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"Vanille kipferl" de Christophe Felder, à déguster en pensant à sa liste pour le père Noël ... "Ils sont trop bons" !

"Vanille kipferl" de Christophe Felder, à déguster en pensant à sa liste pour le père Noël ...

C'est le résumé des commentaires qui ont été faits à la dégustation de ces biscuits Alsaciens. La recette est tirée du livre "Les gâteaux de l'Avent de Christophe" du maître pâtissier alsacien, Christophe Felder. A l'heure de l'Avent, ses petits bredele friables comme il faut, parfumés à souhait avec la vanille, sont juste parfaits ! Et pour couronner le tout, ils sont rapides et faciles à réaliser.

Lancez-vous ! Pour 35 à 40 biscuits : Recette de Sablés de Noël fourrés à la confiture de fraises. Soumis par Ameline Lieb le mer, 11/26/2014 - 19:04.

Recette de Sablés de Noël fourrés à la confiture de fraises

Bredeles aux noisettes (nussplätchen) Bredeles aux noisettes (nussplätchen) J'avais publié cette recette en 2008 et je la remonte sur mon blog aujourd'hui, car j'ai refait les photos.

Bredeles aux noisettes (nussplätchen)

Voici les bredeles qui ont le plus de succès à Noël ! Et ça tombe bien, ce sont les plus simples à faire ! The Charlotte Observer. When it comes to home baking, the idea of convenience has been kidnapped by well-meaning manufacturers who have created a culture of pre-rolled pie crust, shrink-wrapped cookie mix and frozen cudgels of bread dough.

The Charlotte Observer

Granted, the pie crusts save time, and the bread dough may serve as training wheels for those tentative about yeast. (Come on, you can do it!) But the convenience of refrigerated cookie dough is hardly modern. Le Pétrin: Sablés d'Antan.. Pas Que Pour les Enfants! Méthode C.

Le Pétrin: Sablés d'Antan.. Pas Que Pour les Enfants!

Felder: biscuits à étaler Dans un grand saladier, mélanger la farine, le sucre, les amandes en poudre, la levure et les épices. Ajouter le beurre mou coupé en petits morceaux et le zeste finement râpé et les incorporer aux ingrédients secs en travaillant la pâte du bout des doigts puis avec les paumes pour obtenir une texture de sable fin.Verser l'œuf, le jaune et les parfumes et mélanger avec une cuillère en bois jusqu'à obtention d'une pâte hétérogène. Verser sur le plan de travail, fraiser la pâte pour la lisser en la poussant vers le haut avec la paume de la main en procédant par petites quantités. Ramasser la pâte en boule qui doit être lisse et homogène, l'écraser en disque et l'envelopper de film alimentaire. Préchauffer le four th.6 (180°C). Sur un plan de travail légèrement fariné, étaler la pâte sur une épaisseur de 3-4 mm. Ma méthode: biscuits à découper Préparer la pâte de la même façon que précédemment. Brookies {Brownie + Chocolate Chip Cookies}

Have a sweet craving but can’t decide whether to go for chocolate chip cookies or decadent brownies?

Brookies {Brownie + Chocolate Chip Cookies}

Meet the brookie. If you haven’t met her yet, she’s sure to change your life. Super cute. Amaretti. Sablés à l'amande - Dans vos assiettes. Aujourd'hui , voici une idée rapide à faire pour le goûter des loulous , de délicieux sablés parfumés à l'amande .

Sablés à l'amande - Dans vos assiettes

Recette trouvée chez Cécile. ~Caramel Snickerdoodles! Hmmm, where do I begin?

~Caramel Snickerdoodles!

Should I start with the warm flaky & tender, Cinnamon Sugar coated Crescent Nugget filled with oozing Caramel?! Or should I start with how easy these are and probably the most delicious and impressive thing I’ve ever made with only 3 ingredients? Orrr maybe I’ll start by saying that these little gems are the best Snickerdoodle anything I’ve ever Snickered or Doodled! Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies. Double Chocolate Chip Shortbread (+recipe) by claremanson on deviantART. White Chocolate Cranberry Macadamia Cookies. Cranberry.

White Chocolate Cranberry Macadamia Cookies

Do you love it or hate it? I am personally on the fence with cranberries. It probably wouldn’t be the first thing I grab at a Thanksgiving dinner. White Chocolate Cherry Cranberry Cookies. Hi everybody it’s Tiffany from Creme de la Crumb!

White Chocolate Cherry Cranberry Cookies

I can’t believe Christmas is only a week away! How on earth does the time fly so fast?? I feel like there is so much to do and not nearly enough time to get it all done. Nutella-Stuffed, Browned Butter, Salted Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies. As a baker and food blogger, it's important for me to always be coming up with new recipes and flavor combinations to try. Whenever I'm lacking inspiration, my friends are awesome at helping me out - obviously they get the added benefit of plates of the desserts of their choices...

Their pieces of "advice" have led to some pretty great desserts. Recent favorites have included crème brûlée, pumpkin bread, and chocolate truffles... apparently my friends have varied tastes in sweets! Dark Chocolate Cookies Filled with Dulce De Leche. (You have my permission to skip through the blah blah blah and go straight to the recipe, this cookie is wayy more interesting than I am) At first when I created this blog I told myself I wouldn’t share anything about myself. I would just type out the recipes and say here you go, try it, bye. But then I realized more and more that I actually ENJOY reading what my favorite bloggers have to say! (I don’t know why this was such a massive revelation?)

So if you have been wondering why these desserts are getting more and more complicated, well here is the deal. Poilane fırını & Punition kurabiyesi / Poilane bakery & Punition cookie. Paris'e gelip de uğramadan dönülmemesi gereken yerler diye bir liste varsa, bu listenin başlarında bir yerlerde de Poilâne fırını vardır mutlaka. Paris'teki diğer her şey gibi bu fırın da tabi ki köklü bir tarihe sahip. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies. It’s been awhile since I shared a recipe on this blog. Despite still not being even close to finished unpacking, I am squeezing in time to use the new kitchen as much as possible. I love my new kitchen. White Chocolate & Walnut Blondies. White Chocolate & Walnut Blondies Pre-Lent Chocolate Recipe! If, like me, you are making the horrible decision to give up chocolate for lent, you only have one week to enjoy it as much as you can before the deprivation kicks in.

Blondies, as I've only learnt recently, are the elusive older sister of the Brownie. Classic Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies - The Kitchen Paper. Happy Monday! Hopefully that statement rings true, and not annoying, in your ears! Valentines blondie med bringebær og hvit sjokolade / Valentines blondie with raspberries and white chocolate - myfoodpassion. Kolači od oraha i pekmeza {walnut & jam cookies} (He Needs Food)

They may be a little more involved than your average cookie, but the extra time you put into these is worth it. The texture of this kolači is soft and crumbly, almost like shortbread. But what makes them taste even better is a thin sandwiched filling of sweet jam and ground walnuts spiked with rum. And then there's the coating of dark chocolate! Personally, I find these cookies taste better one or two days after they've been made. And to make life a little easier, they can be baked ahead of time and finished off several days later. I couldn't help myself by serving up a kolači dessert; brushing some chocolate on the plate and topping it with a whole cookie and crumbs from another.

Makes 22 cookie : 200 g unsalted butter, at room temperature ¾ cup icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla paste 1 egg, lightly beaten 2½ cups plain flour. Cookies aux pépites de chocolat. Black and white cookies. Ranger Cookie Recipe. Mike and I love going on long rambling walks that go nowhere in particular. More often than not, we’ll end up in a grocery or kitchen goods store. The other week we stopped into Williams Sonoma where they were sampling their ranger cookie mix. BEST-EVER Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies. Readers, whatever you're doing, stop. Right now. Make these cookies NOW. I promise you won't be sorry. Well, you might be because it'll be near impossible to not eat the entire batch of these incredible cookies.

My FAVORITE Chocolate Chip Cookie. I have experimented with countless recipes searching for that perfect chocolate chip cookie. The characteristics of the perfect cookie are a very personal matter, and here are my preferences: texture: chewy w. medium thickness --- everyone has their preference, and this is mine! Chocolate to cookie ratio: 50/50 --- I really enjoy having a lot of chocolate in every bite. Shortbread : Recette de Shortbread. Recette complète - Carrés caramel beurre salé, chocolat dit shortbread - Notée 4.8. Recette complète - Shortbreads - Notée 4.4. Skillet-Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie. Here in Nashville, there’s a certain low-frequency buzz. And if you’re quiet and listen very hard, you’ll hear the sounds that make up that buzz – the electronic bleeps of grocery cash registers ringing up hot chocolate and popcorn, the rumble of salt trucks and the fervently whispered prayers of thousands of kids (and their teachers) – because, OMG, SNOW IS IN THE FORECAST.

Four inches. This Friday. To many of you, that’s nothing. A dusting. Nutella-Stuffed Brown Butter + Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies {my favorite cookie ever} Sep 06 I know that the title of this recipe is a little absurd and dramatic, but I couldn’t think of any other way to present this cookie to you. Quite frankly, this is a chocolate chip cookie that will change your life. Updated: Here’s a fun video I made with Gold Medal Flour. This video doesn’t include the stuffing of the nutella, but it’s still fun to watch how they’re made. These cookies came about when my friend asked me to bake something that he could bring to an event he was going to.

So off to the grocery store I went, where I proceeded to pace the baking aisle for a good hour. Mini Blueberry Galettes. Strawberry Shortcake Cookies. Blueberry Yogurt Cookies. Cherry Tea Cookies, Demands from Mom, & Niece Rowan.

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Skillet. Salted Caramel Stuffed Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies {with Browned Butter, Vanilla Beans & Sea Salt} Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie. Tricks + Treats: Spiced Caramel Buttons by Sarah Rhodes. Deep-Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie for One. Your body shall thank me! 2-Minute Chocolate Chip Cookie For One. 60 Second Chocolate Chip Cookie A la Mode.

Butterscotch Cookies Recipe. Chewy Nutella Cookies. Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies. The Infamous Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies. My FAVORITE Chocolate Chip Cookie. Almond & Honey-Butter Cookies Recipe. Best Big, Fat, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. Raspberry-Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies Recipe. Nutella lava cookies.