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Phone Book Data Design on the Behance Network. Three Years of Kickstarter Projects - Graphic. Cartographie holographique ! Voxe. S Global Growth Infographic. 27 Visualizations and Infographics to Understand the Financial Crisis. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If there's anything good that has come out of the financial crisis it's the slew of high-quality graphics to help us understand what's going on. Some visualizations attempt to explain it all while others focus on affected business. Others concentrate on how we, as citizens are affected. Some show those who are responsible. After you examine these 27 visualizations and infographics, no doubt you'll have a pretty good idea about what's going on. Visual Guides to the Financial Crisis Let's start things off with some comprehensive guides to the financial crisis. 2008 Financial Crisis by Carolyn Aler and Sam Conway A Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis by Jess Bachman Jess from WallStats put this together for the Mint blog.

The Global Finanical Crisis by Cypher 13 Where Did All the Money Go? From Feliciano Rahardjo Looks like the beginning of a comic book. A Closer Look at the Global Financial Crisis by Liam Johnstone The Global Money Mess by Karen Ong. Should I Work for Free? How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time. I admit it. When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Boy was I wrong. Rock-paper-scissors isn't just a silly game kids play or a way to decide who has to be the designated driver at parties. This is serious stuff. Males have a tendency to throw rock on their first try, inexperienced RPS players will subconsciously deliver the item that won previously, and paper is thrown least often, so use it as a surprise.

The Joy of Stats available in its entirety. Infographies de papier… mais en volume et interactives. Bonjour et bon début de semaine à vous, Allez, on commence la semaine avec des affiches superbes ! Ce travail dépasse la simple affiche car c’est, chaque mois, une affiche basée sur une visualisation de données en volume, en papier et souvent interactive ! Le travail de la typographie n’est pas non plus à plaindre, le tout est ludique et élégant à la fois… voici un aperçu de ces créations epoustouflantes. images Ce travail est vraiment un modèle et questionne notamment le processus de conception et de l’exploration tactile grâce à la fabrication d’objets physiques. Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser: Data Points: An Overview of the Euro Crisis. MahiFX. Envisioning the future of technology — by Michell Zappa.