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Humanizar La Bestia. Mystic World of Natalie Shau. Imágenes Provocar Característica cuerpos desnudos entrelazados, expresar la verdad, Distortion. RobotSpaceBrain. This monument, authored by sculptor Miodrag Živković, commemorates the Battle of Sutjeska, one of the bloodiest battles of World War II in the former Yugoslavia.


Antwerp-based photographer Jan Kempenaers traveled throughout former-Yugoslavia to capture thousands of old monuments commemorating the the Second World War. The structures are called “Spomeniks” and were commissioned by former dictator Josep Tito in the 1960s and 1970s. “Tito couldn’t erect figures or busts in honour of generals because he didn’t want to be seen to be favouring any ethnic group, for example a Bosnian general or a Serb war hero, so instead they made these things that didn’t refer to people,” Kempenaers told The Guardian. Ostra Kruševo – “The Kruševo Makedonium monument in Macedonia was dedicated to the Ilinden Uprising of 1903, when the Macedonian population revolted against the Ottoman Empire.” Kosmaj – “The Kosmaj monument in Serbia is dedicated to soldiers of the Kosmaj Partisan detachment from World War II.”

iGNANT. Inspiriert von prägenden Filmemachern wie Wim Wenders und Andrey Tarkovsky, betrachtet der brasilianische Künstler Lucas Simões die Beschaffenheit des filmischen Frames präzise aus fotografischer Perspektive.


In seinen installativen ‘quasi cinemas’ interessiert ihn besonders, wie die Filmkamera in wenigen klaren Einstellungen Bewegung erzeugt und unsere Vorstellungskraft anspielt. Dynamik entsteht nicht allein zwischen den Bildern. Looks como la buena fotografía por Marc Erwin Babej. Pero que flote. Marcianos — Entretenimiento, Humor, Ocio, Videos, Imágenes, Famosas, Revista H, Juegos. Primera cabina de fotos 3D del mundo imprime figuras en miniatura personales. Nov 12, 2012 world's first 3D photo booth prints personal miniature figures personal action figures conceived using a 3D printing photo booth aiming to replace the ubiquitous photobooth, japanese omote 3D have conceived a limited edition pop-up installation at the eye of gyre exhibition, that reproduces personal detailed miniature action figures. ranging from 10 to 20 centimetres in height, the system utilizes a three-dimensional camera and printerto process and scan users, creating custom scale reproductions. the three-step procedure requires the user to keep still for 15 minutes while the scanners capture the data. from left to right: couples photo in scale, detail of the print resolution scale printed model with dramatic pose printed figurines show in grey and full color.

primera cabina de fotos 3D del mundo imprime figuras en miniatura personales

Identidad de Fruitaway, POR Alxstudio - Cosas Visuales. Arte de Naoto Hattori : Antidepresivo. Animación, inspiración, cultura, cartelera, videos y workshop. Arte y Animación. Io9 - Venimos del futuro. Still Life by Petter Johansson for Atelier Food. Stockholm-based art director Petter Johansson partnered with Swedish food lab Atelier Food to create a tasty still life made of—you guessed it—food.

Still Life by Petter Johansson for Atelier Food

Laid out on a grid in a colorful array of delicious towers of yumminess, the foodscapes almost look like three-dimensional city maps. The project aims to represent Atelier Food’s connection between food and society, incorporating a playfulness to help bring food together with sustainability, energy, culture, urban development, and transportation.

More on the project: The project also link chefs with artists, designers, scientists and business developers. Together they seek global solutions and innovation through cooking, food labs and discussions. Nueva Revista de Arte Contemporáneo. Looks like good Papercraft by INK Studio and others. Illustration. Creadictos - Tu dosis diaria de creatividad e inspiracion. OracleTalk - difusión de la conciencia. Murphy en el diseño gráfico. El Arsenal / Diario Digital » Administrado y hecho por periodistas, bloggers y ciudadanos. DETALLE diaria - la arquitectura y el diseño del blog. Muji: Getting the most out of a tiny plot All photos: Muji The Japanese Muji design label enjoys success with its minimalist products all over the world.

DETALLE diaria - la arquitectura y el diseño del blog

Now the first Muji prefab house has been completed in Tokyo. Read more Trompe-l’œil: Street Art by Pejac in Istanbul All photos: Julian Santiago Spanish street artist Pejac has mastered the art of illusion. Read more Rounded corners: Kindergarten by COBE Photo: Adam Mørk The new Forfatterhuset kindergarten in Copenhagen, designed by the Danish architects COPE in cooperation with the landscape architecture studio PK3 and engineering firm D.A.I., is characterized by its rounded shapes.

Read more Richard Neutra: The undiscovered furniture designer Lovell Easy Chair (1929), Low Organic Table (1945), and Cantilever Chair Wood (1942) form Neutra Furniture Collection His light-flooded houses are icons of the International style. Read more Honeycomb: The Formstelle Pavilion. Pixelatl. DI LUCES: El LED exteriores de la Confederación de la Industria Danesa en Copenhague. Create a Fantasy Storybook Illustration. Good storybook illustrators know how to tap into a child’s imagination. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a fantasy storybook illustration that depicts a child riding a pet spider. This tutorial includes both written and video content. Let’s get started! Speed Painting Video 1. Step 1 For this tutorial we will use the basic round brush in combination with a graphics tablet. 2. Create a New File by going to File > New (Command/Ctrl/Ctrl + N). Step 2. Incendia Tu MenteGamma. Dessignare - Arte Visual, Diseño y Animación. Houke de Kwant. Punto Geek cumple 7 años.

Blog Creativo. Festival de cine tiene un espacio para Vine entre sus categorías.