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Grail Mission Snaps Far Side of the Moon - First Look. The Guardian. The New York Times. BBC. Donghia. TANZO. Flora Fauna Web - Home. LSRCA - Scanlon Creek | Bringing Nature to life. Playscapes. The Gateless Gate 無門關. The Gateless Gate The Gateless Gate or The Gateless Barrier (Chin. Wu-wen kuan; Jap. Mumonkan) The author is Chinese Ch'an master Wu-men Hui-hai (無門慧開 Mumon Ekai, 1183-1260). English Translation By late Zen master Katsuki Sekida (Two Zen Classics 26-137) Original Chinese Text The original Chinese text is taken from the following Japanese web site: The Chinese and Japanese texts in this web site are taken from the book titled Mumonkan, published in Japan by Iwanami Bunkõ. Chinese Characters Unfortunately a few Chinese characters were not given in this site.

The Gateless Gate 無門關 Wu-wen kuan (Mumonkan) Mumon's Preface 佛語心爲宗、無門爲法門。 Buddhism makes mind its foundation and no-gate its gate. 既是無門、且作麼生透。 Now, how do you pass through this no-gate? 豈不見道、從門入者不是家珍、從縁得者始終成壞。 It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. 恁麼説話、大似無風起浪好肉抉瘡。

However, such a saying is already raising waves when there is no wind. 通曰無門關。 何故。 Just This: "Zhaozhou's Dog" from the Wumenguan. By Mark Bykoski The Chinese text is given in the top row. Below that is the modern Mandarin pronunciation spelled in the Pinyin system, and then the English meaning of each word. Zhaozhou's Dog As for Master Zhaozhou, because a monk asked, "Does even a dog have Buddha nature, or not? " Zhaozhou said, "It does not.

" "Zhaozhou's Dog" is the first koan in the Wumenguan (Japanese: Mumonkan; often translated as the Gateless Gate or Gateless Barrier; or to put it more architecturally, the Gateless Gatehouse), a collection of koans with commentaries written in China in the thirteenth century of the Common Era by Wumen Huikai (Japanese: Mumon Ekai). A rather literal translation of the koan is offered above, even though it may be awkward English, in order to point out a few features of the Chinese text not reflected in most translations.

After the title, the koan begins with Zhaozhou Heshang (Japanese pronunciation: Joshu Osho), "Master Zhaozhou. " You lose your body and lose your life. TED. ICON. Pronunciations for volte-face. 三十六計. Naming specifications. Nciku - Online English Chinese Dictionary, Learn Chinese Mandarin Online.

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