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Propagande de guerre

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Microsoft Word 2021. Propagande de guerre et idéal jusqu’au-boutiste. 1Au début du XXe siècle, le développement des médias couplé à la société de masse a entraîné l’essor de la propagande.

Propagande de guerre et idéal jusqu’au-boutiste

L’étude pionnière de Jacques Ellul a tenté d’en définir la nature en la voyant comme un ensemble de règles précises visant à déclencher une action, et en soulignant ses aspects psychologiques et culturels (1962). L’intérêt des historiens pour cet objet s’est développé, révélant que la Seconde Guerre mondiale concorde avec l’apparition de nouvelles pratiques propagandistes, qui s’appuient sur la diversité des médias de diffusion pour répéter leurs messages. Les études de Charles Cruickshank (1977), Anthony Rhodes (1992) ou David Welch (2017) ont souligné l’importance des moyens injectés dans la propagande autant par les Alliés que par l’Axe, et l’enjeu croissant que représente le contrôle des informations durant le conflit. 2Toutefois, ils ont peu interrogé la tension qui existe entre l’idéologie et la situation sur le front. 14 « Le front au sud de Strasbourg roule !

+++ German ++ Propaganda +++ “The Scourge of God” from ‘The Mongrel’ by Ernst Hiemer As expounded by Alfred Rosenberg in “Myth of the 20th Century”, every major advance of human civilization derived from the efforts of the Aryans, a race of Northern Europeans who migrated across the globe.

+++ German ++ Propaganda +++

They created the great empires and cultural achievements of antiquity and those of today. In every case, however, their triumphs were undermined and their societies ultimately collapsed because of racial intermarriage and Jewish subversion. Democracy, Capitalism, Marxism, Christianity, sexual and racial equality, as well as modern music, theater, and art were all perceived as alien threats to a preferred way of life, each having been insinuated into European culture by the Jews. Consequently, a central goal of National Socialism was to recognize, isolate, and purge every vestige of Jewish influence from modern society. The Jew’s Weapons: Democracy, Freemasonry, Communism, Capitalism Studies in the History of the Jewish Question ..

Léo Ferré - L'affiche rouge - L'armée du crime. Affiches et cartes du Comité d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale. FYC: BANNED & CENSORED 'TOONS IN AMERICA. FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: BANNED & CENSORED ’TOONS IN AMERICA is a work in progress.


Through banning and censorship of propoganda and stereotypes, the Hayes Office (7/1/1930) decided to make the screens safe for America in the ’30’s and ’40’s… among the general principles of the code was the requirement that “no picture shall be produced which will lower the standards of those that will see it. Hence the sympathy or the audience should never be thrown to the side of crime, wrongdoing, evil or sin”… the specific regulations included the following typical examples: - “Revenge in modern times shall not be justified” - “Methods of crime shall not be explicitly represented” - “Illegal drug traffic must never be presented” - “The sanctity of the institution of marriage and the home shall be upheld. . - BOOBY TRAPS 1) Snafu plays with the breasts of a German spy 2) German girl spy is really a bomb 3) Multiple sexual images 4) Obvious anti-German stereotypes - DER FUEHRER’S FACE (’43) – Donald Duck.