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TED: Ideas worth spreading. Usability consulting and training with Human Factors International. Social Media Marketing. PET: Designing for Persuasion, Emotion and Trust. Interaction Design Foundation. Using_the_iso924111_definition_sept2004. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. How to keep up to date on UX Design. Thirteen Tenets Of User Experience. Advertisement In my career as a user experience professional, part of my purpose has always been to help push our profession forward. And I’ve had the great privilege of being able to do just that in a myriad of ways — by writing books and articles, speaking at conferences all over the world, delivering in-house training workshops at wonderful companies, and simply doing the work for a great many clients.

If I could be remembered for just one thing, I’d want it to be this, because this is what designers and companies need to know and understand about the nature of user experience as a profession, a goal, an idea. And it’s taken me 13 years to be able to say it in exactly this way. Following is my list of 13 beliefs on the value of user experience strategy, design, and designers, one for every year I’d been in the web industry at the time I wrote it in 2012: Tenet 1: Tenet 2: “User experience is strategic. Tenet 3: “Every detail of a company and its product says something about it.

Tenet 4: