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Business Model Tools

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Board of Innovation - International office in business model innovation. Business Model Generation. Mapping Business Models (a Knowledge Game) Mapping out a business model with a group of people is like playing a game.

Mapping Business Models (a Knowledge Game)

That's what I came to realize when my friend and leading visual thinker, Dave Gray, introduced me to his new project called Knowledge Games. I was instantly fascinated by the project, because it is extremely relevant for anybody who wants to understand how creative work is starting to be organized in today's organizations. Yet, most interestingly, the Knowledge Games project is utterly practical, since it aims to outline a series of games designed to help you get more innovative, creative results in your work. The authors of the project, Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo are on the best path towards creating the next reference guide for the creative business professional and business innovator. The metaphor of games refers to the most natural of human mechanisms of exploring the world: games & play.