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Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming - MindMeister Exploratorium science museum art ,perception blogs Twine Organize, Share, Discover Information Around Your Intere Aviary ShareMeNot Matrix mechanics Matrix mechanics is a formulation of quantum mechanics created by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan in 1925. Matrix mechanics was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics. It extended the Bohr Model by describing how the quantum jumps occur. It did so by interpreting the physical properties of particles as matrices that evolve in time. It is equivalent to the Schrödinger wave formulation of quantum mechanics, and is the basis of Dirac's bra-ket notation for the wave function. Development of matrix mechanics In 1925, Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan formulated the matrix mechanics representation of quantum mechanics. Epiphany at Helgoland In 1925 Werner Heisenberg was working in Göttingen on the problem of calculating the spectral lines of hydrogen. "It was about three o' clock at night when the final result of the calculation lay before me. The Three Papers Heisenberg's reasoning . Further discussion Nobel Prize

Pour une utilisation critique des réseaux sociaux académiques 14 février 2014 L’information n’a pas encore reçu beaucoup d’échos en France : et pourtant cela fait plusieurs mois maintenant qu’Elsevier demande régulièrement le retrait d’articles déposés par leurs auteurs sur le réseau social Academia. Si on le regarde sous l’angle de l’open access, cet exemple souligne incontestablement l’« injustice fondamentale de l’actuel écosystème de la communication académique » (John Dupuis). Mais il met également en lumière l’arrivée à maturité des réseaux sociaux académiques : à l’heure où Elsevier peine à se créer une place sur les outils 2.0 (échec de 2collab en 2011, rachat de Mendeley en 2013), il n’est pas étonnant que celui-ci attaque les nouveaux challengers qui se développent auprès des communautés académiques, après avoir laissé faire. Réseaux sociaux académiques ? Ces réseaux se développent progressivement dans le paysage académique français. Parmi tous ces réseaux, trois sortent plus particulièrement du lot : De quelques enjeux de ces réseaux

Whos Talkin Topsy With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions Drag right from the Home screen to show Search and get Siri Suggestions. Get Siri Suggestions Siri Suggestions include apps and contacts that you might be interested in. You can use Siri Suggestions with iPhone 5 and later, iPad Pro, iPad (4th generation) and later, iPad mini (2nd generation) and later, and iPod touch (6th generation). Change search settings Go to Settings > General > Spotlight Search. From here, you can turn Siri Suggestions on or off and choose which apps to include in your searches. If you don’t want Siri or Spotlight to suggest nearby locations, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Last Modified:

SparkleShare - Sharing work made easy Discover Magazine dark matter Your hands are, roughly speaking, 360 million years old. Before then, they were fins, which your fishy ancestors used to swim through oceans and rivers. Once those fins sprouted digits, they could propel your salamander-like ancestors across dry land. We know a fair amount about the transition from fins to hands thanks to the moderately mad obsession of paleontologists, who venture to inhospitable places around the Arctic where the best fossils from that period of our evolution are buried. By comparing those fossils, scientists can work out the order in which the fish body was transformed into the kind seen in amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals–collectively known as tetrapods. A team of Spanish scientists has provided us with a glimpse of that story. Before getting into the details of the new experiment, leap back with me 450 million years ago. Our own fishy ancestors gradually modified this sort of fin over millions of years. Both fins and hands get their start in embryos.

Melissa Terras' Blog: Is blogging and tweeting about research papers worth it? The Verdict Guess when I tweeted my papers? Top ten downloaded papers from my department in the last year, 7 of which include me in the author list. In October 2011 I began a project to make all of my 26 articles published in refereed journals available via UCL's Open Access Repository - "Discovery". I decided that as well as putting them in the institutional repository, I would write a blog post about each research project, and tweet the papers for download. I wrote about the stories behind the research papers - the stuff that doesn't make it into the official writeup. So what are my conclusions about this whole experiment? Some rough stats, first of all. The image above shows the top ten papers downloaded from my entire department over the last year. Some obvious points and conclusions. The paper that really flew - Digital Curiosities - has now been downloaded over a thousand times in the past year. However. I cant know if the downloaded papers are read though, can I? What next?

by lesaintf Jun 8

Ce moteur de recherche a été construit par des scientifiques. Il leur a permis dans un premier temps de pouvoir communiquer entre eux partout dans le monde. Après inscription il permet d’accéder des articles scientifiques et de contacter directement les auteurs. by morganireps Mar 17

Access scientific knowledge, and make your research visible.
*Research Visibility.
*Connect and Collaborate.
*Stats and Metrics. by mshaddd Feb 17

Vous recherchez une publication scientifique, cette base de données est parfaite pour ça mais vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser poser des questions techniques et échanger avec des gens dans votre domaine by johannedoucet Mar 1

Vous devrez vous créer un compte pour accéder à cette ressource. Ensuite, cette base de données vous donnera accès à une multitude d'articles scientifiques et conférences. by melanie_drouin Feb 2

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