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Free Twitter Handbook for Teachers - a guide to Twitter in the classroom. Can Twitter replace traditional professional development? Twitter and Facebook might soon replace traditional professional development for teachers.

Can Twitter replace traditional professional development?

Instead of enduring hours-long workshops a few times a year, teachers could reach out to peers on the Internet in real time for advice on things like planning a lesson (or salvaging a lesson that’s going wrong), overcoming classroom management problems, or helping students with disabilities. Or, at least, that’s what a group of Internet-savvy educators who convened in New York City this week are hoping.

A presenter at the #140edu conference. (photo courtesy of @mbteach, via Twitter) “Being connected [through social-networking sites] is an opportunity for growth anytime, anywhere,” said Steve Anderson, director of instructional technology for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in North Carolina, speaking yesterday at the second annual #140edu conference, a reference to Twitter’s 140 character limit for tweets. Utilizing Twitter Lists. I recently read the blog post, Twitter Snobs or Efficient Learners written by Bill Ferriter.

Utilizing Twitter Lists

In this post Bill states, "whenever the number of people that I'm following grows to more than 200, I simply get lost in the streams of information that come through my Twitter feed. At that point, Twitter becomes useless, doesn't it? " This is something that I can relate to, however, I have found that you CAN follow more than 200 people on twitter and STILL can the benefits of learning from them. Why would you want to follow so many people on Twitter? Well, if you're only interested in following one group of people, say 2nd grade teachers, then maybe you can stick to less than 200. If you go to my profile page and select lists, you can see what lists I follow, or just go here. 5 Ways Twitter Strengthens A School’s Learning Community. Cross-posted at eFACE Today This year, our K-6 staff began learning in a new virtual way using Twitter.

5 Ways Twitter Strengthens A School’s Learning Community

After a couple staff in-service trainings and after school workshops, parents and teachers ventured into this new educational Twitterverse. As we enter the final week of school, I’d like to share it’s initial impact on teaching and learning from my principal’s lens. Our staff’s “learning by Twitter” has occurred in multiple formats this school year: From each otherFrom classroom to classroomFrom our school parentsFrom their developing Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)From local & national conferencesFrom our district hashtag (#nped)From weekly education chats like #ptchat, #5thchat, #edchat #ntchat & others Below are five examples of collaborative and transparent learning compliments of @KnappElementary staff and parents. Front lobby display of TweetsSPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS / CONFERENCES - International Speaker on Bullying & Teen Suicide John Halligan Spoke earlier this year at NPSD. Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter.

Stage 1 Sign up to twitter following persuasion/pestering by colleagues.

Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter

Follow Stephen Fry, a famous sportsman/popstar and a news channel. Read a few tweets, don’t understand what the fuss is about and mock anyone who uses twitter. Stage 2. Epiccommunity - Twitter Chat event. Twitter. Technology for ELLs. Favorite Tweets of 2011. I would like to take a moment to thank all of the outstanding educators who are part of my PLN and invest in making me better each and every day.

Favorite Tweets of 2011

The 10 people who influence me the most and on a daily basis...... I have never met! As this year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to share my 5 favorite tweets of 2011 and a brief explanation as to why. Mary Beth Hertz offers some important advice when she tweeted, "Be patient but relentless in helping colleagues build connections! " Steve Wheeler recently wrote a blog post titled, Connected Educators in which he shares, "It is abundantly clear to me that connectivity is one of the essentials in the 21st Century teacher toolkit. Tom Whitby shares some meaningful advice in his blog, My Island View, in which he defines What's A Connected Educator?

I could not agree more with Nancy and her straightforward tweet about technology integration. Thank you David for sharing this outstanding quote. Wow! Twitter_At_A_Glance - IMPROVED! A Beginner's Guide to Twitter. Many of ReadWriteWeb’s readers are old hands at Twitter, but the service gets thousands of new users every day.

A Beginner's Guide to Twitter

That includes a lot of folks who suddenly need to use Twitter as part of their job. If you’re just being introduced to the joys of Twitter (or introducing it to another user), here’s a short and friendly primer on what you need to know about using the site. After posting “10 Tips on Using Twitter Wisely” in December, I had a few notes from folks who said (basically) “thanks for the tips, but I didn’t know all the jargon.”

Digging deeper, I realized that what seems obvious after using Twitter for several years isn’t so obvious to new users. Folks in the press, PR or marketing that are steeped in traditional media often get thrown into the Twitter/social media pool with little guidance. Alphabet Soup Tech folks tend to love acronyms and jargon. An Educators Guide To Twitter. Why Educators Should Join Twitter - Finding Common Ground. 23 Twitter Tools To Help You Tweet Like A Pro. Creative Twitter Tools. Tutorials on social media.

A roundup of guides on how to use blogs, Facebook, Twitter & more Here are tutorials our team has created to help show nonprofits, cause organizations, businesses and individuals how to effectively use social media, divided by subject area.

Tutorials on social media

For even more, see the Sharing Center, our posts on resources, tools and video interviews. • Social media • Blogs • Facebook • Twitter • Video & multimedia • Fundraising • Mobile • LinkedIn • Google Plus • Pinterest Social media How to build awareness for your campaign Guest post by Mary Joyce March 2013 Tools & tips: Whether you run a nonprofit, a social enterprise or a cause organization, it’s likely that at some point you run up against the barrier we’ve all faced: How do I get the word out about this amazing campaign? Attracting young people to your nonprofit Guest post by Alison Richmond March 2013. 60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom. Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place.

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom

Teachers and educators around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool, and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Communication Twitter makes staying in touch and sharing announcements super simple and even fun. Twitter for Professional Development.

Top Ten Twitter Hashtags for Educators. The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags. Whether you’re a new or seasoned Twitter user, you likely come across confusing hashtags that probably look like a bunch of nonsense. First, What’s A Hashtag? The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. Any Twitter user can categorize or follow topics with hashtags.Those hashtags (usually) mean something and are a great way to get a tweet to appear in search results or discussion monitoring. For example, the popular #edchat hashtag is used by thousands of users every Tuesday. 5 Useful Tools to Monitor Twitter Hashtags. Literacy, Languages and Leadership.