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40 maps that explain the internet. The internet increasingly pervades our lives, delivering information to us no matter where we are.

40 maps that explain the internet

It takes a complex system of cables, servers, towers, and other infrastructure, developed over decades, to allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family so effortlessly. Here are 40 maps that will help you better understand the internet — where it came from, how it works, and how it's used by people around the world. How the internet was created Before the internet, there was the ARPANET Before the internet, there was the ARPANETARPANET, the precursor to the modern internet, was an academic research project funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the military known for funding ambitious research projects without immediate commercial or military applications.

Initially, the network only connected the University of Utah with three research centers in California. The internet around the world Threats to the internet. «Datalagringsdirektivet» avslørte abort, sykdom og våpenkjøp. Tallene du skal ta med en klype salt. Tagboard. Is Facebook Testing ‘Trending Now’ News Feed Posts? Digital Content, Digital Advertising, Digital Marketing. Dette er de nye nettimperiene.

What inner city kids know about social media, and why we should listen — I.M.H.O. I know which of my teenage students smokes weed in the park after class on Fridays, and which other students are with him.

What inner city kids know about social media, and why we should listen — I.M.H.O.

I know which ones are struggling with making friends in their first few weeks at college, and which ones aren’t. I know which of my students chafe against overly strict parents on a regular basis. I know which one spends every weekend in the hospital due to a chronic condition. I know which ones got arrested last night. The Benefits Of Your Company Getting On Twitter Everyday. Twitter has quickly become a key aspect for business marketing and brand building.

The Benefits Of Your Company Getting On Twitter Everyday

Since Twitter is real-time, there is something happening during every second of the day. If you don’t use Twitter at least once a day, there can be a lot to get caught up on by the next morning. Screw virality! Antisocial networks are on the rise. By Sarah Lacy On September 23, 2013 I’ve compared Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates before.

Screw virality! Antisocial networks are on the rise

It’s both a flattering and unflattering comparison. The parallels aren’t perfect, but both men have built huge and defensible businesses by commanding monopoly-like positions in our digital lives. Social Media Tools. Digital and Social Media Marketing. Social Media. Grow a social business starting with Twitter - oneforty. Min viktigste nyhetskilde - Medienorge - fakta om norske massemedier - statistikkmeny.

IACP Center for Social Media > Resources > Fun Facts. Small Business and Social Media. Bruken av sosiale medier er fortsatt stigende i Norge. Like under 3 millioner av Norges befolkning har nå profil på Facebook, og over halvparten er innom Facebook hver eneste dag!

Bruken av sosiale medier er fortsatt stigende i Norge

Twitter Tips. Who Uses Twitter? Young, Affluent, Educated Non-White Males, Suggests Data [STUDY] Vato Co. Digital Creative Agency. It’s a little sad that so many people in 2013 still don’t understand what a hashtag is and how it works.

Vato Co. Digital Creative Agency

Hopefully this blog article will help put an end to the fact that you radiate stupidity everytime you post something. Helt ute på tasta-tur - VG Nett om Mads A. Andersen kommenterer. Is Freedom of Tweet a Right or a Wrong? InShare110 Twitter and Facebook are under fire for the role each platform plays in unknowingly tolerating flagrant hate-fueled, public-facing obscenity and outright threats.

Is Freedom of Tweet a Right or a Wrong?

Twitter was targeted as the result of an advocate for honoring women on British currency was deluged with sickening rape threats. Facebook too has been criticized for its molasses-like pace for contending with hate posts and groups. In the case of Twitter, its UK branch reaffirmed its position against hate by publishing a post that acknowledged complaints and also introduced new mechanisms for flagging offending posts. 200 aplicaciones gratis de gestión para el Community Manager.

7 Hot Community Jobs at UNICEF, Uber and More. Unemployed, underemployed or somewhere in between?

7 Hot Community Jobs at UNICEF, Uber and More

The Mashable Job Board is here to help. Since 2005, Mashable has been dedicated to providing the hottest digital, social and tech news to our readership of 25 million and counting. Top companies know you excel in the digital world, so they come to Mashable to find the best and brightest minds. New jobs — including ones exclusive to us — are added every day to the Mashable Job Board. Take a look. Below, we've gathered seven recently posted community positions. Position: Digital StrategistCompany: UNICEFLocation: New York, N.Y. Social Media. What to Share Using Social Media, and Social Media Etiquette. When using social media, there are general etiquette tips you should follow.

What to Share Using Social Media, and Social Media Etiquette

Just like in real-life, you don’t want to become known as that jerk who just doesn’t have a filter. Instead, follow these tips, and you’ll understand how to properly use social media accounts. Too Much Information Shouldn’t Be Shared Have you ever heard of the acronym TMI? 11 Chrome Extensions to Improve Your Social Media Experience.

If there's one thing that ties all your digital experiences together, it's your browser — let's presume it's Chrome.

11 Chrome Extensions to Improve Your Social Media Experience

Maybe you use it on mobile in addition to desktop. Social Media Tip: How To Use Hashtags. Socially Stephanie: LinkedIn Best Practices. Dear Socially Stephanie, How to Write Press Releases: Best Practices for Content That Can B... Nye versus gamle medier. — Brukertest - fokus på målgruppe og usability. Når popularitet kan telles.