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LINQ for C++ - Home. LearnStreet - Coding Starts Here. Openstreetmap in postgres. I was chatting with Sha this weekend about how to get data out of OpenStreetMap and into a database, and realized that it’s possible no one’s really explained a full range of current options in the past few years. Like a lot of things with OSM, information about this topic is plentiful but rarely collected in one place, and often consists of half-tested theories, rumors, and trace amounts of accurate fact based on personal experience earned in a hurry while at the point of loaded yak.

At first glance, OSM data and Postgres (specifically PostGIS) seem like a natural, easy fit for one another: OSM is vector data, PostGIS stores vector data. OSM has usernames and dates-modified, PostGIS has columns for storing those things in tables. OSM is a worldwide dataset, PostGIS has fast spatial indexes to get to the part you want. There are three basic tools for working with OSM data, and they fall along a continuum from raw data on one end to render-ready map linework on the other. (ob. Osmosis. Online Python Tutor - Learn programming by visualizing code execution. Try Clojure. Native Client.

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