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FightCode - Killing Robots for Fun. Problems | Locations. Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. Take a tour to get the hang of how Rosalind works. If you don't know anything about programming, you can start at the Python Village. For a collection of exercises to accompany Bioinformatics Algorithms book, go to the Textbook Track. Otherwise you can try to storm the Bioinformatics Stronghold right now. If you are completely new to programming, try these initial problems to learn a few basics about the Python programming language. You'll get familiar with the operations needed to start solving bioinformatics challenges in the Stronghold. Bioinformatics Stronghold Discover the algorithms underlying a variety of bioinformatics topics: computational mass spectrometry, alignment, dynamic programming, genome assembly, genome rearrangements, phylogeny, probability, string algorithms and others.

Ready-to-use software tools abound for bioinformatics analysis. Bioinformatics Textbook Track. Train with Programming Challenges/Kata | Codewars. §. Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) HackerEarth | Coding Challenges for Programmers. Topcoder. Untitled. Programming Competition,Programming Contest,Online Computer Programming.