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A study on The @KISSmetrics Marketing Blog. Српски код :: Добродошли. Blog | Kelley Rosano. “March is Planting Season This message is about setting intentions for the year and being proactive in doing so. Since 2013 is such a unique year– the beginning of a new paradigm– it is critical for individual and group entities to set their intentions. Intentions are essentially your job application to the Universe. In your intention, you state who you are, what you would like to do, and what you would like to share in terms of ideas, visions, and dreams with the greater collective.

If you missed announcing your intentions on the March Pisces New Moon, do not worry. There is still an opening between the New Moon in March and the end of the Spring Equinox (March 22) to do so. Make sure to use this window in time for last-minute requests and intention-setting for the year 2013. Make yourself available by speaking your intention clearly and out loud. You can assist the collective the most by being “selfish“ and making your intention about yourself. Power of Intentions —Aldous Huxley and. Announcements. Learn the Basics of Photoshop: The Complete Guide.