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50 Creative Websites With Highly Unusual Navigation. Navigation plays a crucial role in the success or failure of any website. An easy to navigate website is more likely to be explored in more detail as compared to a website with more complex navigation. Regardless of the functionality of the website, the navigation is the first thing that must be taken care of. Accomplishing matchless navigation that successfully performs its function is almost similar to mounting Mt. Everest. Getting an exceptional navigation with wonderful functionality makes the website easy to navigate and interesting for the visitors, therefore assuring a better user experience.

At this time, we have selected some websites with marvelous and distinctive navigational elements that will not only enthuse you, but will demonstrate to you how to merge novelty with realism. 1. On this website, you may feel that the website does not have any content but once you explore its navigation, you will love to browse this website more than anything. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Law of Online Sharing. The idea of limitless growth gives sleepless nights to environmentalists, but not to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. He espouses a law of social sharing, which predicts that every year, for the foreseeable future, the amount of information you share on the Web will double. That rule of thumb can be visualized mathematically as a rapidly growing exponential curve. More simply, our online social lives are set to get significantly busier. As for Facebook, more personal data means better ad targeting. If things work out, Zuckerberg’s net worth will follow a similar trajectory to that described in his law of social sharing.

That law is said to be mathematically derived from data inside Facebook. There’s a hint of vanity in Zuckerberg’s attempt to ape Moore. Things Reviewed: The law of social sharing Facebook Beacon Facebook Open Graph Frictionless sharing Spotify Blippy Privacy concerns will surely arise again as Facebook and others become able to ingest and process more of our personal data. Algoritmerna väljer din musiksmak | Kultur. Under hösten har oroliga röster höjts mot den ökande robothandeln på börsen där algoritmer, en sorts datorprogram, köper och säljer aktier helt utan mänsklig inblandning. Också i kultursfären överlämnas alltmer kontroll från människa till maskin, och algoritmerna har blivit den kanske viktigaste faktorn som bestämmer vår kulturkonsumtion. En algoritm är en instruktion till en dator att utföra en uppgift på ett förutbestämt sätt.

Lite som ett recept som innehåller ett antal steg som resulterar i en viss maträtt. Alla som handlar böcker, musik eller film på nätet är förtrogna med de rekommendationer på fler köp som sajterna ger. Genom att använda den information som de har om dig – som tidigare köp, kön och ålder – tar algoritmerna över den guidande roll som butiksbiträden, vänner och tidningar tidigare hade. Senaste tillskottet i floran av tekniska tjänster som ger personanpassade rekommendationer är musikplattformen Spotifys nya applikationer som just nu lanseras.

Bakom allt: Algoritmer. Mastering the Art of Slow Blogging. Pragmatisk, Skapa en webbplats på rätt sätt från grunden. BBC Internet Blog: Upgrading BBC Blogs: Moving to a new blogging platform. WebCoast on API presentationer från Webcoast » API – Så skriver du ett pressmeddelande – del 1 | Bisonblog. Det händer hela tiden, nästan varje dag. Som journalist och bloggare får jag nyhetstips i olika former skickade till mig, oftast via mail. Jag tänker på hur mycket bättre utskicken skulle kunna bli med bara några enkla justeringar. Jag har själv jobbat med kommunikation på informationsavdelningar i offentlig och privat sektor och vet hur det är att sitta på andra sidan. Hur lätt den externa blicken försvinner till förmån för inifrån-och-ut-perspektivet. Det här ämnet aktualiserades häromdagen när den klass som just nu läser Strategisk Kommunikation och PR på Berghs fick undervisning i just hur man skriver bra pressmeddelanden, av Mattias Sjöstrand.

Når du ut till de här människorna? Obs, precis som att alla som jobbar med PR i olika former inte är exakt likadana, är förstås inte journalister det heller. Så skriver du ett pressmeddelande, del 1 – innan du börjar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Det här var del 1 av pressmeddelande-skolan. Relaterade inlägg: Facebook Is Using You. Social TV is here – for real! | Kajsa Hartig. Chinatown, London. Benedict Cumberbatch during filming of Sherlock. CC-BY. This weekend another part of the series Sherlock was aired on Swedish national TV. It was broadcasted just after the first round of the Swedish part of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012. As I wrote exactly a year ago, Twitter is the place to be when the ESC competitions are running. This year, the social TV has taken a step forward. As a huge amount of people are already watching TV with their laptop, iPad or mobile phone at hand, it seems like watching two screens at the same time is not a problem.

Tweets by Mattias Boström, @mattiasb. How to create a content strategy – and measure its value. Got a website? You need a content strategy. Too many websites are meticulously built and then filled with thrown-together content that doesn’t engage with the customer. Think about how you browse the Internet as a consumer. How often do you read a whole page of content to find out one piece of information? Do you instead scroll to the bottom of the page to find the product or conclusion? Your goal is to expand your business’ reach, drive sales and increase its profitability.

A content strategy will help you understand the content your customer is interested in so you can give it to them. First, what’s a content strategy? I am going to define a content strategy as a framework within which businesses can manage the content being published about their brand and products/services online in order to ensure that they are always seen as authority content publishers that deserve search engine and user respect. Here’s how to get started on creating and measuring yours.

Establish a goal Add value. Big Data’s Impact in the World. Welcome to the Age of Big Data. The new megarich of Silicon Valley, first at Google and now Facebook, are masters at harnessing the data of the Web — online searches, posts and messages — with Internet advertising. At the World Economic Forum last month in Davos, Switzerland, Big Data was a marquee topic. A report by the forum, “Big Data, Big Impact,” declared data a new class of economic asset, like currency or gold. Rick Smolan, creator of the “Day in the Life” photography series, is planning a project later this year, “The Human Face of Big Data,” documenting the collection and uses of data.

Mr. Smolan is an enthusiast, saying that Big Data has the potential to be “humanity’s dashboard,” an intelligent tool that can help combat poverty, crime and pollution. What is Big Data? Link these communicating sensors to computing intelligence and you see the rise of what is called the Internet of Things or the Industrial Internet. Photo Big Data has its perils, to be sure. Why QR Codes Won't Last. Jon Barocas is the founder and CEO of bieMEDIA, a Denver-based online marketing and media solutions company that specializes in video content production and distribution, mobile visual search, technology platforms, SEO, VSEO and more. Like most technology fans, I am always ready and willing to try any technology that promises to simplify my life. QR codes seemed to present an accessible and uniform way for people with smart devices to interact with advertising, marketing and media. Those little squares of code seemed to open a world of opportunity and potential.

But after using them for a length of time, I shifted my perspective. My initial honeymoon with QR codes was very short-lived. The initial rush that I had received from trying to frame the code on my device had lost its luster. Consider a recent study by comScore, which states that only 14 million American mobile device users have have interacted with a QR code. Humans are visual animals. The QR Alternative QR Code Security Risks. The Hacker Shelf | Community-curated collection of free books for the intellectually curious. DuckDuckGo. Kort peptalk for slitne bloggere. Det skal gå så fort nå for tiden. Det var Kristin Oudmayer som sa det på Twitter denne uken, riktignok med andre ord, men budskapet hennes: Hun minnet seg selv, og oss andre, om at det er så mye enklere å dra en Facebook-oppdatering på én setning enn å fordype seg i de lange tankerekkene på en blogg.

Jeg tror Kristin har veldig rett for tiden. Det er et tretthetstegn å spore hos flere bloggere det siste året, noen har gitt opp, andre oppdaterer uhyre sjeldent. Er det på tide med en liten peptalk, litt motivasjon, litt kaffe i bånn av bakken, et krus med solbærsaft for de som stempler inn i løssnø og brattheng og leter etter neste post? Først en liten oppmuntring til bloggere som vurderer å legge opp (jeg har selv vært i den kategorien det siste året): Leter du etter måter å få hundrevis av kommentarer på?

Etter det en oppmuntring igjen: Det er de lange resonnementene som til sist vil vinne. Så litt motivasjon:Finn roen. Bonusinspirasjoner: Gå på et antikvariat – se andres levde liv. Broken Link Building Guide: From Noob to Novice. Howdy Mozzers, My name is Anthony and I'm from Fargo, ND. First-time YouMozzer here. After reading this post, I hope you (in?) Voluntarily scroll back up to the top to follow me on twitter (@anthonydnelson) and check out my blog Northside SEO. Today's post is about broken link building. It's been a popular topic in the industry, but I also noticed that SEOmoz didn't have a lot on the subject, so I thought it would be nice to write a kick-ass piece for the large SEOmoz community.

Now, on to the post. Broken [broh-kuhn] adjective: not functioning properly; out of working order Link [lingk] noun: anything serving to connect one part or thing with another Building [bil-ding] verb (used with object): to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts Definitions taken from Broken Link Building [lingk bil-ding gohld] verb: the act of acquiring a link to your website by pointing out a broken link on someone else's website What is Broken Link Building? 11 Google Analytics Tricks to Use for Your Website. In defense of QR codes. In Sweden we have a broad movement of people bashing the QR technique. I kind of understand some of the criticism, but since I'm allergic to sheeple behavior I felt the need to write a short piece on QR codes, and when they are actually good to use. Offline / Online coupling Often when QR codes are used, the company puts up a QR code pointing at their web's start page.

That is not making good use of a QR code, unless you have a really shitty domain name. However, with a QR code you can "easily" share a long and complicated url. Screen-to-mobile Laptop to mobile sharing of links still aren't as easy as it should be. Branding One aspect that people seem to forget when talking about QR codes in ads is the branding factor. Learning Coupling offline to online is hard but crucial in sales and marketing. API katalogen är här med över 200 svenska APIer » API – Äntligen är den svenska API katalogen här med över 200 APIer. Vill du hitta på Umeå universitet, skicka SMS eller planera resa i Stockholms tunnelbana? Kanske vill du handla med aktier, söka bland bloggar eller bara hitta ett bra recept för kvällsmaten? Letar du efter information om ett företag, vill du ha sjukvårdsupplysning eller bara lyssna på musik?

I API katalogen så hittar du APIer för allt det här och mycket mer. Varför? Målet med API katalogen är att svenska APIer ska vara lätta och hitta och att det i sin tur ska få fler utvecklare att börja använda APIer för att skapa nya tjänster. Jag vill hjälpa utvecklare att hitta APIer som kan lösa deras problem och de som publicerar API att hitta utvecklare som vill använda APIet. En gammal ide Jag har funderat på att skapa en svensk API katalog i åratal men det är inte förrän nu som jag äntligen kommit till skott. Behöver er hjälp Stort ödmjukt tack Om Andreas Krohn. Designing Search: Entering the Query. One of the fundamental concepts in UX is notion of affordance: the idea that objects should behave in the manner that their appearance suggests.

A push plate on a door affords pushing; a handle afford pulling. How many times have you walked up to a door and found it behaved contrary to your expectations? Invariably this is caused by a mismatch between form and function. Likewise, the design of the search box should follow its function. Its purpose is to allow the user to enter queries in the form of keywords, so it should look like it will accept textual input, and have an associated button that clearly indicates its function. It should also be wide enough to comfortably accommodate the majority of queries.

A match between form and function at A somewhat less conventional search box design at The concept of affordance is so fundamental that it should apply to all aspects of the user experience. Minimalist search box design on the Google home page Yahoo! Designing for Conversion – 8 Visual Design Techniques to Focus Attention on Your Landing Pages.

Make your visitors pay attention to your landing page!!! I’m going to take a different approach to this post and use photography to illustrate some principles of design. Understanding these fundamental concepts will help you grab your visitors attention and direct them to your intended conversion goal. The most important element of any landing page is the conversion goal. Similarly, the most important aspect of your landing page design is to focus the visitor’s attention on that conversion area. Using Photography to Illustrate Visual Techniques There are multiple ways to catch the attention of your visitors; you can use bold, catchy, funny or controversial copy or beautiful typographic design, you can have a video to allow a multimedia experience, and you can use some fundamental principles of design to guide the eyes of your customers with directional cues. In this post I’ll break this into 2 main categories: TIP: Click the photos for a closeup… Suggestive Directional Cues Color and contrast.

6 Must Read Tips Before Registering a Domain Name. There are many things a web designer has to think of when designing a website. Moreover, if he has full responsibility, he has to come up with a good domain name as well. Although many think it is not so important, the domain name is as important as your company name, the website or the Facebook page.

Having a good domain name will many times not only bring you more traffic, but also make your webpage easier to remember – and this brings traffic too. Finding the perfect domain name is not easy in today’s web. Many of the domains which you could think of using are either used by another company or bought for profit by individuals or even other businesses. Web professionals often spend more time finding the right domain name than designing an identity or a website. Branding Branding is a very important concept for a business. Extensions The three most used extensions in the world are .com, .net and .org. Some domain names providers offer the option of buying all three at a discounted price. How to tell managers they're wrong about UX research and still get hired.

8 Reasons Users Don’t Fill Out Sign Up Forms. Gamification–You Have Won and Now We Know All About You. How Authorship (and Google+) Will Change Linkbuilding. Why We Shouldn't Make Separate Mobile Websites. A Web Analytics Primer - What Does It All Mean? Taxonomy: Content Strategy’s New Best Friend. APIs Are Forever, Wait No...They Can Go Away at Any Time!!! WordPress Themes for Freelancers 2012. Create a Website Planning Spec Before You Build. Taggade barn : #taggadförlivet. Follow-Up: The Tablet Really Is Killing The E-Reader. Occupy data. Klout – Ett verktyg eller sattyg. Digitalt innfødte og deres fossile foreldre. Growing Up Google: How Cloud Computing Is Changing a Generation. Here's Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years.

Your Website is a Mousetrap and Your Content is the Cheese.