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Technology. Macbook. ::: ::: Kindle. I New Idea Homepage. 어른들을 위한 장난감 가게. Geek Chic. Cool Tools. Gar's Tips & Tools - Issue #154 Gar’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales is published by Cool Tools Lab.

To receive the newsletter a week early, sign up here. I was thrilled to discover this shout-out from Kevin Kelly in a recent Recomendo. Maker tips: I continue to be impressed by Gar’s Tips & Tools, a newsletter that we co-publish with Gareth Branwyn. Every week Gareth scours the internets and the youtubes to find practical tips for makers of all stripes. I got a big bump in subscribers after this. For years, I saw other people, like my pal Kent Barnes, recommending alignment dots for mindlessly mating a jack to a plug without having to align the exact location or figure out the plug orientation. One of the most-requested projects I get asked about are DIY rolly cabinets for storing portable parts organizer cases, popular among makers. In this thorough video and written guide, Erin St.

I was always a naysayer when it came to pod coffee machines. Reader Chuck writes: