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Nuklear Power. Ninja Moped. 8-bit tour, is our tour which will last indefinitely. Every other Saturday we will release a music video on our Youtube channel where we have "legolized" 8 NES-games. Then follow various exciting competitions with excellent prizes. It requires that you have a YouTube account in order to compete. Currently there are three competitions: Longest Spotify timelapse, funniest youtube comment and which 8-bit games are legolized? More competitions may be added gradually. All of these contestants emerge naturally out of that we want to make money to afford to produce the giant crossbow needed to throw a piano 100 meters (330 feet), see the piano project. 8bitpeoples. Friends, The time has come to shut the doors on Effect Games, so we can move onto other projects. But we've preserved some of our old games and demos for you to play with: We've also open sourced the entire Effect Games engine, as well as the web IDE.

Effect Games, in it's entirety, has been moved to GitHub. It can be forked, or simply downloaded and installed on your own server. Installation instructions are included. The source is MIT licensed, so you may use it in both personal and commercial projects. Deepest thanks to everyone who tried Effect Games and provided such awesome feedback. Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 |

Anyone remember Color cycling from the 90s? This was a technology often used in 8-bit video games of the era, to achieve interesting visual effects by cycling (shifting) the color palette. Back then video cards could only render 256 colors at a time, so a palette of selected colors was used. But the programmer could change this palette at will, and all the onscreen colors would instantly change to match. It was fast, and took virtually no memory. Thus began the era of color cycling.

Most games used the technique to animate water, fire or other environmental effects. Unfortunately the art of color cycling died out in the late 90s, giving way to newer technologies like 3D rendering and full 32-bit "true color" games. This demo is an implementation of a full 8-bit color cycling engine, rendered into an HTML5 Canvas in real-time. Hey everyone! Those of you familiar with color cycling may notice something a little "different" about the palette animation in this engine.

Download Source Code. Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5.