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Stunning Art Pieces Carved Out of Books: Recycling at its Best!

204.5K Flares Twitter 158 Facebook 18 Google+ 28 StumbleUpon 204.3K Pin It Share 0 10 204.5K Flares × There would be a shelf kept in the corner of your house compiled with many old and untouched books that would have collected dust over them and you would not have even bothered to read them at least once in a blue moon. This is a case with almost everybody. But thanks to some artists who thought out of the box and instead of keeping them on the shelves for years or throwing them in the bins, they carved beautiful pieces of art out of it. Peter Callesen.

This is pretty neat. [VIDEO] Cut Paper art. Book art. January 18th, 2011 Books of Art by Isaac Salazar, a simple idea well executed. found at ffffound.

book art

Book art. (click images for detail) For the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer.

book art

Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The Great Wall, where the dense pages of old books are excavated to reveal serene mountains, plateaus, and ancient structures. Of these works he says: Leaf cut art.