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GrandCare offers the best computer for seniors as an ideal home monitoring system for elderly for better health care through remote technology.

GrandCare System as the Cadillac of Virtual Long-Term Care. Benefit Specialists, an industry leader since 1980, is a privately owned, full service insurance brokerage firm specialize in both employer-provided and voluntary benefits for companies of all sizes across a broad array of industries.

GrandCare System as the Cadillac of Virtual Long-Term Care

Affiliated with over 50 of the largest national insurance companies, they specialize in providing customized solutions for companies looking for group and individual insurance products and benefit plans which will meet the unique needs of employees.Recently, Benefit Specialists wrote an interesting article discussing the impact that emerging technologies are having on long-term care environments.

Check out the excerpt below, which explains how GrandCare is reshaping the healthcare landscape. Caregiving Technologies for Seniors Have to Actually Work. Over the last 50 years, senior living has been completely transformed by technology.

Caregiving Technologies for Seniors Have to Actually Work

In fact, care for elders wasn’t even included in Social Security benefits until 1965. This new coverage allowed seniors to leave “poorhouses” and move into new, albeit highly unregulated, privatized care facilities. In 1968, new regulations required skilled nursing facilities to provide 24 hour nursing services, meet building codes, and maintain specific care standards for all residents. Over the next 50 years, artificial hearts, the Internet, computers, and proactive and predictive advances in chronic disease management meant that people were living longer and healthier lives.

This combination of conditions created the perfect environment for the connected health sector to rise. Senior care providers across the country are demanding better and more cost-effective technologies to care for the elderly. Telemedicine: The Way Forward in the Age of COVID-19. Telemedicine: More Than Just a Good Idea As telemedicine was slowly finding its way into the mainstream, something important, something fundamental, has changed.

Telemedicine: The Way Forward in the Age of COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, is the change agent. As I write this, it remains to be seen what the full impact of it will be in the United States and across the globe. One thing seems certain, though: The meteor has hit. The dinosaur way of doing things is over. The hard data is there to illustrate my point: nearly half of physicians in the US are now using telemedicine, up from 18% in 2018.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. Telemedicine in the Age of COVID-19 Prior to COVID-19, nearly 60% of the nation’s employers already covered telemedicine in their employee policies. Home Monitoring With GrandCare System For Family Caregivers. Communication Devices For Seniors - Technology For Elderly. No question, it’s been a tough year for everyone.

Communication Devices For Seniors - Technology For Elderly

Whether you’re a fifth-grader, a parent, an employer, or an employee, we’ve all had our own struggles related to the pandemic. Technology for In-Home Care - High Technology Home Care. Last week, we received a call from a guy who runs an in-home care franchise on the East Coast.

Technology for In-Home Care - High Technology Home Care

He’s done a lot of innovative things with technology and now he was interested in GrandCare as an enabling technology for his company. We did a demo of the system and he was impressed. His following question was one we hear time and time again. “What’s the ROI?” It seems obvious when you add enabling technologies that things become better, cheaper, faster and more efficient. We all know the statistics about the rising aging population, caregiver burnout and staff turnover–especially caregiving staff for home care providers. Medicare Telehealth - Helping Seniors Stay Safe After Covid. Virtual Visits and Telehealth - Solution to Quarantine.

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States makes this a difficult time for senior housing communities.

Virtual Visits and Telehealth - Solution to Quarantine

The risk level may be unknown, but our focus is clear: keep our seniors safe, protected, and connected to loved ones. Virtual visits can help alleviate loneliness and isolation in quarantined residents. Telemedicine and telehealth are obvious ways to reduce physical exposure while maintaining healthcare services. The more providers embrace technology in times like this, the safer everyone will be. Time is of the essence, but it’s hard to fund and deploy telehealth and virtual visit technology for your residents quickly. Payment options are flexible. Feel free to reach out to me directly for immediate support. Ways Seniors Can Stay Connected While Self-Quarantining. There is no definite timeframe as to when the COVID-19 virus will have subsided and when it will be safe to spend significant amounts of time out in public again.

Ways Seniors Can Stay Connected While Self-Quarantining

Because people want to preserve their health and avoid public places as much as possible, people are choosing to continue to quarantine for the foreseeable future, especially the elderly. The COVID-19 virus is unlike anything the world has ever seen, and because of that, people don’t know what to expect when it comes to what’s next in regards to this infectious illness. As people are taking the necessary precautions, specifically seniors, they are growing bored of sitting at home and doing the same thing they have been doing since March. HIPAA Compliant - Are You Ready for a Post-COVID World? The day will come, hopefully soon, when this pandemic is behind us.

HIPAA Compliant - Are You Ready for a Post-COVID World?

When it is, will you be ready with a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform? The use of telehealth for senior health care visits has soared this year, from a low of just a fraction of one percent (0.1%) of Medicare primary visits in February of 2020 to almost half of all visits (43.5%) in April, just two months later. Safety is one obvious reason for this surge. But what made it even possible is that the federal government drastically reduced HIPAA restrictions on telehealth visits. Suddenly, anyone with Zoom could, and did, use it for health care visits, without worries about the repercussions of HIPAA data breaches. The good news is that this effort to ensure access to health services has had the desired effect of helping seniors, who are especially at risk of the more serious effects of COVID, to shelter in place without sacrificing their health care. GrandCare is one such solution. GrandCare is one such solution. Should Seniors Buy or Rent Their Home Hospital Bed?

To many seniors, home hospital beds offer comfort, convenience, and safety that consumer beds cannot match.

Should Seniors Buy or Rent Their Home Hospital Bed?

The head, foot, and height adjustments simplify the nighttime chores of getting into bed and arranging oneself in a comfortable or medically advised sleeping position. In-Home Professional Care - Senior Care Remote Monitoring. If you’re like many homecare providers, you experience a high staff turnover and shortage of caregivers, and you may find it’s hard to differentiate yourself from the sea of competitors.

In-Home Professional Care - Senior Care Remote Monitoring

GrandCare can help you one-up the competition and increase your revenue streams! 24/7/365 brand presence in the client homeRemote monitoringA baseline product for “not yet” prospectsMarket differentiationEasy for client to order additional services, right from the touchscreen. COVID-19 and Adoption of Telehealth for Aging Population. If necessity is the mother of invention, crisis may be the father of adoption. Nowhere has the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic been felt more strongly than on seniors and the disabled.

The need for social distancing has made clear the value of technology for bridging that distance. In-Home Senior Care During COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Outbreak. Assistive Technology and Devices to Help Disabled Persons. GrandCare is a large touchscreen that can improve the lives of developmentally disabled individuals, as well as the disability service providers and caregivers they depend on. Features include: Empowering Independence. Best Technology Help For Seniors - GrandCare Support. DOES GRANDCARE REQUIRE WIFI? GrandCare requires internet access to work, but it can be either WiFi or wired ethernet. WHAT IF MY MOM DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET AT HOME? Maybe she should!

Many seniors do not have internet access at home because they don’t have a need for it. If you’re going to start doing video visits and some remote monitoring, she now has a need for it. Activity Monitoring Systems and Sensors For Elderly Care. Home Monitoring and Care System for Family Caregiving. Home Monitoring System For Senior Housing Communities. In-Home Professional Care - Senior Care Remote Monitoring. Senior Home Health Care and Elderly Monitoring System. Best Home Monitoring System For Elderly - Get A Quote!

Technology For Seniors Made Easy - Best For Caregivers. GrandCare founder Charlie Hillman was shaken by a close call with his great aunt Clara in the early 1990s. When he stopped in to check on her, he discovered she had her windows wide open, trying to clear the smoke and burning smell in the house. Upon further investigation, Charlie discovered there were flames coming from the furnace. Clara later admitted that she had been hearing strange noises in the basement and enduring temperature swings in her home for weeks. She had said nothing about it because she “didn’t want to bother anyone.” Charlie knew there were many others who could benefit from a user-friendly system to help keep their loved ones safe. In 2019, Charlie passed the CEO baton to Laura Mitchell (an original founding member of GrandCare) and continued on as founder and a trusted advisor to the CEO.

In-Home Care Services For Seniors - Home Care Assistance. Senior Home Monitoring System - Care Management Software. Seniors who want to remain independent in their homes are finding that they can. With the advances in technology tools, seniors are discovering that remaining in their homes can be a safe, healthy and happy option. This is great news to the many seniors (more than 75% according to an AARP survey) who would prefer to stay home. Home Monitoring System For Elderly - Computers For Seniors.