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A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. A Simple Component React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display.

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

This example uses an XML-like syntax called JSX. Input data that is passed into the component can be accessed by render() via this.props. JSX is optional and not required to use React. Try clicking on "Compiled JS" to see the raw JavaScript code produced by the JSX compiler. Live JSX Editor Compiled JS A Stateful Component In addition to taking input data (accessed via this.props), a component can maintain internal state data (accessed via this.state). An Application Using props and state, we can put together a small Todo application.

A Component Using External Plugins React is flexible and provides hooks that allow you to interface with other libraries and frameworks. Input Type some *markdown* here! Output. AppsBuilder - Create cross-platform apps - Do-it-yourself Mobile App Maker for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, BlackBerry 10, Chrome Web Store and HTML 5 WebApp. CodeVisually - Web Developer Resources & Tools. Meteor. Node.js. PHP for Beginners: Building Your First Simple CMS. The Magic of PHP + MySQL It’s safe to say that nearly every website that’s up-to-date these days is using some form of content management system (CMS).

PHP for Beginners: Building Your First Simple CMS

While there are a ton of great free options that provide us with a CMS to power a website (WordPress, Drupal, etc.), it doesn’t hurt to peek under the hood and get a feel for how these systems work. To get our feet wet as back-end developers, we’ll be creating a simple PHP class that will: Create a databaseConnect to a databaseDisplay a form with two fieldsSave the form data in the databaseDisplay the saved data from the database Download Files This class is intended to give you a feel for how PHP and MySQL interact together, and to show the basics of a CMS. Building the Class Our first step is to simply lay out the class in a file named ‘simpleCMS.php’ so we have a road map to work with.

As you can see, we’re creating one class with four variables and five methods. The Variables Build the Database Connect to the Database Build the Form <! <? Titanium, the leading mobile platform of choice for thousands of companies seizing the mobile opportunity. Hot Scripts - The net's largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection and resource web portal. Codrops. 12 Mac Apps for Running a Freelance Business. Running a freelance business requires you to be an expert at everything – from communicating with clients to meticulously tracking your time and expenses.

12 Mac Apps for Running a Freelance Business

Doing all this manually can be dramatically time consuming, and it’s easy to make mistakes – nobody is perfect. Fortunately there are a range of Mac applications which can lend a hand and assist in the day to day running and organizing of your business. This overview will focus on two key areas: Invoicing, Accounting & Time Tracking – Tools to ensure that you’re on top of finances and invoicing, whilst devoting most of your time to work you enjoyOrganization & Utilities – Applications for managing thoughts, research and speeding up the day-to-day use of your Mac Invoicing, Accounting & Time Tracking Billings 3 Billings Billings allows you to manage clients, projects and time within a simple and well integrated interface.

Price: $39.99 Requires: Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later Developer: Market Circle Money Money On The Job On The Job Billable Billable. 10 Most Sought-after Skills in Web Development. In a time of economic crisis, web developers and freelancers everywhere have started chewing their fingernails.

10 Most Sought-after Skills in Web Development

However, no matter how bad the economy worsens, there will always be work in certain booming fields of web development. As the moderator of the Freelance Switch job board, there are certain types of jobs that are constantly in demand. Here are the 10 skills that are or will be in highest demand for developers. If you are proficient in these skills, you'll be in a great position to find work and weather any economic downturn. 1. It seems that frameworks are one of the next big things. 2. Widgets have changed how web development has been done in the past couple of years.

Widget development requires knowing Javascript and/or flash, not to mention knowledge of the regular language that the parent site is built in. 3. 10 Social Networks for Developers. Though the stereotipical developer might be a socially awkward geek, developers are among the most active users of social networks.

10 Social Networks for Developers

They usually prefer sites that are community-driven and focus on quality content. Social networks are a great place for developers to learn from colleages, contact clients, find solution to problems and resources, and improve their own skills.In this post we compiled 10 of the most used and useful social networks for developers. There are other lots of other great ones out there, so feel free to share your favorites in the comment section. HTML5 Rocks HTML5 Rocks is an open source project from Google. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. (1) Your Notifications.