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10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using. Editor's note: A version of this article previously appeared at

10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using

Social media is everywhere. It's in our homes, places of worship, schools and, of course, our businesses. Everywhere you look, people are using social media and are talking about it. And it seems that every week a new type of social site pops up. And as the number of social networking sites grows, so does the number of services that are created to measure, track and monitor those services. To help you cut through the clutter, here are the 10 must-use social media tools that can not only help you make sense of your social media efforts but make them more effective. 1. With it, you can get a snapshot of your month-to-month content with the calendar feature.

Who should use it and why: Any business owner who manages a multi-author website should give EditFlow a look. 2. 3. If you'd like to be an affiliate, you can use ArgyleSocial's white label brand and resell the social media platform to your clients. 20+ Tools and Resources to Create Infographics for Free. Inforgraphic is “graphical representation of information and data”.

20+ Tools and Resources to Create Infographics for Free

Infographics are often generally used to represent concisely data and statistics, or relationships or differences between two or more issues. When reading an article, it is always desirable to find the information visually since our brain is always going to digest and remembered it more easily. Moreover, the data representing graphically will allow display more information in less space. We all know that no longer people show interest in reading long and detailed articles, So we use infographic to represent the data in more concise way in a graphical format so that users can scan and recall the information quickly. What can you Draw with Infographics? Why Use Infographics? Tips to Create Effective Infographics. Define the purpose of an infographic : Translate only the complex data value to compare the information or clarify a trend or evolution, creating a balance, etc.. Create Infographic and Online Chart Hohli. Going Beyond Google Again. It seems unlikely that people will give up their reliance on general-purpose search engines or their practice of beginning a search using Google or one of its competitors.

Going Beyond Google Again

But people should be encouraged to use other research tools when needed, such as databases and more specialized search engines—otherwise known as the Invisible Web. What makes each of the suggested research tools “invisible” is their ability to uncover resources that general-purpose search engines cannot. Some of the tools do require a subscription or fee. (What follows is just a sample of the tools featured in Going Beyond Google Again, published by ALA Neal-Schuman.) Basic Research Tools The exploration of basic tools can begin with databases, which are at the heart of the Invisible Web.

Student Research Voice of the Shuttle (VoS): Website for Humanities Search Sponsored by the English Department of the University of California at Santa Barbara, VoS was started by Professor Alan Liu in 1994. 10 'Hidden' Google Tools To Keep Marketers Ahead Of The Game.