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Music. Photography. Politics/Issues. Religion. Research Resources. Science/Nature. Spycraft. Writing. Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide. Lowering the Bar. Poe's Law. Lawyerbots Given the Green Light in the US. How to Tell if Your City is Dying. What happens if you die on a cruise ship? No, I don't think the "rock coat" method is counted in that figure (intentional Patrice O'Neal joke reference).

What happens if you die on a cruise ship?

HAH, i think I remember hearing him use that one on the O&A show a while back when they were making fun of gifts husband would get their wives while on vacation somewhere before getting them drunk and bringing them back to the room with a private balcony. That's the one - his appearance on O&A where he was talking about Jamaican rock coats. The guy was so witty. Seriously. I just watched a thing he did for Comedy Central on Netflix the other night (in which, eery enough, he kind of predicts his own death), and he spends the first half, maybe even all of, the show just talking about the crowd and shooting out just random, totally-couldn't-be-planned, stuff. These Solar-Powered, Floating Island Homes Are a Millionaire's Private Paradise. The Emerald Ace—Japan's Prius of the Sea.

Ocean Marketing: How to self-destruct your company with just a few measly emails [update] Update: A representative for the Avenger Controller (a new one, obviously) has released an official statement regarding Ocean Marketing’s involvement with their product and the actions of Paul Christoforo.

Ocean Marketing: How to self-destruct your company with just a few measly emails [update]

Original story: Strap yourself in, you’re about to witness the most outlandlish PR blunder in video gaming history. And trust me, there have been many… From VentureBeat Customers don’t just get irritated when you screw up cross-channel personalization. They jump ship. Starting earlier this morning with a post on Penny Arcade, co-founder Mike “Gabe” Krahulik brought to light a series of emails between Dave, a customer politely inquiring about the status of his Avenger PlayStation 3 controller order, and Paul Christoforo of Ocean Marketing, the PR lead for the product. I’m going to repost the emails in their entirety, then we’ll continue much, much further down the rabbit hole afterward. Creating The Perfect Pitch. Branding yourself both online and offline will really set up this coming year to be a break through one for your musical career.

To do this you must start with the most fundamental aspect of you as an artist: Two things happened recently to inspire this article. I was out at the Mercury Lounge seeing music and between bands I was standing at the bar talking to some friends and someone handed me a show flyer. I was taken with him immediately, I always appreciate anyone who is self –promoting because its not easy to do and it’s especially not easy to do at a crowded bar on a Wednesday night in downtown Manhattan. So, I looked down at the flyer and my heart sank. Name of artist (name is not mentioned to protect the innocent)

What happened when a 7th grader asked Ronald Reagan to declare his bedroom a federal disaster area. See Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night recreated with 7,000 falling dominoes. That's total apps downloaded, though.

See Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night recreated with 7,000 falling dominoes

That's including games, weather apps, mobile web browsers, and "fart button" apps all in the same statistic. It's impressive, but not terribly useful for gauging how much of a threat mobile phone gaming poses to traditional handhelds. Analysts keep trying to make this argument, but I'm just not convinced. People who want to play Angry Birds and Cut the Rope are a separate demographic from people who want to play Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus; sure, there's some overlap, but I don't think it's nearly as much as the industry talking heads want to believe. How Can I Make My Mornings Less Chaotic and More Productive?

Prepping as much as possible for the next day is really helpful to me.

How Can I Make My Mornings Less Chaotic and More Productive?

Having my pants laid out (I have a lot of stuff on my pants, leatherman, flashlight, two The Clips (one with keys, one with a sea to summit ultra-sil), 6 foot length of rope, blah blah etc. etc.), shirt is easy enough to grab from the closet, as are socks from the dresser. Shoes untied the night before, any breakfast tools left out and ready (pan on the stove for eggs, plate, fork, etc.) breakfast materials in the most easy to grab locations in the fridge. basically trying to shave a few seconds off of every action to get some extra minutes. Also, waking up earlier.

Biggest problem? Forcing myself up earlier. One last thing. » 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better. “Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk Post written by Leo Babauta.

» 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better

Are you simply moving through your day, without fully living? I did this for many years. It was as if life were just passing by, and I was waiting for something to happen. The Art of Complex Problem Solving. How to Prep for a Presentation. How to Determine If A Controversial Statement Is Scientifically True. A small typo: "...Dr.

How to Determine If A Controversial Statement Is Scientifically True

Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Music-Listening Experience. A few things from the article to address: For PC users, Mediamonkey is almost without rival for organizing your files.

Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Music-Listening Experience

It tags album art and other metadata straight from Amazon. One click. Even if you prefer to use another player, at least try MM as an organizer. Secondly, the suggestion of a USB DAC is spot-on. Fine - three things: Get some actual speakers. Also, there is no shame in using lossless or lossy. Top 10 Fixes for Life's Daily Annoyances. Top 10 Cellphone Accessories You Don't Need to Buy (Because You Can DIY Them for Cheap) Building Maker - Create 3D buildings online. Crowdsourcing. Human Culture. Arduino. Zombies.


Design. Futurism. Grinnell.