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Medmerits. Although there appears to be an "autoimmune" attack against myelin and myelin-forming cells in the brain and spinal cord, multiple sclerosis cannot be called a true autoimmune disease.


No target antigen has been demonstrated reproducibly. The antigen-induced animal model, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), does not appear spontaneously in wild mice. HLA types are associated with multiple sclerosis, but the mechanism is unclear. There are surprisingly few links to autoimmune disease, except Crohn disease and possibly thyroid disease. Systemic lupus erythematosus is underrepresented in multiple sclerosis and is linked to opposite responses to type I interferons (Javed and Reder 2006). HealthInsite - Quality Health Information for Australians. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine.

Biblioteca Virtual en Salud - OPS/OMS Uruguay. Homeopatia. Backblaze. Carbonite. Dropbox. Zotero. Uniliber. DeCS. PEDro. Cochrane BVS. Entrez cross-database search. Aemps/agemed.

Check Interactions - DrugDigest. Mendeley. Readcube. Neuroradiology. - Share research. Search engines. Free Medical Books.