop display, you’ll see photos in the best light possible. Like this: Like Loading... Matt (Thomas) Miklic. Easy Code GoAsm Download - Freeware - Programming Category. Free File Sharing, Storage & Hosting |

Batch Compiler: Create Batch Scripts & Convert Them To EXE Format. The Batch file (BAT) contains a series of commands to perform complex and lengthy tasks. For example, you can create and use batch file to shutdown multiple servers simultaneously across the network. Sometimes it’s required to protect the content of the batch file in order to prevent editing. Batch Compiler is a portable application that makes it easy to create batch scripts and build their executable (EXE) files. Apart from compiling bat files into EXE files, you can password protect the converted EXE files to prevent unauthorized and accidental execution.

The main interface provides comprehensive options to help you easily create a batch file. To convert the batch file, you will require specifying the file followed by an output directory. It is worth mentioning here that Batch Compiler may get stuck at the splash screen. Download Batch Compiler Advertisement. Best jQuery Tutorials - October 2011. Intriguing animate-on-scroll effect – jQuery tutorial In this tutorial we try to recreate the intriguing scrolling effect. We’ll go for simplicity : 5 objects to animate and linear movement, no easing. The basis that opens the door for further elaboration. Severin Klaus explains how Hinderling Volkart created an innovative method of scrolling through video for its 360° Langstrasse website, and how you can use it on your site Alexandre Smirnov a web designer and developer who lives and works in Cal­i­for­nia will be showing how to create a jQuery sticky sidebar script.

Today we want to create a template with a fullscreen grid of images and content areas. 20 of the Best Slider Plugins for WordPress. Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Since the emergence of magazine themes, javascript-based sliders have become more commonplace in all types of WordPress themes. They are a great way to showcase featured posts you want to draw people’s attention to… Visit Source About Brant Wilson Brant Wilson is a staff writer for the DesignMag network.

Sliders in Web Design : 45 Creative Examples. Using slideshows or sliders within a web design is an effective method of highlighting your portfolio, projects, ecommerce products or even key site related messages and information. As the current slider trend dictates, they are typically found above the fold on the homepage. For this article, we have found some high quality, beautifully designed and inspirational examples of sliders.

Enjoy :) Backyard Burgers Feeling hungry? Take a look at this website and choose the menu you would like to satisfy your appetite with. Converse A very attractive and dynamic website with loads of creatively designed and interactive slides. Hm Andrei Four beautiful and visually appealing slides that change automatically or you can also change the slide by clicking the small button to view the individual slides. Marcs Design The slides have been incorporated well in this design, giving the impression that they are being browsed with a laptop. Marco Rotoli Boerdam Tea Round App These Are Things Studio XL Themefuse Relogik. 60 Really Cool Wallpapers. Tripwire magazine 60 Really Cool Wallpapers October 23, 2011 · 33 comments by Dustin Betonio Most of the people today would like to change the desktop wallpapers often such that they look cool.Having cool wallpapers for your desktop is something that will definitely liven up your computer.

If you are tired of your dull and boring desktop wallpaper, maybe its about time you replace them. But finding a good wallpaper to display on the screen of your computer is a task in itself. Cool wallpapers gives peace to mind and boost your energy to work more. Lets get hooked to some of the coolest wallpapers in today’s article. Advertisement 60 Really Cool Wallpapers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3D Graphics 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.Winter wolves 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. bleach Did we miss any cool wapapers?

Author : Dustin Betonio Dude these blow so hard. Reply. 25+ jQuery Slider Examples. Hello all web developers, In today’s post, we’ve combined a collection of 25 jQuery slider examples with tutorials and live demos. Whether you’re looking for a jquery image slider, a jquery text slider, a vertical/horizontal jquery slider, a jquery ui slider, a slider that moves along the sidebar, or any other type of jQuery slider you can dream of, this post will have some useful jQuery resources for you. Full list after jump ! #1 Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery.

Tutorial|View Demo #2 Building a jQuery Image Scroller In this tutorial, we’re going to be building an image scroller, making use of jQuery’s excellent animation features and generally having some fun with code. Tutorial|View Demo #3 jCarousel Lite jCarousel Lite is a jQuery plugin that carries you on a carousel ride filled with images and HTML content.

Tutorial|View Demo #4 jQuery Slider Start/Stop Tutorial|View Demo Tutorial|View Demo. 10 Free Online Tools for Web Designers and Developers - Top 10 Free WordPress Plugins to Create Contact Form - Sentenza for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad) Jailbroken & Non-Jailbroken Devices. 16 Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress - Coin Slider: jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Unique Effects. How to Build a Sliding One Page Portfolio with jQuery.


Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion. Wp. Polymaps. Selection de ressources web gratuites. Sélection de ressources web gratuites TextPattern : est un CMS (Content Management System) plutôt dédié aux écrivains, en OpenSource. Développé en PHP & MySQL. Bluefish Editeur de texte basique mais orienté web développement et webdesign. jEdit Autre éditeur de texte pour développeurs. Créé en Java il est multi-palteforme : Windows ; Mac Unix ; VMS. Pêle-mêle : Générer des fonds de pages à rayuresCréer des avatars Créer des onglets Superposer un ruban dans un coin d'une page Web Créer des badgesDes boîtes et menus à onglets Créer des spinners c'est-à-dire une animation destinée à faire patienter le visiteur.Chercher des images sur Flickr par analogie de couleurs RoundedCornr génère le code CSS d'une boîte aux bords arrondis. gestion du gradient ; bordure ; transparence ... 3D-box maker génère une boîte 3D et plaque des images téléchargées sur chaque face.

A suivre ... BgMax - Image de fond ajustée. Script : bgMax v1.1.1langage : javascriptcatégorie : moduleusage : Un background-image toujours adapté aux mesures de la fenêtre du visiteur, avec en prime une apparition en fondu.tags : effets spéciaux - image Concept Une image de fond, quand elle est bien soignée, peut apporter à un site web un bel atout graphique. Hélas, avec la variété croissante des tailles d'écrans, on ne sait jamais dans quelles conditions le visiteur pourra profiter de notre belle image. bgMax permet de pallier ce problème, et d'aller même un peu plus loin. adaptation des mesures de l'image à celles de la fenêtre plusieurs modes d'ajustement apparition de l'image en fondu (optionnel) Intégration Pour commencer, il faut charger le script, en insérant le code suivant entre les balises <head> et </head> de la page : Ensuite, on déclenche l'éffet par un tout petit bout de javascript placé en fin de page, juste avant la balise </body> : <script type=\"text/javascript\"> bgMax.init('dossier/mon-image.jpg'); </script> Options.

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