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About 4ndreas. Sans titre. Open platform The Crazyflie platform is an open development platform consisting of open hardware and open source firmware/software.

sans titre

The reason for making it open is that we want users to be able to hack, modify, experiment and learn from our platform. The projects are developed using only open tools. Project logs. Getting the car street legal.

Project logs

This is for sure the least exciting & possibly most difficult part of our car build. CNC Cookbook: Astronomical Clock. Notes on Constructing an Orrery / Antikythera Mechanism I've always had a great interest in Astronomy, and I read with great interest recent articles about the Antikythera Mechanism, which was apparently an ancient orrery or simulator of motions of the heavenly bodies.

CNC Cookbook: Astronomical Clock

The machine, which was constructed circa 80 BC, could represent the motions of most heavenly bodies known in its time using a clockwork consisting of 37 gears. Differential Gear Mechanism Was Way Ahead of Its Time... The front dial would show the progression of the Sun and Moon through the Zodiac according to the ancient Egyptian calendar. The lower back dial gives the Metonic cycle, the Synodic cycle, and the Lunar year of 12 Synodic months. Front and Back of a Reconstructed Model of the Antykthera Mechanism. Végétarisme. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Le végétarisme est une pratique alimentaire qui exclut la consommation de chair animale pour des motivations diverses. Le calendrier scolaire. Fresh hacks every day. Rolling Ball Sculptures. SCULPTURE ANIMEE CONTEMPORAINE MODERNE - DIDIER LEGROS. Ball circuit. HoaxBuster - Vérifier l'information en circulation sur le web.


#51259 X Rocker Pro H3 - X Rocker. Overview.

#51259 X Rocker Pro H3 - X Rocker

Système d’éclairage dynamique via raycasting, méthode brute. EDIT: Cette algorithme est certes, instructif, mais il n'est clairement pas optimisé.

Système d’éclairage dynamique via raycasting, méthode brute

Il vous aidera à comprendre le fonctionnement d'un système de rendu d'ombre, mais il n'est pas viable pour une utilisation en jeu car trop gourmand. The AirBoard. EA DOG series - Very flexible - ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY. Rolling Ball Sculptures. Nick's LED Projects. Beta Board Preview Colorduino running the Plasma demo.

Nick's LED Projects

Matrix & Sprite Arduino Libraries, for a many-LED display! The Matrix library allows you to control a large number of LEDs, with easy-to-use (but expensive) MAX7219 chips.

Matrix & Sprite Arduino Libraries, for a many-LED display!

Sprite is used with Matrix, to draw shapes. Download: (updated for Arduino 1.0 & later) Matrix and Sprite have been tested with Teensy 2.0, Teensy++ 2.0 and Teensy 3.0. Hardware Requirements. Fabriquer une horloge à LED sur le principe du jeu Pong. 8x8 LED RGB Matrix (SKU:DFR0202) Blog. The Crazyflie 2.0 supports two types of radio protocols out of the box: ESB (Enhanced ShockBurst) for Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA USB dongle compatibility and Bluetooth LE for mobile devices.


Hardware description. A MB Led block includes multiples components.

Hardware description

The microprocessor is an STM32F103RET6 with 512Kb of Flash and 64 Kb of RAM. Blocks communicates with each other by infrared : They have 4 IrDA transceivers to send packets to their neighbor. GLiP - (a) Great LED Interactive Puzzle. Enter the PlayBox, Where Microsoft and Sony Get Along. Enter the PlayBox, Where Microsoft and Sony Get Along. All about Moteino. Archive at A remote attack on an aftermarket telematics service - Argus Cyber Security. As a part of our ongoing research we decided to study the quickly evolving aftermarket telematics technology.

Learning Python With Tron Radio. [5 Volt Junkie] has built his share of Arduino projects, but never anything with Python, and certainly never anything with a GUI. After listening to Internet radio one day, a new idea for a project was born: a Raspberry Pi with a small touchscreen display for a UI and displaying tracks. It’s finally finished, and it’s a great introduction to Python, Pygame, and driving tiny little displays with the Pi.

Playing streams was handled by mpd and mpc, while the task of driving a 2.8″ TFT LCD was handled by the fbtft Linux framebuffer driver. 8x8 LED RGB Matrix (SKU:DFR0202) Open source Nest-alike learning thermostat. About Earlier this week, Google bought Nest, a connected devices company, for $3.2 billion. Real Time Clock: DS1307. Voici maintenant quelques temps que je possède ma carte Arduino et je commence a vouloir expérimenter d'autres choses que faire clignoter une led ou lire des valeurs analogiques sur une liaison série. C'est pour ça que j'ai commandé le DS1307 qui est une Horloge temps réel commandé par I2C. C'est d'ailleurs un très bon moyen pour moi d'apprendre à utiliser le bus I2C que je connais pas encore. Je vais donc rassembler ici, toutes les infos et démarches faites pour faire fonctionner ce fameux composant. le Datasheet Adresse I2C (7bits) du DS1307 :

Compteurs eau et gaz à impulsion sur IPX800. Dans les grands principes de la domotique, un élément essentiel est selon moi la maîtrise du coût des énergies de l’habitation. Jusqu’à présent équipé d’un compteur OWL CM 119 (approximation intéressante des dépenses électriques), il me semblait primordial de suivre également ma conso d’eau et d’électricité. Ball-sculpture - The Ball Sculpture First off, as the base of the project I created a set of rules. I had these rules in mind when I built the whole sculpture. Working together to make a better world. List of open-source hardware projects. The following is the list of open source hardware projects that includes computer systems and components, cameras, radio, telephony, science education, machines & tools, robotics, renewable energy, home automation, medical & biotech, automotive, prototyping, test equipment, and musical instruments. Amateur radio[edit] Homebrew D-STAR Radio Audio electronics[edit]

Sommaire : Raspberry PI & Arduino, domotique, robotique, et pleins de trucs en “ique


Digital Lifestyle. Rolling Ball Sculpture - Kinetic rolling ball sculptures designed and created by David Morrell.