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Logical Arguments for Atheism. Logical arguments for atheism attempt to show that the concept of God is self-contradictory or logically inconsistent with some known fact. In the jargon of the philosophy of religion, the former type of logical arguments are sometimes called incompatible-properties arguments. These arguments attempt to demonstrate a contradiction in the concept of God. If an argument of this type were successful, it would mean that the existence of God is impossible; there is a 0% probability that God exists. -- Jeffrey Jay Lowder The Argument from the Existence of Nondeities (2013) by Horia Plugaru In this paper Horia Plugaru argues that if the traditional theistic God were to exist, then there are strong reasons to think that there would exist only deities. Arguments from Perfection (2011) by Ryan Stringer In this paper Ryan Stringer discusses arguments from perfection, both for and against the existence of God. Causation and the Logical Impossibility of a Divine Cause (1996) by Quentin Smith.

Evil Bible Home Page. Why Won't God Heal Amputees? Would Jesus Discriminate. IQ vs. Religiosity. IQ and Religion The graph shown above relates the arithmetic mean IQ measured in various country's populations, to the fraction of each country's population that believes religion is very important. The green diamonds represent individual countries; the yellow line is a linear regression (y = mx + b), calculated by the least squares method. The United States data point is circled in red.

TK Solver was used to create the graph from the data listed in the table below: The religious attitude data is from a poll that was part of the Pew Global Attitudes Project. The question wording used in the poll was as follows: How important is religion in your life—very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? The report available online only lists the percentage that said religion was 'very important'. Religion Very Important North America: U.S. 59 % Canada 30 % West Europe: Great Britain 33 % Italy 27 % Germany 21 % France 11 % Slippery Slope. Anti-Christian Bias in American Society. The anti-Christian bias in our society has reached absurd proportions. Consider: 1. During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should not be considered patriots or real American citizens. 2. Bill Clinton steadfastly refused to give any speeches at local churches. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

Questions Your Pastor Will Hate. When I was kid, I loved to ask my minister questions about things that, to my young mind, made no sense when I read them in the Bible or more likely heard them in Sunday school. His answers were always rather bland and not a little aloof since, after all, he was the pastor and I was just a kid. I remember asking about how humans and dinosaurs could coexist. After all, they had to be a part of the creation story, even though not mentioned specifically. Or why would dinosaurs be taken on the ark, only to go extinct such a short time after? And how do you cage a T-Rex or fit a Brontosaurus on such a boat, much less a pair of all sorts?

I got a lot of looks but very few answers. I remember asking why the Bible, a book which had to know better since it was written by God himself, said Joshua raised his hands and the "sun stopped for the space of about a day," when clearly it would be the earth that stopped rotating? I went to a Christian college to study these things. And so it goes. Fear-Based Curriculum. How many souls did you save? My SO experience. Summarized Experiences From Within the Cult Scientology 1.

Not allowed to see my mom but once a day when I was six. Was only permitted to see her at dinner for one hour. I know this happened every day to lots of kids. 2. Actually, we got 46.17 after taxes and insurance. 3. I am so sorry! 4. 5. Yeah, the old "Good Roads, Good Weather" PTS handling. 6. Yes, that's what they call 'em. 7. KSW says you are in you are in to win or die in the attempt... 8. 9. Try the RPF...50 guys in bunks up to ceiling... 10.

And you best not be late for one of the many musters, staff meetings, unit meetings, etc. etc... 11. Again, check your records with Social Security, I bet they kept your taxes and never paid them. 12. 13. 14. 15. Been there, done that 16. Who me? 17. That came along after DM, we used to have some fun and get to go out to eat with FCCIs, socialize, etc. 18. Security is worse now, too. 19.

No TV and no movies when I was there, LRH wrote that one. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. I am so sorry. 25. 26. 27. 28.