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用《資訊圖表》簡化長篇大論:製作工具與圖表蒐集網站. 資訊圖表 Infographics 有什麼用? 人是視覺化動物,長篇大論不如一張圖表讓人容易理解,但要把複雜的數據和資訊圖像化,卻是門大學問。 本篇介紹資訊圖表的設計概念,以及圖表製作工具(SmartDraw、MindGenius)、圖表蒐集網站,來看看如何利用一張好圖表說故事。 快速目錄: 資訊缺乏恐慌症,用資訊圖表來治療 資訊圖表(Infographics),是目前所流行的一種資訊表述模式,它將圖表與文的比重徹底顛覆過來,不再像以前,僅是用圖表來作為文字論述的補充,而是改用視覺設計的方式,將抽象的概念與繁複的數據轉化為圖像,有如地圖般引導著閱讀者,以較為直覺的方式傳達複雜的訊息。 ▲ 圖表在我們的生活中無所不在,僅僅是簡單的長條圖,就能清楚的顯示出大多數讀者對新聞的觀感為何。 T客邦也有一些文章引用了資訊圖表,可以到這裡看看。 其實要設計出一份好的資訊圖表,需要花上不少時間精力,絕對比寫篇論文還要累上許多,但若想在論文口試或公司簡報上,讓人眼睛為之一亮,資訊圖表也許能夠助你一臂之力,但由於其本身牽涉到相當程度的視覺設計理論與符號學,設計資訊圖表對於一般人來說,具有較高的門檻,但我們可以先從一些基礎的圖表設計著手,並從網路上優秀的資訊圖表作品中,瞭解認識其特性,並觀察其設計的原理法則,學習試著改變我們一直以來所習慣的直線性思考模式。 當然,我們也不需太過嚴肅,回歸到資訊圖表其中一個最簡單的特點來看的話,那就是,它看起來真的非常賞心悅目,也饒富趣味性。 資訊圖表符合人類大腦需求、古早就有了 現代社會資訊的爆炸性成長,固然是促成資訊圖表這一波盛行的契機,繪圖軟體的進步、網路的發達,及設計美學意識的抬頭也都與此相關,但本質上,資訊圖表終究仍舊脫離不了理論與數據的整合,及其所背負解讀資訊的最終任務。 資訊圖表一詞雖聽起來很新潮,但其實它並非是近幾年新創的產物,除了比手畫腳以外,其實圖像才是人類最早使用的溝通工具,人對於圖像的感受能力遠遠超過於文字,文字與數據本身,都僅是人類所創造出來的一種符號而已,它雖然能夠用來解釋極其複雜的概念,卻也可能反過來讓人更加摸不著頭緒。

▲ 1854年由John Snow所繪製的倫敦霍亂疫情圖。 ▲ 現今的捷運路線圖設計,其實是來自於一名失業的英國工程製圖師Henry Beck,利用電路圖的概念所設計出來的。 資訊圖表的組成元素與設計法則 延伸閱讀: Infographics 資訊圖表訂閱刊,閱讀創意資料圖表學習新知識. 「資訊圖表(Infographic)」是網路上常見的一種資料分析與閱讀方式,透過有創意的象徵圖案,以及對於數據含義的解讀詮釋,以對比、示意和充滿想像力的圖畫,讓讀者可以很快的抓住統計結果的重點。 尤其在最近,「資訊圖表(Infographic)」熱門了起來,成為網站、網友最愛分享的內容之一。 今天要推薦的正是iPad、iPhone上的資訊圖表電子書:「Infographics」,它會常常更新各種資訊圖表作品,並且提供了簡單易用的閱讀器,讓我們可以每天翻開這本閱讀誌,看看新作品,從各主題領域的圖表分析中學習新知識。

iPad或平板可以是很好的電子書閱讀工具之一(參考:10款 iPad 電子書閱讀器 App,如何享受全新數位閱讀樂趣),因為在這樣的裝置上會誕生出許多原本在紙書、報紙、電視上「不曾出現」或「很難出現」的閱讀方式,例如今天這款Infographics App。 Infographics還有一個頗具有啟發性的地方,這是由專門製作資訊圖表的設計公司:「Column Five」所製作的App,而裡面常常更新的資訊圖表,其實全部都是Column Five幫各種媒體、廠商所設計的作品! 亦即這是一款作者自己的作品展示App,但是對使用者來說真的可以獲得很不錯的閱讀體驗,並且接收到各領域的資訊圖表內容。 而這樣的App製作形式,其實可以獲得不錯的宣傳效果。 Infographics這款App的閱讀方式很好上手,首先一進入App後就會自動更新最新的資訊圖表作品。 點進某個資訊圖表後,可以用橫擺、直立的方式查看內容。 而左右滑動就可以直接切換到上一則、下一則資訊圖表。 也能透過下方的分享按鈕,將不錯的資訊圖表分享到自己的社群,或是寄發郵件分享。 其實,抓住正確的內容主題後,電子書App並不需要多花俏的功能,只要「容易閱讀」就可以了,因為對使用者來說最重要的還是內容到底有沒有用?

Social Thievery: Will Your Tweets Get You Robbed? [INFOGRAPHIC] Social networks are an information gateway that allow people to share and connect in ways that were never previously possible. They can also be a pretty clever way to rob your neighbors. Burglars are starting to realize the criminal possibilities of social media. For example, Foursquare or Facebook can show when somebody is away from their home or traveling for the weekend. What better time to ransack when your victim is in Aruba? Credit Sesame, a personal finance tool and website, conducted a survey of 50 ex-burglars in the UK Nearly 80% of them said they had used Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to target which properties to rob. Of course, the pendulum swings both ways. The sample-size of the study may be small, but the high numbers do give some indication of the way social media can be used for ill intents.

Take a look at the infographic below, which has some of the dangers and solutions to creating a "socially safe" environment. Image courtesy of Flickr, Amber Grundy. Social Consumers and the Science of Sharing [INFOGRAPHIC] If you're buying a car, do you check Facebook? Or do you read up on Kelley Blue Book values and scour the company website for every spec, from horsepower to miles per gallon? What about music — do you check Top 40 radio charts or scope out what your Facebook friends are actually listening to on Spotify? Social media has infiltrated the purchasing funnel, helping consumers make informed decisions, from what to have for lunch to where to go on vacation. Depending on the decision, sometimes you turn to your social graph, and sometimes you turn to Google. But regardless of what kind of consumer you're trying to reach or what you're selling, your SEO better be top notch — search is the most important influence on the web.

The infographic below, featuring data from M Booth and Beyond, analyzes the differences between high and low sharers and various purchasing decisions, helping brands to understand how should be targeting consumers. What kind of consumer are you? Your Professor Tweets More Than You. How many of y’all are friends with your professors on facebook? I have friended a couple of my past teachers, but not very many. I feel that the learning community didn’t really know to jump into the social media wave, but they ultimately went for it. Over 90% of college faculty engages with social media compared to less than 50% of other professionals. Those in higher education seem to care less if students know about their real life as to someone with a business client.

Evolution of Search Engine:Infographic History | Online Marketing Trends. The State of Social Media 2011: Social is the new normal Brian Solis. InShare889 Part 6 in a series introducing my new book, The End of Business as Usual…this is not content from the book, this series serves as its prequel. The state of social media is no insignificant affair. Nor is it a conversation relegated to a niche contingent of experts and gurus. Social media is pervasive and it is transforming how people find and share information and how they connect and collaborate with one another.

I say that as if I’m removed from the media and cultural (r)evolution that is digital socioeconomics. But in reality, I’m part of it just like everyone else. You and I both know however, that’ I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. Social media is clearly becoming the new normal. To demonstrate this point, let’s review the profound findings from the recently released Nielsen Social Media Report. 1) Skeptics will now be recognized as laggards as they now officially stand in the way of progress. 5) 70 percent of active online adult social networkers shop online.

The evolution of the web.