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The foreskin: Why is it such a secret in North America? Note: Never have I gotten so many comments and emails in response to a blog post, much less rumors that I'm a man. I'll keep that in mind.` And for the record, it wasn't until 2014 that I had the opportunity to put a man's intact penis in my very much female vagina -- that is, after I regained sensation in it. Long story. This frictionless appendage made me realize that sex doesn't have to be painful or cause hazardous inflammation. And with that image in your mind... I was nineteen or twenty years old when a male friend of mine, we'll call him Bill, let me in on a most shocking fact: He was missing part of his penis, and so were almost all boys and men that I had ever seen in my entire life, as well as all the anatomical diagrams that I had ever seen. Sure, I had heard of circumcision as a Jewish religious practice, but thought myself unlikely to ever see its results.

This past April 28th, the Seattle Atheists invited John Geisheker to correct some of these myths. He responded: Proof.


Brain. Anxiety. Genetics. Blood Pressure. Healthiest. Mental illness. Teeth. Longevity. Uk.businessinsider. How to boost your immune system. On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and make your immune system stronger?

What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response? The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive for several reasons. But that doesn’t mean the effects of lifestyle on the immune system aren’t intriguing and shouldn’t be studied. Adopt healthy-living strategies Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t smoke. Be skeptical Many products on store shelves claim to boost or support immunity. Scientists do know more about the low end of the scale. Age and immunity What about diet? Like any fighting force, the immune system army marches on its stomach. Colloidal silver both sides of the story. 7-Testosterone-Killers_Mike.pdf. Are You Sitting Too Long? Here's What It Does To Your Body And How To Prevent It!

Chances are, you sat in a car today. You sat and ate lunch. You sat at your TV. You sat down and read. There’s a good chance you’re sitting down while reading this. Well, you may want to sit down for this next fact: If you sit for six hours a day, you can shorten your life up to 7 years. Yikes! Sitting for long periods of time has a negative impact on your metabolism, effecting blood sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, and leptin, the “appetite hormone.” When we sit for too long, we sabotage our bodies. There are lots of issues that arise from sitting. 15 Ways Celebrities Use Coconut Oil to Look Fabulous | 4allMindsAndBodies | Page 5.

Coconut oil has been on the same planet with us for centuries, but it seem like it takes a few celebrities to make a product visible. In other words, up until the last few years, we were still obsessing with aloe vera, but now that Gwyneth Paltrow is gargling it, Angelina Jolie starts her day with it and Channing Tatum smears it over his wife’s pregnant belly, coconut is your new best friend. But seriously, coconut oil is insanely healthy.

It is one of the “good” oils, so you can prepare food with it or use it as a beauty product! Check out how these celebs are using it! Source: 1. For All Smokers: These 6 Amazing Foods Will Flush Out Nicotine From Your Body. Boone Pickens Has Never Had Coffee. AP Images"One thing she was wrong on — If I didn't drink coffee or smoke cigars like my dad — those would both stunt my growth — I would be 6 feet tall. " Billionaire energy tycoon T. Boone Pickens has never tasted coffee in his life. The 86-year-old told Business Insider it was because his grandmother told him not to drink it. She was actually the source of a lot of valuable advice growing up. "Everything she told me as far as advice was concerned pretty well played out like she said it would," Pickens told Business Insider.

In his book "The First Billion Is The Hardest," Pickens details the relationship he had with his grandmother. "It becomes part of your personality and your life when you're taught early," he told Business Insider. In his book, Pickens tells a story about how he found a man's wallet while on his paper route as a young boy. "[My grandmother] made me return the dollar I got.

"'No, no, he wants me to have it,'" he remembered telling his grandmother. Timeline Photos - The Rawfoodfamily | Facebook. The Mother Of All Antioxidants. (1) Facebook. Top five foods to eat to avoid belly fat - Natural News Blogs The Top 3 Ways to Naturally Increase Human Growth Hormone. One of the main causes of aging is decreased production of hormones. That would include testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, growth hormone, and others. Out of all of these hormones, it’s a lower level of growth hormone (HGH) that is most associated with premature aging.

By the age of 40, growth hormone secretion is only 40% of what it was at age 20. That’s a significant drop in production and it only continues to go down from there. By association, our IGF-1(Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) level also decreases along with HGH at an identical pace. IGF-1 is made in response to human growth hormone and is needed for human growth hormone to have an effect on muscles and other tissues. Decreased production of HGH is directly associated with many of the signs of aging. The big question is can we do anything about this? The first way to naturally increase HGH is to take a special blend of 4 key amino acids. The next way to increase HGH is to exercise in a certain way. About the Author. Can the triterpenoids from reishi mushroom spores heal cancer, herpes and even HIV? - Monday, May 19, 2014 by: AntoniaTags: triterpenoids, reishi mushrooms, cancer (NaturalNews) Incorporating mushrooms in diets is a great way to obtain health benefits, ranging from boosting vitamin D levels to improving brain function.

However, the substance in one mushroom in particular seems to make it the health food superstar above all of them, standing out from the pack for its ability to ward off viruses and tumors. The reishi (genus: Ganoderma) mushroom contains active substances called triterpenoids in its spores, and studies have linked these triterpenoids to some very powerful healing benefits, including helping those with cancer and even HIV. Often dubbed the "King of Herbs" and called a "supernatural" mushroom or the "lucky fungus" based on translations from other cultures, the reishi mushroom has been a popular health choice for thousands of years. It's logical that it would be. Sources for this article include: Baking Soda - True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry.

No-one will believe the idea that something so cheap and simple such as Baking Soda can exceed the effectiveness of even the most expensive pharmaceutical drugs… If you don’t believe me… take a look at this. At one stage it was common knowledge that baking soda could easily cure a common cold, as well as support a number of other ailments. I have heard stories of people who have sworn it to have rid their cancer. There are 1000s of reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that effects nature in any kind of negative way. Baking soda is a compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, this makes it exceptionally effective as a medicine in the age of toxicity.

Facebook. Could the key to Alzheimer 's disease prevention be as simple as eating strawberries? - Tuesday, May 13, 2014 by: John PhillipTags: Alzheimer''s prevention, strawberries, healing foods (NaturalNews) Two decades of dedicated research has clearly revealed that dementia and specifically the dreaded diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be prevented or even halted by making lifestyle modifications toward a natural food diet that excludes processed and refined junk foods as well as following a regular exercise regimen and limiting exposure to personal cosmetics and environmental toxins.

While this sounds like a tall order for many, slow but steady progress toward a more natural lifestyle can be beneficial to many individuals who may be headed toward a host of chronic diseases associated with aging including Alzheimer's. An extensive body of research over the past five to ten years has validated certain natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables, specifically the delicious strawberry. Senior staff scientist Dr. Sources for this article include: Vegan protein powders with low heavy metals: Health Ranger reveals the cleanest products tested so far - Tuesday, May 13, 2014by Mike Adams, the Health RangerTags: vegan proteins, heavy metals, laboratory test results (NaturalNews) When it comes to purchasing protein supplements, buyer beware!

As Natural News has now exhaustively documented, rice protein products sold right now across health food stores like Whole Foods are contaminated with toxic heavy metals. This story is now going global, with mainstream media now picking up this shocking news and millions of grassroots activists taking notice. The fact that rice protein products sold right now are contaminated with toxic lead, cadmium and tungsten is scientifically irrefutable. But which proteins can you trust to be clean? As a leading food research scientist now spearheading this global effort to expose toxic heavy metals in popular products, I've conducted extensive research using atomic spectroscopy instrumentation at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs.

These are presented in no particular order. This result was a pleasant surprise. What's Wrong With The Modern Diet [CHARTS] You may gain weight unintentionally as a result of certain things you consume, such as sugary foods and beverages. But sometimes weight gain can occur due to an underlying health condition. Weight gain can be extremely frustrating, especially when you don’t know what’s causing it. While diet typically plays the largest role in weight gain, other factors — such as stress and lack of sleep — may contribute as well. Here are 9 causes of unintentional weight gain. Many healthy foods, such as oats, frozen fruit, and yogurt, are minimally processed. However, highly processed foods, including sugary cereals, fast food, and microwave dinners, pack a slew of harmful ingredients, as well as added sugars, preservatives, and unhealthy fats. What’s more, numerous studies link highly processed food to weight gain, in addition to rising obesity rates in the United States and around the world ().

Thus, you should consider cutting out processed meals and snacks, focusing instead on whole foods. Maca root - Google Search. Have Neck Pain? The Cause Is Something That May Surprise You. Most neck pain is psychosomatic. In order to understand this, though, it is first necessary to debunk the myth that spinal degeneration or tissue damage is the primary culprit. A degeneration problem that causes physical pain in the neck is a convenient and easy diagnosis for many doctors to make, because images of spinal degeneration can often be pointed to on an X-ray or MRI and named as the cause for pain.

However, research has proven that degeneration problems are not the cause of most neck pain. The Orthopedic Clinics of North America published a study in July of 2005 that stated that degenerative disorders of the cervical spine (neck) do not usually cause any symptoms.(1) Confusion persists about this topic, because many times degeneration problems are found in conjunction with neck and other spinal pain issues, making doctors assume that they are the source of discomfort. Simply perusing the medical advice Web sites for the search term “neck pain” can show examples of this.

Dr. Wheatgrass detoxifies the liver. reveals how to naturally reverse disease symptoms in this exclusive interview with 'Sproutman' Steve Meyerowitz. Discover how to cleanse the colon, detoxify the liver and purify the blood with wheatgrass juice. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, skin problems or, even cancer - this presentation is a must see. Cancer patients ought to pay close attention to the part about Ann Wigmore - starting at the :52 second mark of this video.

To hear the rest of this interview - plus much more - sign up for a monthly subscription to the NaturalNews Inner Circle. Click the link above (or below) this video and subscribe today. Learn more at: Video Keywords: food superfoods nutrition gardening organics natural cures cancer green living juice Rate This Video: 0 ratings. The Mother Of All Antioxidants. 10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brain That You Can Do Everyday. Our brains are by far our most important organs. Here are 10 of the most surprising things our brains do and what we can learn from them: 1.

Your brain does creative work better when you're tired. Here's how it breaks down: If you're a morning lark, say, you'll want to favor those morning hours when you're feeling fresher to get your most demanding, analytic work done. Using your brain to solve problems, answer questions and make decisions is best done when you're at your peak. On the other hand, if you're trying to do creative work you'll actually have more luck when you're more tired and your brain isn't functioning as efficiently.

If you're tired, your brain is not as good at filtering out distractions and focusing on a particular task. This Scientific American article explains how distractions can actually be a good thing for creative thinking: Insight problems involve thinking outside the box. 2. I also found some research that showed signs of brain size decreasing due to stress. 3. Natural News Blogs The Real Cause of Seasonal Allergies (Hint: It's Not Pollen) More people consider spring their favorite season over any other. But for millions, the accompanying sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and brain fog of seasonal allergies make spring a time to be dreaded rather than enjoyed. And this spring is predicted to be worse than usual. The long, cold winter and higher-than-average snowfall mean some plants are primed to produce more pollen, according to allergy specialists. (1) Besides the usual sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes, inhalant allergies can leave you with serious brain fog, inability to concentrate and focus, fatigue, irritability, and depression.

Typically, people with allergies seal up the house and try to stay indoors. But there are much better ways to cope with this annoying problem. Most people blame pollen or mold spores for their seasonal allergies, but these aren’t the real cause at all! Allergy symptoms are caused by an overactive immune system. Here are five ways to tackle your seasonal allergies without drugs or medications. Amazing Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera. The Incredible Health Benefits of Spirulina | My Dietary Supplements. (1) Facebook. WomensHealth - How To Lose 13 kilograms of Stomach Fat in Just 6 Weeks With These 2 Simple Tips.

Food Sources of Acetylcholine. How to Easily Fix Lumbar Lordosis. Why Technology Is So Addictive, and How You Can Avoid Tech Burnout. 13 of The Most Effective Mood Stabilizers in Natural Medicine. Fungi health. Medicinal plants & herbs.