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Hexagonal. ePic Character Generator - Overview. RPG Card Generator. 3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 05:41 Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, les cartes à jouer sont de plus en plus utilisées dans les jeux de rôles.

RPG Card Generator

Elles ont dépassé le statut de simple gadget, pour devenir de précieuses aides de jeux. Worldbuilding: Where to Start? Ptolemy Map of the World (via Wikimedia Commons) One question often asked when deciding to build a world for a game or novel (but especially games) is: Where to start?

Worldbuilding: Where to Start?

Usually this question is asked or steered in the direction of creating a map. Therefore popular opinion falls into two camps: Top-down: start by drawing a large scale map of the world or a continent and then add detail through smaller scale maps as needed.Bottom-up: start by drawing a small area which is important to the beginning of the story/campaign and draw larger scale maps or other small area maps as needed. Create your own super-hero, sci-fi, or fantasy character sketch. Welcome to Syrinscape. Twine: a tool for creating interactive stories.

Map creator online to make a map with multiple color pins and regions.