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- meomi cloud house - Catching Up With Jolie Holland :: Music :: Features. On her fourth studio album Pint of Blood, Jolie Holland evokes the emotional depth and rawness of her musical heroes, including the Velvet Underground and Neil Young. Channeling the likes of these influential musicians has done wonders for the singer-songwriter—as her rugged vocals, honest lyrics and beautiful simplicity give her newest album a subtle yet poignant power.

Since finishing Pint of Blood, Holland traveled the West Coast, from Los Angeles to Seattle, on a radio show tour. She played with three different bands, including several musicians from Sallie Ford & the Sound Outside, and even recorded an album with them. Back in Brooklyn after the West Coast tour, Holland took the time to chat with Paste about Lou Reed, her Texas roots and her struggle to find good, authentic Mexican food in New York City. Paste: Your album Pint of Blood has been streaming on our website for the past week or so. Paste: Tell me more about the album. What was the production process like? iGoogle. Pirates of the Caribbean 4: A Film-Inspired Cocktail With Rum. White supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller, arrested in three killings Sunday, turned white opportunist when facing decades in prison, testifying against his fellow haters in two trials.

A quarter-century before he was charged with Sunday’s three hate murders outside Kansas City, Frazier Glenn Miller figured prominently in a triple hate homicide in North Carolina. People intimately familiar with the earlier case say Miller, founder of a Ku Klux Klan chapter and a white political party, should have been a prime suspect in those killings, as well. Instead Miller became a star witness in both that murder trial and in a sedition case against 13 fellow white supremacists. Miller had proved himself to be not so much a white supremacist as a white opportunist when he found himself facing decades in prison on weapons charges in 1987. He has said that a lead prosecutor threatened to pile on individual sentences on various charges until they totaled 200 years. Miller made a deal for just five years. iGoogle. iGoogle. Giant Robot Blogs / Martin Wong. Martin Hsu, friend of Giant Robot, talented artist, toy designer, animator, and world traveler just visited the ultimate Totoro fan’s dream house and has given us all a virtual tour!

Satsuki and Mei’s house was painstakingly built as a real-life replica of the house that is very much a Miyazaki character, as part of EXPO 2005 in Nagoya. The theme of the Expo was “Nature’s Wisdom”, and what Studio Ghibli film captures that theme in the most open and accessible way than My Neighbor Totoro? I adore the way that Martin went through the house and shared it with us, even including dramatic re-enactments of scenes from the film. Most awesome re-enactment still goes to Tiny Iron Fists though… total commitment. Dig in to Martin’s tour, and then re-watch the movie for the millionth time to bring it all home.

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