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Powerful routines for the one iPad classroom. If you only have access to one or two mobile devices in your classroom, you’re going to love these ideas for how to really make the most of them! Karen Sabados is our guest blogger, and she’s taught elementary school for over ten years. Much of that time has been spent with first graders and third graders. She graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education and an endorsement in Reading.

She currently lives and works in Illinois, where she earned her Reading Specialist Degree. While some classrooms are lucky enough to have iPads available for each student, many classrooms only have one or two. Choosing a strategy for iPad use and teaching routines/expectations The most important piece of advice is to start slowly. I recommend starting with using the iPad in whole group instruction or in student-led small groups. Using a single iPad in whole group instruction Using a single iPad in student-led small groups.

MIT Students Debate the Value of iPads in the Classroom - EdTech Researcher. This is the time of year where I have the great pleasure of teaching an education class to undergraduates at MIT. We address two questions during the semester: "What's worth learning? " and "How do we know that students are learning what's worth learning? " Most weeks, we have an online discussion about current events in education. This week, students chose to examine an article on a school district that just committed to a district-wide 1-1 iPad program. Their responses are characteristically thoughtful, and here are a few of their perspectives. We'll be discussing this during our class meeting Wednesday at 2:30, so leave a comment or tweet a response (@bjfr) by then, and I'll make sure the students get it.

For Individuals not Groups As I said above, individual iPads for each student create barriers in the classroom. While I'm against the idea of having iPads in the classroom, I'm not opposed to using them outside the classroom. Great Resources on how to Use iPad in The Classroom. After reading Teacher's Best iPad Resources you might be searching for some practical ideas on how to use iPad in education.Well we have answers to your queries. E ducational Technology and Mobile Learning has compiled a great list about how teachers use iPad in classroom and education. I have personally bookmarked and read all of these resources, and being myself a teacher and educator, I can not but highly recommend these reads for you. These are articles that have been featured in teachers blogs and online newspapers. Upon reading these samples here, you will have an idea about how some teachers use iPad in their classroom. 1- Top 7 Guides on how to Use iPad in Classroom 2- How to Set Up Class iPad Touch Devices 3- iPad in The Classroom Transforms The Learning Process 4- A Day in The Life of The iPad Classroom 5- 5 Ways Readers are Using iPad in The Classroom 6- Ushering iPad into The Classroom 7- The iTouch and iPad in The Classroom 8- 14 Smart Tips for Using iPads in The Class.

iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with..... The iPad vs. the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. As much as I love the iPad, iPhone, and iOS, I have to admit that I have become intrigued by some of the new and exciting features offered by some of the competing Android phones and tablets. I do appreciate how easy iOS is to learn, use, and set up. I still feel that iOS is the most user friendly mobile operating system and is still the operating system I would recommend to family members and friends. I think iOS is especially a good choice for those who are new to smartphones and tablets. However, I sometimes wish for some of the more advanced features now being offered on some Android phones and tablets such as an integrated stylus, the ability to run multiple apps on the screen at once, and all the neat things that you can do with live widgets on your app screen and lock screen.

I made the decision to go and see for myself if the grass was greener on the Android side. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 I purchased the white 16GB version for my comparison with the iPad. App Multitasking. Is it the iPad, the apps or the user? Technology has been trying to ‘revolutionize’ education for a long time now. The mistake we’ve been making all along is placing all of the focus on the least important component of the revolution – the tech itself. It’s where all the money goes and then what? Nothing left to actually ensure it’s going to make the difference we want, with the the people we want to impact – the teacher and the student.

It’s happened all throughout education tech history in recent times. The film projector, the photocopier, the typewriter, the desktop and laptop computer, data projectors, interactive whiteboards, digital cameras were all heavily invested in ( and many still are today ) to bring engagement and improved teaching and learning to the educational world….But talk of the revolution is still going on.

And now we have the tablet. It’s why I ask the question: Is it the iPad, the App or the User? The iPad What is it about the iPad that has enamoured so many in the Education World? The Apps The User. ePub Maker - Descargar. Trimble SketchUp. Sigil - The EPUB Editor. How the iPad Can Transform Classroom Learning.

The micro-computer revolution of the 80's radically improved how teachers and schools carry on the business of learning. We now have iPads in classrooms that will not only improve it, but it has the potential to change the business of learning in schools. The question is, "Are teachers ready to adjust their teaching for this new learning revolution? " I have just become principal of a school that will be participating in this revolution this year. The ninth- and tenth-graders will be all receiving iPads. Aside from the obvious technical challenges, the real challenge I see will be to assure that this sizable investment will take student learning to the next level. Computers allowed students to word process rather than type, to do media presentations instead of show and tell, to find information on the Internet instead of encyclopedias, and to graph data electronically instead of with magic markers.

In the Classroom Let's imagine a math class full of geometry students with iPads. Teaching With Tablets. Stephanie Hedge is a graduate student in the Department of English at Ball State University. You can follow her on twitter at @slhedge. I love my iPad. I bought it this summer, and it’s still new enough that sometimes I just sit there, stroking the burnished metal of the back, and marveling about how neat it is to live in the future.

One of the most awesome things about this tech, for me, is the fundamental ways it has infiltrated my teaching style. When I teach, I use my iPad pretty exclusively, from lesson planning to classroom management to grading, and it has done a serious number on the way I think about being a teacher in the dawning age of ubiquitous digital technology. This post offers a brief defense for teaching with tablet technology and hacks for getting the most out of your tablets as an instructor. Why use tablets to teach? Tablets are mobile within the classroom. Tablets remove the barrier of the screen from between me and my students. Tablets support digital conversations. Classroom Tablet Management SOLVED by TabPilot. Wishing all of you who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy well.

I am in the Boston area and we were very lucky here, only losing power for 10-12 hours. It did affect my blogging schedule, so apologies to my regular readers for the delay… For well over a year now I’ve been talking to teachers and administrators about transitioning to tablet use in their classrooms. The most consistent concern that I hear about, both nationally and internationally, is about the ability to “lock down” tablets, only allowing students to have access to what we want them to be doing in class. Whether the access is narrow or broad, the universal desire seems to be for the teacher to have control over it, thereby increasing the likelihood that students are staying on task and minimizing the probability that kids are out surfing the web and getting into things that they shouldn’t be.

So it’s a problem, right? 1. 2. 3. Student Interface Try it, I did, and it works. Like this: Like Loading... iPad Academy - Learn How to Use the iPad | Tutorials, Tips & Training. 12 Characteristics Of An iPad-Ready Classroom. Implementing iPads isn’t exactly a just-add-water proposition. While they’re wondrous little devices capable of enchanting learners for hours, to get the learning results you’re likely after will take planning, design, and reflection. It can help to start out by asking yourself some important questions, such as “What can the iPad do that is not possible without it? Put another way, what problems does the iPad solve?” But the learning environment you’re starting with can make a big difference as well.

It’s one thing to come up with individual lesson plans high on the wiz-bang factor, but low in terms of sustainability. Below are 4 distinct areas of instruction and instructional design that can help frame the concept of iPad integration. There is more to the conversation, but rather than overwhelm you (not that you couldn’t handle it), it seemed better to simply start your thinker.