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Fetal Development

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How the human face is formed: Video shows how a baby's unique features develop in the womb. By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 22:30 GMT, 5 July 2012 | Updated: 02:20 GMT, 6 July 2012 [headerlinks It's what every expectant parent wants to know - who their baby will look like.

How the human face is formed: Video shows how a baby's unique features develop in the womb

And this fascinating video goes some way to showing how. Produced for the BBC series Inside the Human Body that was aired last year, the animation is based on scans of a developing embryo and captures the formation of the face in the womb. Fetal Brain Development. Even fetuses yawn, a new study shows.

Fetal Brain Development

During the second and third trimester, fetuses yawn frequently, and those yawns can be distinguished in four-dimensional ultrasounds from other mouth-opening behaviors. As the fetuses mature, they seem to yawn less frequently, the researchers added. The findings, published Nov. 21 in the journal PLoS One, suggest yawning patterns of the fetus across pregnancy could be used to assess whether a growing fetus is developing normally. Scientists don't know why adults, let alone babies, yawn, said study co-author Nadja Reissland, a developmental psychologist at Durham University in the United Kingdom. But yawning behavior changes throughout life.

Yawns in adults are contagious, but babies don't catch them. That led Reissland to wonder whether yawning patterns could be an early marker of healthy development that could be seen even in utero. Personality is the result of nurture, not nature, suggests study on birds. June 5, 2013 — Personality is not inherited from birth parents says new research on zebra finches.

Personality is the result of nurture, not nature, suggests study on birds

External factors are likely to play a bigger part in developing the personality of an individual than the genes it inherits from its parents, suggests the study. Researchers at the University of Exeter and the University of Hamburg investigated how personality is transferred between generations. They found that foster parents have a greater influence on the personalities of fostered offspring than the genes inherited from birth parents. Dr Nick Royle from Biosciences at the University of Exeter said: "This is one of the first experiments to show that behaviour can be non-genetically transmitted from parents to offspring. Our study shows that in zebra finches, personality traits can be transmitted from one generation to another through behaviour not just genetics.

" The Role of Thyroid Hormones in Prenatal and Neonatal Neurological Development—Current Perspectives. FOR YEARS thyroid hormones have been known to be important for normal neonatal brain development, and numerous reviews have covered this topic in depth.

The Role of Thyroid Hormones in Prenatal and Neonatal Neurological Development—Current Perspectives

It now also appears that fetal thyroid hormones play an essential role in fetal brain development. In addition, as some placental transport of thyroid hormones has been shown to occur, it is possible that maternal thyroid hormones might influence fetal brain development. II. Exposure to oestrogen prenatally does not ... [J Neuroendocrinol. 2007.

What hormones are produced during pregnancy. Fetal Psychology. Psychology Today, October 1998 Source: Psychology Today, Sep/Oct98, Vol. 31 Issue 5, p44, 6p, 4c.

Fetal Psychology

Behaviorally speaking, there's little difference between a newborn baby and a 32-week-old fetus. A new wave of research suggests that the fetus can feel, dream, even enjoy The Cat in the Hat. The abortion debate may never be the same. The scene never fails to give goose bumps: the baby, just seconds old and still dewy from the womb, is lifted into the arms of its exhausted but blissful parents. Pre-natal personality development. Pre-natal personality development Samineh I Shaheem / 2 October 2010 THE TOPIC of personality is incredibly fascinating and has intrigued us for centuries.

Pre-natal personality development

We know that both nature and nurture (biological/environmental variables) contribute to who we are. From the way we perceive the world, our study habits, thrill seeking desires, talents and abilities, intelligence levels, psychological disorders and a wide range of other characteristics and traits form as a result of the interaction between genetic composition and life experiences. Psychologists also know that babies are born with clear differences such as patterns of activity, mood and attention span that point to individual temperament being evident from the first days of life. More and more research is being conducted to shed light on this interesting debate.

“Behaviour doesn’t begin at birth,” states DiPietro. DiPietro goes on to explain that personality development is highly influenced by the lifestyle choices a mother makes. Does Your Fetus Have a Personality Already? Hormonal regulation of fetal growth. [Horm Res. 2006. Prenatal Origins of Neurological Development. A Critical Period for Fetus and Mother + Author Affiliations Laura Glynn, Crean School of Health and Life Sciences, Chapman University, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866 E-mail: Abstract A rapidly accumulating literature indicates that the prenatal period must be taken into account if we are to understand development of the central nervous system (CNS) across the life span.

Prenatal Origins of Neurological Development

Evidence now suggests that intrauterine signals influence brain structure and affect cognitive function and emotional and physiological stress regulation in the offspring. Article Notes The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. . © Association for Psychological Science 2011. Why You Didn't Die at Birth - Smarter Every Day 42.