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KolibriOS - News. Etckeeper. Etckeeper is a collection of tools to let /etc be stored in a git, mercurial, darcs, or bzr repository. It hooks into apt (and other package managers including yum and pacman-g2) to automatically commit changes made to /etc during package upgrades. It tracks file metadata that revison control systems do not normally support, but that is important for /etc, such as the permissions of /etc/shadow. It's quite modular and configurable, while also being simple to use if you understand the basics of working with revision control. etckeeper is available in git at or in gitweb.

It's packaged in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. etckeeper 1.11 released with these changes Fix too broad matching of .gitignored files. Etckeeper 1.10 released with these changes Remove lvm/backup from default ignores, because lvm documentation recommends backing that up, for use by vgcfgrestore. Etckeeper 1.9 released with these changes Fix git update-ignore syntax. Conecta HealthCare systems | Conecta HealthCare Systems. MacKeeper Official Website. FREE PC Profile, Audit, and Diagnostic Report Utility. System Cleaner Disk Registry Cleaner Speed Up PCs by Comodo.

WakeOnLan. WakeOnLanNeed to access some files on your other Mac? Find out it's sleeping and you can't? Try this little app to help you out. What is WakeOnLan? WakeOnLan discovers all other computers in your LAN, and enables you to wake them up by clicking a button. If your remote computer is a Mac you can put it asleep too. Scheduled Wake Up CallsIn addition to timer based wake up calls, each computer can be scheduled to be woken up frequently at a day of the week (or, weekdays or weekends only) and time of your choice.

WakeOnLan Dashboard WidgetYou need to wakeup some other computer quickly, but don't want to start the WakeOnLan application? New for all Mac OS X versions: Dock MenuFaster access for everyone. About WakeOnLanWakeOnLan is Freeware. Using Magic Packet Utility to send wake on LAN commands | Network Administrator | Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems. Disable Startup - Free Startup Manager and Monitoring Software. Download Quit for Mac - Bash script to politely quit applications using Terminal. MacUpdate Mac System Software Downloads. Thank you, Jon. Apple should have included this in Mac OS X. The 'open' command has been in since NeXTSTEP. Why not 'quit'?

Anyhow, I added an option '-f' which says to *not* print an error message if the requested app is not running. Following is the 'diff' output which shows the difference between Jon's original and mine. Thank you, Jon. Thank you, Jon. MSConfig Cleanup - optimize your Windows startup. Tweaking Windows Vista, XP Registry Cleaner Freeware, Disk Defragmenter Utility. Software [fernLightning] - CronniX. Tobi Oetiker - Tobi Oetiker's Toolbox. Prio - Priority Saver.

Windows is a multitasking system. It means that a lot of various applications are running simultaneously in it. You directly work with some of them, but some of them work invisibly and independently. The priority of an application is a parameter that tells the system which task has priority over other tasks. For example, if there are two programs that are running simultaneously and with the same priority, they will have equal shares of the processor time. Home. Home ‎(ScorchOS)‎ Optimizing Windows XP Services: Improve performances by disabling Windows services.

Windows XP starts a lot of different services, as engine of the whole Windows system. However, some of them won't be of any use for you! By quitting those unused services, you can realize higher system performances. At the page MSCONFIG, I already mentioned the possibilities to turn off services on the tab Services, as shown below.

This is not the proper way to turn off services, especially not the Microsoft services: please use the Services Management Tool for this purpose. As you can see, for each services there is a lot of information (this information is not always clear, but gives you an idea whether you probably need it or not...). There are many Windows services. Alerter: Most times this service is not used. Automatic Updates: Downloading and installing Windows updates. Computer Browser: This services lists all computers in a network and gives this information to other computers in the network, when asked for. Print Spooler: Necessary for printing. Windows XP Services - By Gene Goldring.

Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Uninstall Software, Remove Programs, Solve uninstall problems. Little Apps - Everybody Needs Them. Projects. Troubleshooting Windows STOP Messages. Art of Information Security. Ruby for systems administrators. Introduction Ruby is a highly feature-rich, free, simple, extensible, portable, and object-oriented scripting language. It has gained immense popularity of late on the worldwide Web. This popularity can at least partly be attributed to the very powerful Web application development framework, Rails, which is written in Ruby.

Rails, or Ruby on Rails ( ROR ), as it is called, provides a very powerful platform to very quickly and efficiently develop a Web application. It is highly scalable and there are many sites on the Web that have been built using Ruby on Rails. Besides the use of Ruby with Rails as a Web application development platform, there is another less-heralded side to Ruby, which is Ruby as a powerful scripting language, much in the same league as Python or Perl. Systems administration is one such work environment that demands a lot of scripting for making things simpler and more efficient. For this article, I assume that the reader has a working knowledge of Ruby. Back to top. Home page — Genode Operating System Framework. r2 Studios. Intech Software Corporation. Royal Pingdom » 10 amazingly alternative operating systems and what they could mean for the future.

This post is about the desktop operating systems that fly under the radar of most people. We are definitely not talking about Windows, Mac OS X or Linux, or even BSD or Solaris. There are much less mainstream options out there for the OS-curious. These alternative operating systems are usually developed either by enthusiasts or small companies (or both), and there are more of them than you might expect. There are even more than we have included in this article, though we think this is a good selection of the more interesting ones and we have focused specifically on desktop operating systems. As you will see, many of them are very different from what you may be used to.

Enough introduction, let’s get started! AmigaOS 4.1 This month (September 2008) AmigaOS 4.1 was released. AmigaOS only runs on specific PowerPC-based hardware platforms. Source model: Closed source License: Proprietary Platform: PowerPC State: Final Read a review of AmigaOS 4.1 at Arstechnica. Haiku License: MIT License ReactOS. Titanium Software. Pref Setter. Pref Setter is an application used to edit plist (Property LIST) files, geared towards viewing / editing Mac OS X's preference files. Very useful for setting those “hidden” preference settings that aren't available directly in an application.

Features Easy access to your preferences Pref Setter makes accessing your preferences easy with the “Open Domain Quickly” window, listing your preference files and those in the /Library/Preferences domain. Searchability Pref Setter makes your preferences easily searchable, with its Find panel which will search all of your preferences for a term, or within individual documents for a term via the document's search bar. Drag & Drop / Copy & Paste Pref Setter has comprehensive drag & drop / copy & paste support, with the ability to drag / paste partial plist strings or entire plist files onto any document window or tab. TinkerTool: Description. TinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into OS X.

This allows to activate hidden features in the operating system and in some of the applications delivered with the system. The tool makes sure that preference changes can only affect the current user. You don't need administrative privileges to use the tool. With this design, it is no problem to use TinkerTool in professional networks where users have restricted permissions. The program will never change any component of the operating system, so the integrity of your system is not put at risk, and there will be no negative effect on system updates. All preference settings changed by TinkerTool can be reset to Apple's defaults, or to the state that existed before using the tool.

TinkerTool is electronically distributed software. TinkerTool is available for all generations of Mac OS X and OS X. Remote scripting first steps -- Managing Windows networks using scripts, Part 6. In previous articles in this series we explored what we could do with the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class and getting over the "hump" that many Windows administrators face when learning how to script. Now let's go back to the script ChangeIPAddress.vbs that we developed to change the IP address of a network adapter: {*style:<i>Option Explicit Dim objWMIService Dim objNetAdapter Dim strComputer Dim strAddress Dim arrIPAddress Dim arrSubnetMask Dim colNetAdapters Dim errEnableStatic </i>*} {*style:<i>If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "Usage: ChangeIPAddress.vbs new_IP_address" WScript.Quit End If </i>*} {*style:<i>strComputer = ".

" strAddress = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) arrIPAddress = Array(strAddress) arrSubnetMask = Array("") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") For Each objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters Next </i>*} Raging Menace - MenuMeters. Introduction MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X. Although there are numerous other programs which do the same thing, none had quite the feature set I was looking for. Most were windows that sat in a corner or on the desktop, which are inevitably obscured by document windows on a laptop's small screen. Those monitors which used the menubar mostly used the NSStatusItem API, which has the annoying tendency to totally reorder my menubar on every login.

The MenuMeters monitors are true SystemUIServer plugins (also known as Menu Extras). The CPU Meter can display system load both as a total percentage, or broken out as user and system time. MenuMeters comes without warranty or support. Screenshots License MenuMeters is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the "GNU General Public License.rtf" file for full license terms. Donations System Requirements Download. Virtual Appliances Home. Monolingual. Network Security | IT Security | Vulnerability Assessment. - Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows Update.

Taste a bit of freedom. Virtualization: 2006 top five how-tos | Server Virtualization All-in-One Guides. - OS X tips and tricks!