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Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture. Every Possible Way to Define a Javascript Function | Bryan Braun. Douglas Crockford: The Better Parts - JSConfUY 2014. Tern: intelligent JavaScript editing. What is Tern? Tern is our ticket to cross-editor, deep JavaScript integration. It is a code analysis engine that can be hooked up to relative thin, simple, editor-specific plug-ins in order to provide autocompletion, function argument hints, jump-to-definition, and various automatic refactoring operations.

There is a live demo on the project website, as well as some more technical information. If this crowd-funding campaign reaches its goal, I will make Tern open source, and deliver Tern plug-ins for Emacs and Vim. [Update: The main goal was reached. [Update: The campaign is finished. Stretch goals Now that 12,000 € has been raised, I will add built-in support for node.js. If 15,000 € is raised, I'll write plug-ins for two additional editors. Who am I? I am Marijn Haverbeke, the author and maintainer of Eloquent JavaScript (a book) and CodeMirror (a code editor). Caveat Type inference in a dynamic language like JavaScript is not an exact science.

The goal. Tern.


Ajax and XML: Five Ajax anti-patterns. Helma - Javascript Web Application Framework. Effects Treasure Chest in scriptaculous wiki. is a set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user interface of web sites. It provides an visual effects engine, a drag and drop library (including sortable lists), a couple of controls (Ajax-based autocompletion, in-place editing, sliders) and more. Be sure to have a look at the demos! API Documentation and Reference This wiki details Version 1.8.1 of the library, which is the most current version of the 1.x trunk of Core Effects: Effect.Highlight, Effect.Morph, Effect.Move, Effect.Opacity, Effect.Scale, Effect.Parallel,Effect Queues Combination Effects: Effect.Appear, Effect.BlindDown, Effect.BlindUp, Effect.DropOut, Effect.Fade, Effect.Fold, Effect.Grow, Effect.Puff, Effect.Pulsate, Effect.Shake, Effect.Shrink, Effect.SlideDown, Effect.SlideUp, Effect.Squish, Effect.SwitchOff, Effect.ScrollTo Effect helpers: Effect.Transitions, Effect.Methods, Effect.tagifyText, Effect.multiple, Effect.toggle is open source.

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