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Maltego 3. Data Visualization, Link Analysis, Social Network Analysis (SNA) Software: Sentinel Visualizer Product Information. Empowering the demanding needs of intelligence analysts, law enforcement, investigators, researchers, and information workers, Sentinel Visualizer is the next generation data visualization and analysis solution for your big data. With cutting edge features and best-of-breed usability, Sentinel Visualizer provides you with insight into patterns and trends hidden in your data.

Its database driven data visualization platform lets you quickly see multi-level links among entities and model different relationship types. Advanced drawing and redrawing features generate optimized views to highlight the most important entities. Social Network Analysis (SNA) metrics reveal the most interesting suspects in complex webs. With advanced filtering, squelching, weighted relationship types, shortest path analysis, timelines, and integrated geospatial features, Sentinel Visualizer helps you maximize the value of your data. Product Highlights Link Analysis Turn rows and columns into visual data. Social Network Analysis (SNA) Software with Sentinel Visualizer. Degree Centrality Degree centrality is simply the number of direct relationships that an entity has. An entity with high degree centrality: Is generally an active player in the network.

Is often a connector or hub in the network. In our example network diagram above, Alice has the highest degree centrality, which means that she is quite active in the network. Betweenness Centrality Betweenness centrality identifies an entity's position within a network in terms of its ability to make connections to other pairs or groups in a network. Holds a favored or powerful position in the network. In the example above, Rafael has the highest betweenness because he is between Alice and Aldo, who are between other entities. Closeness Closeness centrality measures how quickly an entity can access more entities in a network.

Has quick access to other entities in a network. Eigenvalue Eigenvalue measures how close an entity is to other highly close entities within a network. Hub and Authority Going Further. The Next Generation Software for Social Network Analysis (SNA), Data Visualization, and Link Analysis. Social network analysis software. Social network analysis software (SNA software) is software which facilitates quantitative or qualitative analysis of social networks, by describing features of a network either through numerical or visual representation. Overview[edit] Some SNA software can perform predictive analysis.[5] This includes using network phenomena such as a tie to predict individual level outcomes (often called peer influence or contagion modeling), using individual-level phenomena to predict network outcomes such as the formation of a tie/edge (often called homophily models[6]) or particular type of triad, or using network phenomena to predict other network phenomena, such as using a triad formation at time 0 to predict tie formation at time 1.

Network analysis software generally consists of either packages based on graphical user interfaces (GUIs), or packages built for scripting/programming languages. GUI packages are easier to learn, while scripting tools are more powerful and extensible. See also[edit] Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software. Cytoscape: An Open Source Platform for Complex-Network Analysis and Visualization.