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Writing and RPG-Related Generators. Random Name Generator. Random name generator. Donjon; RPG Tools. Générateur de Conspiration !! The Generator Blog.

Serendipity. Génération de trésors, objets magiques, auberges, scénari,... Seventh Sanctum. TheForge : fantasy name generator. Welcome to TheForge, a collection of Fantasy name and word generators, designed to spark the imagination and kindle the creative process. TheForge is a robust network of databases and sophisticated action-scripting. Nonetheless, using TheForge is a simple and intuitive process, thanks in no small part to the utility's streamlined interface. This fusion of simplicity and power is what has garnered TheForge its acclaim and popularity as one of the foremost name generators on the internet.

Unlike most name generators, TheForge does not issue "assembly line" creations. Many times, users are faced with an overwhelming flood of quantity over quality.