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User:LucasVB/Gallery. Below is a mostly comprehensive gallery of all images — illustrations, diagrams and animations — that I have created for Wikipedia over the years, some of which have been selected as featured pictures, or even picture of the day.


As you'll probably notice, they're mostly related to physics and mathematics, which are my main areas of interest. If you have any comments, requests, suggestions or corrections, feel free to drop me a message on my talk page. But please, before making a suggestion, first take a look and see what sort of stuff I can do. Due to time, knowledge and complexity constraints, I cannot guarantee I'll be able to make a good illustration of any topic. You can also follow me on tumblr for WIPs, current and failed projects and other creations. Access denied. BBC Documentary Planet Earth. Planet Earth Episode 1 From Pole To Pole | BBC Documentary | David AttenboroughPlanet Earth is a 2006 British television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit.

BBC Documentary Planet Earth

Five years in the making, it was the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC and also the first to be filmed in high definition. Planet Earth premiered on 5 March 2006 in the United Kingdom on BBC One. It had been shown in 130 countries worldwide by June 2007. Its first broadcast in the United States was on 25 March 2007 on the Discovery Channel, with Sigourney Weaver replacing David Attenborough's original commentary. How to give GOOD back rub to your SO and not get tired. Top Ten British Comedy TV Shows. Inside the Weird World of an Islamic 'Feminist' Cult.

Adnan Oktar is the most notorious cult leader in Turkey.

Inside the Weird World of an Islamic 'Feminist' Cult

Beginning in the 1980s, the Muslim creationist introduced the world to his bizarre take on Islamic religion; he also credits himself with introducing his followers to feminism. Oktar refers to his cadre of devoted women as "kittens. " At his behest, the "kittens" shirk hijabs and traditional dress. Instead, they wear designer outfits, apply heavy makeup, and undergo plastic surgery. Lista persoanelor care prezinta leziuni traumatice produse prin arsura si se afla internate in spital, in urma tragediei Colectiv. Tragedia din clubul Colectiv din Capitala s-a terminat cu 32 de decese si foarte multi raniti.

Lista persoanelor care prezinta leziuni traumatice produse prin arsura si se afla internate in spital, in urma tragediei Colectiv

Cei din urma inca au nevoie de ajutorul nostru si nu doar in prezent, ci si in lunile care vor urma. Iata lista persoanelor care prezinta leziuni traumatice produse prin arsura si se afla internate in spital, in urma tragediei Colectiv, conform procurorilor Bucuresti. 1. BUZOIANU NICOLAE ALEX – născut la 14.12.1977 - internat 2. TARTAU CRISTINA ALEXANDRA – născut la 07.03.1988 internat 3. What Bias Lighting Is and Why You Should Be Using It. There’s a good chance you’ve been watching television and working at your computer for years in a way that fatigues your eyes, increases your chance of headaches, and overall decreases your enjoyment and comfort.

What Bias Lighting Is and Why You Should Be Using It

Read on as we show you how to create a comfortable and high contrast viewing experience with bias lighting. What Is Bias Lighting and What Are the Benefits? Before we delve into what bias lighting is and why you’ll benefit enormously from implementing it in your work space and living room alike, we need to look at the mechanics of the human eye to truly understand why bias lighting isn’t just a showy trick akin to putting superfluous lights on a street rod but a very useful technique that not only increases viewing comfort but image quality at the same time. İstanbul'da intihar eden Melike Zonguldak'ta toprağa verildi - Yaşam Haberleri.

Ankaralı Namık'ın ölümünün ertesi gününde 'Sanatçıların kaderi yüksekten düşmeyle son buluyor.

İstanbul'da intihar eden Melike Zonguldak'ta toprağa verildi - Yaşam Haberleri

Benimki de böyle olacak' yazılı not bırakıp gözüne uyku bandı taktıktan sonra, 7. kattan caddeye atlayan 26 yaşındaki Melike Uzun son yolculuğuna uğurlandı. Melike Uzun'un cenazesi, yapılan otopsinin ardından yakınları tarafından Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi morgundan alınarak memleketi Zonguldak'a getirildi. Melike Uzun için Acılık Camii'nde öğle namazının ardından cenaze namazı kılındı. Uzun'un tabutunun üzerine gelinlik duvağı ve kırmızı karanfiller konuldu. CHARTS: U.S. Army size and defense expenditures relative to other nations. In his new Brookings book, “The Future of Land Warfare”, Senior Fellow Michael O’Hanlon writes of what he calls “A major conceptual mistake,” namely that “Messy ground operations can be relegated to the dustbin of history.”

CHARTS: U.S. Army size and defense expenditures relative to other nations

He continues (in a recent blog post about the book): That is a paraphrase and dramatization, to be sure—but only a modest one, since the administration’s 2012 and 2014 defense plans both state that the U.S. Army will no longer size its main combat forces with large-scale counterinsurgency and stabilization missions in mind. “The cuts should stop,” O’Hanlon argues. In addition to counterinsurgency and stabilization missions, plus deterrent capability against Russian threats to NATO, and North Korean threats to South Korean, O’Hanlon says “we also need to think about nontraditional scenarios,” including possible nuclear escalation in a conflict between India and Pakistan. Telefonunuzun şarjını uzatacak 10 adım. ISENGARD - Anadoluda Muhafazakâr Talan ve Bilanço. Türkiye'de son on yilda gerçeklesmis çevre ve kültür katliamlarinin bilançosunu birlikte çikartalim.

ISENGARD - Anadoluda Muhafazakâr Talan ve Bilanço

T.C. Anayasası’nın 169. Maddesine göre; “Devlet, ormanların korunmasıve sahalarının genişletilmesi için gerekli kanunları koyar vetedbirleri alır. (…) Ormanlara zarar verebilecek hiçbir faaliyet veeyleme müsaade edilemez. Mahkemeden ''kiracıdan onarım parası alınamaz'' kararı. Habertürk'ten Cemal Doğan'ın haberine göre Ankara Batı Adliyesi 2.

Mahkemeden ''kiracıdan onarım parası alınamaz'' kararı

Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesi’nden kiracıları rahatlatan bir karar çıktı. Mahkeme, bir site yönetiminin bakım ve onarım giderini kiracıdan istemesini, Kat Mülkiyeti Kanunu’na aykırı buldu. Latex condoms are the worst: Why, after all these years, don’t we have a better condom? In 1993, Danny Resnic was having anal sex during a casual hookup in Miami Beach when his partner’s latex condom broke.

Latex condoms are the worst: Why, after all these years, don’t we have a better condom?

Resnic had been using condoms ever since the man he describes as “my best friend and love of my life” died from AIDS in 1984. “I have always been looking for a monogamous relationship and was never really happy with casual sex,” he says, but in the gay subculture of Miami Beach, where he’d moved from California in 1991, casual sex was the norm.

When Resnic slept with men he didn’t know, he insisted on condoms.


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