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Becas para Posgrados - Becas para Maestrías - Becas para Doctorado. Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) Below are the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses that will be offering scholarships for courses starting in the academic year 2017-2018.

Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)

Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between October and January, for course starting the following academic year. Students at Masters level can apply to a maximum of three different programmes. Both, students and potential scholars/guest lecturers should contact the relevant Consortium for more information on courses and application procedures. As from 2014, the new Erasmus+ programme selected additional masters consortia that are included in the list below. Find here the complete list of Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) and the lists by categories (Note: some courses appear in more than one category). Filter by category: List of all Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) Agriculture and Veterinary Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction Science, Mathematics and Computing Social Sciences, Business and Law. Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs)

Archival sources on the history of the European Union – a laboratory with students of the Archival School Florence. Posted on Wednesday 24th April 2013 20 second-year students of the Archival School at the State Archives of Florence visited the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) for a half-day laboratory on the archival sources on the history of European integration.

Archival sources on the history of the European Union – a laboratory with students of the Archival School Florence

During their visit on 12 April, the students were received by the HAEU Director Dieter Schlenker who illustrated the archives’ origins and its course throughout the last 30 years as part of the European University Institute in Florence. He gave an overview on the rich holdings of the archives which comprise the historical archives of the EU Institutions and 150 private archives of eminent personalities and pro-European movements and associations. The archivists Gherardo Bonini and Andrea Becherucci gave an insight and hands-on experience on the treatment, inventorying, conservation and online access of the major holdings of European Institutions, those of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. Erasmus para todos los latinos. Homepage - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Beca Guggenheim. La Beca Guggenheim, creada en 1925, es un subsidio otorgado por la John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation a profesionales avanzados en todos los campos del saber (ciencias naturales, ciencias sociales, humanidades y artes) salvo en las artes escénicas.

Beca Guggenheim

Fue instituida por el senador de los Estados Unidos Simon Guggenheim y su esposa en memoria a su hijo fallecido en 1922. Las becas se otorgan en dos concursos anuales: Uno abierto a los ciudadanos y residentes permanentes de los Estados Unidos y Canadá.Otro abierto a los ciudadanos y residentes permanentes de América Latina y del Caribe. Aunque las artes escénicas están excluidas, los compositores, directores de cine y coreógrafos son elegibles. Los subsidios no están abiertos a estudiantes ni instituciones, sólo a "profesionales avanzados en media carrera" tales como autores publicados. Las becas generalmente son concedidas por un año, y en ningún caso por un período menor de seis meses consecutivos. A History of the World since 1300. ResearchGate. A History of the World since 1300. Archival sources on the history of the European Union – a laboratory with students of the Archival School Florence.

Historical Archives of the European Union. Becas del Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia. Becas del Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia Madrid, España Descripción Parta postular a la beca es necesario ser español o iberoamericano menor de 35 años, poseer título de licenciado o equivalente en materias jurídicas, económico-empresariales, político-sociológicas, o de humanidades, para la realización de doctorado en dichos campos.

Becas del Instituto Universitario Europeo de Florencia

Es indispensable el dominio de al menos dos lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea y cumplir con los requisitos del Instituto. Duración de la beca 1 año (prorrogable por un año más). Dotación 1.300 € mensuales. Dirección Avda. Localidad Madrid Provincia País España Idiomas Castellano Entidad convocante Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación (MAEC) y la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) Fax. European University Institute - Europe's research institute for Economics, History, Law, Political and Social Sciences. El candidato.