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NOTCOT.ORG. Behance Network :: Gallery. The Design Cubicle. LogoPond - Identity Inspiration - The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010 - Smashing Magazine. DeviantART: where ART meets application! Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials. Best Web Gallery - Flash + CSS Gallery. The Best Designs - The Best Flash and CSS Web Design Gallery. Kuler.

Noupe. Inspiration - Smashing Magazine. Rethink Scholarship at Langara 2010 Call for Entries. Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ::: Pink Tentacle. Here is a collection of sci-fi illustrations by the prolific Shigeru Komatsuzaki (1915-2001), whose fantastic work appeared on plastic model kit boxes and in magazines and picture books in the 1960s to 1970s.

Click the "+" under each image for a larger view. The Missiler, 1970 [+] Giant Shocker Machine, 1975 [+] Space colony, 1980 [+] Crawler, 1968 [+] Mobile marine airport, 1980 [+] Tokyo volcano, ca. 1965 Attack Boy, 1970 [+] Undersea super tunnel, 1981 [+] SHADO-mobile, ca. 1970 [+] UFO, ca. 1970 [+] Solar City, 1982 [+] Thunderbird 1, 1964 [+] Thunderbird 2, 1964 [+] Thunderbird 3, 1964 [+] Thunderbird ships, 1964 [+] Rikishi Boy, 1970 [+] Frog car boat, 1961 [+] Baron car boat, 1961 [+] Highway rescue boat, 1981 [+] Space train, 1981 Moon bus [+] Air car [+] HariHari, 1970 [+] Sea monster battle, 1954 [+] The Mole (Jet-Mogura Tank), 1968 [+] Thunderbird 6 - Sky-Ship 1, 1968 [+] Thunderbird Mars Explorer - Zero X, 1967 [+] Proteus Bluebird CN7, 1963 [+] Long John - Spirit of America, 1963 [+]