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Classroom Resources for Your Inner Fish. Comparing DNA Sequences. HHMI. The making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation (Rock Pocket Mouse) Evolution of Whales. Natural Selection of Peppered Moths. The Genetics of Resistance to HIV Infection. Evolutionary biologists have developed many techniques to analyze how male and female mating preferences have co-evolved. These studies combine animal behavior, sensory biology, phylogenetics, and neurobiology to observe the effects of male trait biases based on female receiver systems; that is, the “attractiveness” of the male trait to potential female mating partners. In this case study you will learn about the mating calls of Physalaemus frogs, and how the calls have evolved over time.

You also will see how scientists use molecular information to develop an evolutionary tree based on sequence homology. Before beginning this case study, you may want to review these related materials: • Evolution and Phylogenetics Video • Evolution and Phylogenetics Online Text • Genomics Online Text.