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Want To Raise A Million Bucks? Here’s What You’ll Need. So, you’ve built yourself a nice little product. Maybe you’ve raised a small friends-and-family round; maybe you’re still bootstrappin’ on your own. Either way, now you’re looking to raise at least a million dollars to help with the next steps. While there’s no perfect formula for stuff like this, these stats from AngelList’s Ash Fontana are a pretty good indication of the metrics you should be aiming for. As part of the FirstTuesday startup gathering in Santiago, Chile, this evening, Ash presented a slide outlining some ballpark metrics that startups should aim for before swoopin’ in for a big first round: [Photo Credit: César Salazar of 500Startups] As a Venture Hacker at AngelList, Ash’s job involves poring over tons of deals to try and work out exactly what makes a good deal go down. The bulk of the slide is pretty self-explanatory — just consider each bullet point a sort of theoretical entry bar for companies looking to raise a $1M+ round in a given category.

The Rude Baguette • France's Startup Blog. Daring Fireball. France Integrates With Today, TechCrunch has some big news to share with you: TechCrunch France will finally become part of Launched in 2006 by Michael Arrington and Ouriel Ohayon, TechCrunch France was one of the first tech blogs to take off in France, and its launch marked one of the first steps toward internationalization for the TechCrunch network.

After just two years, TechCrunch France had already reached 1 million readers by 2008. And in 2010, TechCrunch France relaunched after a few months of silence following the departures of Ouriel Ohayon and Alain Ezkenazi. It’s been covering French startup news ever since. France (along with TechCrunch Japan) has always been one of the only countries to have a TechCrunch site available in the local language. This demonstrates the richness of the local ecosystem, but it also eventually complicated the internationalization of content. TechCrunch would like to thank everyone who has participated in the development of TechCrunch France, including: Mac Rumors: Apple Mac iOS Rumors and News You Care About.