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The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2015. Stock Market & Financial Markets Overview. International financial statistics. European Central Bank home page. IFRS. International Federation of Accountants | Accounting & Auditing Standards | International Accounting | IFAC. PwC: Building relationships, creating value. CEO insights blog <a href=" RSS feed</a> Global Annual Review 2013 Our people: Leadership at all levels Inspiring a movement of trust: Reporting and assurance for the 21st century Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013 What's driving the future?

Empowering the enterprise: Advisory in turbulent times Building a strong network: corporate responsibility Global taxation reform: Why a new world economy needs a new tax system Dennis Nally interview on our progress in FY2013 PwC's Chairman Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande US /Global Advisory TICE leader discuss FY13 progress. Find out more What's driving the future? Dennis Nally and Mohamed Kande discuss five key megatrends: Demographic change, the shift in global economic power, accelerating urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change, and technological breakthroughs.

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