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DBPedia. From Freebase Freebase and DBpedia are very similar projects; as they both extract structured data from Wikipedia and make it available as RDF.


There are however a number of major differences from the range of data sources, the ability to edit content, and the structure of the organizations. Both are part of the Web of data and there are many connections between topics in Freebase and in DBpedia, and interactions between the communities. Overview Freebase and DBpedia have different schemas, different identifiers, and different goals.

The DBpedia ontology has been manually created based on the most commonly used infoboxes within Wikipedia. Differences between the two projects include: Freebase imports data from a wide variety of sources, not just Wikipedia, whereas DBpedia focuses on just Wikipedia data DBpedia is funded by grants/sponsorships from various organisations, while Freebase is run by Google, an incorporated company.

Similarities include: Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor. MQL Reference Guide: Chapter 4. Metaweb Read Services. Chapter 4.

MQL Reference Guide: Chapter 4. Metaweb Read Services

Metaweb Read Services Chapter 3 explained how to express Metaweb queries using MQL. This chapter explains how to deliver those queries to Metaweb servers and retrieve their response using the mqlread service. It also explains how to search Metaweb with the search service and how to retrieve chunks of data (such as images and HTML documents) using the trans service. The chapter includes example applications and libraries written in Perl, Python, PHP, and JavaScript and concludes with a sophisticated Python library for interacting with Metaweb's read services. 4.1. Metaweb's services are all implemented on top of the HTTP protocol. The basic URL for submitting MQL queries to is: To submit a query to the mqlread service, follow these steps: Place the query inside an "envelope" object. Example 4.1 is a command-line utility that lists the albums released by any band you specify.

Example 4.1. submitting MQL queries in Perl. MQL Reference Guide: Table of Contents. Freebase Search. Venture Investor - Freebase. Freebase API. Data Dumps are a downloadable version of the data in Freebase.

Freebase API

They constitute a snapshot of the data stored in Freebase and the Schema that structures it, and are provided under the same CC-BY license. The Freebase/Wikidata mappings are provided under the CC0 license. The RDF data is serialized using the N-Triples format, encoded as UTF-8 text and compressed with Gzip. If you're writing your own code to parse the RDF dumps its often more efficient to read directly from GZip file rather than extracting the data first and then processing the uncompressed data. Note: In Freebase, objects have MIDs that look like /m/012rkqx. The subject is the ID of a Freebase object. The predicate is always a human-readable ID for a Freebase property or a property from a standard RDF vocabulary like RDFS.

The object field may contain a Freebase MID for an object or a human-readable ID for schema from Freebase or other RDF vocabularies. Topic descriptions often contain newlines. Or as BibTeX: Papers in Freebase. Freebase.