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Old Earth Creationism

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TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. RationalWiki. The Bible, Genesis and Geology. Theistic Evolution - Faith and Science are Compatible. Creation, Evolution and Adam. Exploring Genesis of the Bible, to Determine the Historical, Scientific and Theological Aspects of the Origins of the Universe, Ancient Man and the Flood of Noah. Hello, my name is Ed and I welcome you to this web site and I hope that you enjoy your visit. The purpose for these pages is to examine the creation/evolution controversy in a slightly different light. I am a Christian of evangelical persuasion who is seeking to understand the truth of both science and the Bible.

I do hope that my journey has taught me to be more objective and open minded. I pray for God's help, and I pray that all those who have been dogmatic on these issues would please - carefully investigate the so-called opposition. The dilemma resides in our understanding of the methods and purpose of God's creation as explained in the book of Genesis. My goal is simply to create an awareness that there is more than one answer to our queries without wandering from orthodoxy.

Home Pages. Dino & Bible Don't Mix. Faith & Reason Ministries. Accuracy in Genesis, NEW Perspectives affirming Biblical Creation Record, New Scriptual Biblical Creation Genesis Research studies. God, Genesis and the big bang. In Celebration of Psalm Nineteen: God's handiwork in Creation ( INTERDISCIPLINARY BIBLICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Theistic Evolution - Perspectives. Questioning Answers In Genesis. Reasons To Believe : Where Modern Science & Faith Converge.

The Stones Cry Out - Geology and the Bible. True Creation. Evidence for God from Science. Old Earth Creation Homeschool. Old Earth Ministries. BioLogos: Science and faith in harmony. Articles on The Bible and Science.