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To Tug the Heartstrings, Music Must First Tickle the Brain “The song has that triplet going on underneath that pushes it along, and at a certain point I wanted it to stop because the story suddenly turns very serious,” Mr. Simon said in an interview. “The stopping of sounds and rhythms,” he added, “it’s really important, because, you know, how can I miss you unless you’re gone? If you just keep the thing going like a loop, eventually it loses its power.” An insight like this may seem purely subjective, far removed from anything a scientist could measure. Public Data Sets on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Click here for the detailed list of available data sets. Here are some examples of popular Public Data Sets: NASA NEX: A collection of Earth science data sets maintained by NASA, including climate change projections and satellite images of the Earth's surfaceCommon Crawl Corpus: A corpus of web crawl data composed of over 5 billion web pages1000 Genomes Project: A detailed map of human genetic variation Google Books Ngrams: A data set containing Google Books n-gram corpusesUS Census Data: US demographic data from 1980, 1990, and 2000 US CensusesFreebase Data Dump: A data dump of all the current facts and assertions in the Freebase system, an open database covering millions of topics

Audioboo Welcome to Audioboo It's fantastic for many things: interviews for your website, wonderful ambient sounds, music you've made, your children growing up, even a full-on radio show. You can use it for reporting, storytelling, education, as an online dictaphone, or just to let friends know what you're up to. Audioboo works on iOS and Android devices or via the web, and soon blackberry and windows 8. The Top 100 Items to Disappear First by Mr. Smashy Survival Cache You could also call this “The Top 100 Things You should start stocking up on.” Even if you don’t need more than 2 (you should always have 2 of everything) each item on this list will be great for bartering. This list was discussed and chosen by the members of No Particular Order. Great Alternatives Search Engines That Are Unknown to Many Other than the big four: Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask, how many search engines do you know? One? Two? Five? Or Ten?

Why open data & the arts are natural partners #openarts - Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab In the run up to Culture Hackday, this is the latest post in our series on open data & the arts. Following on from Ben’s excellent introduction to what open data actually is (and isn’t), here we will start to articulate a vision for where this all might go. Clay Shirky, the renowned commentator on all things digital, has two phrases that I really like. The first is that technology doesn’t become socially useful until it becomes boring.

Amazon Architecture This is a wonderfully informative Amazon update based on Joachim Rohde's discovery of an interview with Amazon's CTO. You'll learn about how Amazon organizes their teams around services, the CAP theorem of building scalable systems, how they deploy software, and a lot more. Many new additions from the ACM Queue article have also been included. Amazon grew from a tiny online bookstore to one of the largest stores on earth. They did it while pioneering new and interesting ways to rate, review, and recommend products. Greg Linden shared is version of Amazon's birth pangs in a series of blog articles

10 Most Zen-Friendly Websites to Keep You Calm and Productive at Work Do you feel like you can no longer cope with the stress of meeting your deadlines? Does the lack of concentration stop you from focusing on your goals? Are you stuck or stressed out? Then put your headphones on. Try using some of the most Zen-friendly websites on offer that really work wonders for keeping your cool in the workplace.

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