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Thought Leadership Articles by Dr. Richa - Here’s Why A Skill-Based Education System Is The Need Of The Hour! "Education is important, but skill is necessary!

Thought Leadership Articles by Dr. Richa - Here’s Why A Skill-Based Education System Is The Need Of The Hour!

" Indeed, skill-based education can no longer be considered a choice but has become a fundamental requirement. Despite having a growing population, there is still a considerable gap between education and employability. According to a recent study, 67 percent of Indian employers are trying to find skilled manpower to meet their requirements and the reason for this is the lack of employability skills, such as communication, presentation, interpersonal skills, teamwork, etc.

One of the reasons for the glaring unemployability is the preference for academic subjects by parents and the society in general. Most students are victims of the misconception that skill-based learning leads to poorly-paid jobs. Companies are always on the lookout for students who have the requisite skills, along with technical knowledge and intellect needed for a particular profile.

Skills That Could Help Students Become Great Employees… Written by: Dr. Compelling Reasons Why Multi-Country Exposure Is Great For You As A Student! "Do not follow where the path may lead.

Compelling Reasons Why Multi-Country Exposure Is Great For You As A Student!

Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail". - Ralph Waldo Emerson It's a great time to be unconventional… especially, when it comes to career choices! And, if you are planning to pursue higher studies like an MBA, it's advisable to opt for one that gives you multi-country exposure! People often confuse multi-country education with a study programme pursued abroad. There is a telling difference between both. Here’s Why Digital Marketing is The Career of The Future! The digital era has revolutionised the way businesses and brands across the globe are carrying out their digital operations and marketing strategies.

Here’s Why Digital Marketing is The Career of The Future!

According to CISCO’s Visual Networking Index (VNI) report, by 2021, 829 million Indians are expected to take an incredible leap towards internet accessibility. This is an unprecedented jump of users from 0.5% in 2000 to 59% in 2017. All of this translates into the simple fact that almost all businesses, sooner or later, must include digital in their marketing activities. An MBA curriculum should address Fitness. Emphasis on the importance of strong physical education program only remains restricted to the school level.

An MBA curriculum should address Fitness

But once the student steps out of the school, all that he/she is expected to do is to work on their career prospects. If you are into performing arts or sports then fitness becomes your job, but what happens to the youngsters who end up working for long hours in an office environment. Management and business schools in the world are known for their rigorous and ambitious programs. Students eventually hole up in libraries, classrooms and other enclosed spaces working on a dream job. But, if we look at the present and the future, do we see a healthy and sustainable life for the aspiring youth? These issues call for a change in a way we look at educational institutions where a lot of habits develop and stays with the youth throughout their life.

Fitness comes in all shapes and forms. Understanding The Role Of A Digital Marketing Professional! With AI and data analytics making profound changes in digital marketing, what was new last year has become obsolete this year.

Understanding The Role Of A Digital Marketing Professional!

Hence, digital marketers keen on leveraging their skills, as well as those interested in foraying into the maze of digital marketing, will have to upskill themselves in digital marketing by choosing courses that encompass all aspects of the field and learning the tricks of the trade! The Different Faces Of A Digital Marketing Professional… Digital marketing is a pretty vast field and has several corporate roles under it. Let’s understand each of these roles, to get a better understanding of what an aspiring digital marketing manager needs to be prepared for! The role of a ‘Digital Marketing Manager (DMM)’ involves planning and developing the overall marketing strategy required for marketing the company’s product online. DMMs have to ensure the setting up and implementation of various strategies through various digital technologies and digital marketing channels. Thought Leadership Articles by Dr. Richa - A Student's Secret Guide To Choosing The Right MBA Programme. An MBA degree can be considered as a gateway to the top table.

Getting an MBA from the right school is a sure shot way of landing a better job and accelerating your career. Deciding to pursue an MBA is a big decision, but you still have many other important things to decide before actually joining the MBA Programme and starting classes. For example, which MBA programme should I choose and how it will help me develop holistically? Each year, more than 800,000 prospective students apply to MBA and more than one million students are enrolled in a business school at any given time. As you embark on your journey to pursue, you need to answer one fundamental question — which MBA programme is apt for me? Finding the right programme at the right school is not just about looking at the rankings or choosing one touted as “prestigious”.

A learning opportunity can be considered worthwhile if it creates powerful leaders and managers, not just graduates. To Conclude… Written by: Dr. Skill-Disabled Resources - Generating A Paralytic Economy.