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Facebook Twitter EduCamp Colombia: Social networked learning for teacher training | Leal Fonseca. Special Issue - Connectivism: Design and Delivery of Social Networked Learning Diego Ernesto Leal Fonseca EAFIT University, Columbia Abstract This paper describes a learning experience called EduCamp, which was launched by the Ministry of Education of Colombia in 2007, based on emerging concepts such as e-Learning 2.0, connectivism, and personal learning environments. An EduCamp proposes an unstructured collective learning experience, which intends to make palpable the possibilities of social software tools in learning and interaction processes while demonstrating face-to-face organizational forms that reflect social networked learning ideas.

The experience opens new perspectives for the design of technology training workshops and for the development of lifelong learning experiences. Keywords: EduCamp; connectivism; personal learning environments; e-learning 2.0; unconferences Introduction Background The Origin of the EduCamp The Concepts Embedded in the Design The Structure of an EduCamp. Broadcast Yourself. Critical Thinking On The Web.

Top Ten Argument Mapping Tutorials. Six online tutorials in argument mapping, a core requirement for advanced critical thinking.The Skeptic's Dictionary - over 400 definitions and essays. The Fallacy Files by Gary Curtis. Best website on fallacies. Butterflies and Wheels. What is critical thinking? Nobody said it better than Francis Bacon, back in 1605: For myself, I found that I was fitted for nothing so well as for the study of Truth; as having a mind nimble and versatile enough to catch the resemblances of things … and at the same time steady enough to fix and distinguish their subtler differences; as being gifted by nature with desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and as being a man that neither affects what is new nor admires what is old, and that hates every kind of imposture.

A shorter version is the art of being right. More definitions... Program for Critical Thinking 6 Dec 21 May. Teaching and Learning with Twitter. A free flash based tool for real-time reactions, movable zoom, slow motion, annotations, chapter / scene skipping, and more with embeds on your video site, blog, vlog, etc. < embed plus > Art Project, powered by Google. Dreams Do Come True « Skypingreadingtutor's Blog. A group of us have been trying to Skype, but the crazy weather in the East has not been cooperating. However, today our dream of connecting Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Wisconsin came true. We were able to connect all of us at the same time and see each other. Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin Skyping at the Same Time I have skyped with Mr. Snyder’s class before and it was wonderful catching up with them before Mrs. When Mrs. Mr. In the BFG we learned that there are dreams for boys and dreams for girls.

After listening to The Skyping Reading Tutor read the BFG some of Mr. Nothing makes my heart beat more than amazing literacy experiences like this. Like this: Like Loading... HERRAMIENTAS 2.0 PARA DOCENTES Y DISCENTES. Teaching with Technology - Examples of Web 2.0 Tools. Help us connect all US schools with international communities. | Connect all Schools. APRENDER A SER MEJOR DOCENTE (TIC) Solesandsomes - A bit about SOLE & SOME. RECORTES DE UNA FUTURA MAESTRA... Learn | Personalized Online Training Center. .:: CEDIPROE ::. Ediciones Novedades Educativas | Libros . Recursos . Contenidos. Ellos son docentes 2.0 y quieren impulsar el cambio. Imagen de David Álvarez, de su blog E-APRENDIZAJE Son un nutrido grupo de docentes que han hecho de Internet su claustro. Hablan, experimentan, intercambian ideas y realizar proyectos colaborativos. Y son andaluces, gallegos, aragoneses, catalanes… Todos comparten un proyecto común: utilizar la tecnología para ofrecer más conocimiento y más competencias a sus alumnos.

Ahora ha llegado el momento de ir más allá. Desde hace unos días se está produciendo una intensa conversación en Twitter en torno a un evento denominado EABE10 (Encuentro Andaluz de Blogs Educativos 2010. ¿Qué es EABE? El EABE 2010 ya no es sólo andaluz y quizás, de lo que menos se hable sea de blogs. Lean esto: “Es posible transformar la sociedad utilizando la web 2.0… La duda es saber si seremos capaces de abrir ese caparazón. “Por qué no podemos utilizar cámaras en los centros, grabar por ejemplo… Un alumno no pudo venir a clase un día, pero estaba conectado e hizo sus tareas por Internet, para mi ese alumno no faltó”.

Usamos o no usamos Redes Sociales en Educación? Esa es la cuestión. How To Create An Epic Animation Using Only Google Docs. Shakespeare for Children. Introducing the Bard to Young Learners When should students first be exposed to the world famous works of William Shakespeare? Should it be during high school or college years? Isn't it true that Shakespeare is inaccessible for most modern readers and certainly for all children? No, not at all. Although your ultimate goal is for your children to read and enjoy Shakespeare's original works, don't wait until they can before offering them a taste of these classic works. Tales From Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb Charles Lamb and his sister Mary together wrote these prose adaptations of Shakespeare's plays intended for young readers.

Visit Tales from Shakespeare at Main Lesson. Or for a free PDF download (or many other ebook formats), go to In addition, free audio recordings of the stories can be found at image from Karen's Whimsy Since Shakespeare's works are available so widely, there is no excuse not to have some plays and poetry in your home library. Learning today. TRAITR. Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Formación profesores. 21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020 - THE DAILY RIFF - edustange's posterous. Why Teachers Should Blog. I've never been too big on Descartes. That whole sort of essentialist argument has never been for me. I'm a guy who's built furniture out of science fiction novels and travel books and who's played concerts with nothing but a roll of tin foil and a microphone. So I've never been too big on the idea that things exist because they have some fundamental essence.

Consider blogs. There is no substantial qualitative definition of a blog. And in my mind what this means is that I blog and what I blog -- and how that message is received by others -- tells me what I think. And it tells me how I think. My own blog confirms my suspicions that I'm not the most polite person in the world. And that's why I think all teachers should blog. A student in my ed class last night -- a young 2nd year teacher in a Baltimore City public school -- said that he didn't feel like he had anything to offer on his blog or on Twitter. It is in a way frustrating that he doesn't realize how obviously wrong he is.

21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020. Last night I read and posted the clip on '21 Things That Became Obsolete in the Last Decade'. Well, just for kicks, I put together my own list of '21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020'. 1. DesksThe 21st century does not fit neatly into rows.

Neither should your students. Allow the network-based concepts of flow, collaboration, and dynamism help you rearrange your room for authentic 21st century learning. 2. Language LabsForeign language acquisition is only a smartphone away. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Elaboración de Periódicos Digitales. INTRODUCCIÓN La elaboración de periódicos escolares ofrece a docentes de diversas áreas académicas la posibilidad de integrar las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en temas de sus asignaturas. Adicionalmente, esta elaboración se convierte en oportunidad para que los estudiantes desarrollen, mediante trabajo cooperativo, habilidades en: redacción, comunicación gráfica, y competencias ciudadanas; y se enteren de primera mano, de cómo se construye este tipo de medios y qué se pretende con ellos (Alfabetismo en Medios).

Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones, el periódico escolar puede realizarse como medio impreso o digital. Respecto a la primera modalidad, sugerimos consultar el artículo “Periódicos Escolares”, en el que se tratan aspectos fundamentales para la creación de periódicos impresos, tales como, definir su propósito, formato y la organización que se pondrá en marcha para realizarlo. También se debe definir el diseño de la publicación y su estructura. Teach Parents Tech. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators A comprehensive introduction to using technology in all K-12 classrooms. There are teachers around the world who want to use technology in their classrooms, but they’re just not sure where to start.

That’s why eleven prominent bloggers, teachers, and school administrators got together to create this free ebook. Introduction: pages 2-3 An Administrator&#39;s View: pages 4-7 Elementary School: pages 8-25 Middle School: pages 26-35 High School: pages 36-42 ESL/ELL: pages 43-46 Teaching Online: pages 47-50 Connect Via Skype: pages 51-61 Elementary School Blogging: pages 62-65 Alternative Ed Tech: pages 66-68 Social Media for Educators: pages 69-71 Contributors Steven Anderson Adam Bellow Richard Byrne George Couros Larry Ferlazzo Lee Kolbert Patrick Larkin Cory Plough Beth Still Kelly Tenkely Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano.

Perplejidad docente, Videos del tiempo de ñaupa y pensamiento en acción Proyecto Facebook. ORT en Telenoche from ortmedios on Vimeo. No fue fácil estar frente a frente con María Laura Santillán quien quería entrevistarme en persona para un informe especial que estaba haciendo sobre educación. Después de dos intentos fallidos y cerca de la medianoche del pasado martes, finalmente nos encontramos en la spuertas de Constitución y tanto ella como yo estábamos destruidos. La producción había preparado algunas preguntas basadas en Nativos Digitales y luchando contra la tiranía del tiempo breve televisivo fue cuestión de pensar un poco juntos en cámara. Como la emisión fue el pasado jueves y yo estaba en Brasil no pude verla. Igual un par de amigos facebookeanos pudieran aprovecharla en vivo y sus comentarios habían sido mesuradamente elogiosos. La verdad que los videos que ilusrran la nota son tragicòmicos.

Seguramente hablé dos o tres veces mas, y probablemente haya dicho alguna barbaridad (¿sincericidio?) Aun asi refleja bastante bien mis sentires y decires de los últimos meses. My online learning community. Ars Technica.mp4. 12 Ways to Create Videos Without a Camera or Software. It wasn't that long ago that creating videos in your classroom meant that you had to have access to cameras and editing software.

That is no longer the case. Now with nothing more than a reliable Internet connection you and your students can create all kinds of documentary, entertainment, and how-to videos. Some of the resources listed below are also featured in my free guide Making Videos on the Web where you will find how-to directions with annotated screen captures. JayCut is a free, online, video editing service. To use JayCut online you will need to join the JayCut community. Masher is a great, free, tool for creating video mash-ups.

Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. Flixtime is a video creation service that is quite similar to Animoto and Stupeflix. Photo Peach is a new service that allows you to quickly and easily create an audio slideshow, with captions, from images in your Flickr, Picassa, or Facebook account. Edcamp - home. Session Board | edcamp NYC. Session Board - Schedule for November 9, 2013 09:00-10:00 – Participants sign in, add workshop or session ideas to the session board, get hooked up with WiFi, get their Twitter feed tuned to #edcampnyc, get info about the GoogleDoc Spreadsheet with the sessions. Organizers kickoff with “the rules of EdCamp” and thank sponsors. 10:00-11:00 – Session 1 11:20-12:20 – Session 2 12:40-01:40 – Session 3 01:40-02:00 – Door Prizes 2:00 onward – After Party at Mel’s Burger Bar at 2850 Broadway (between 110th and 111th Streets)

LIP DUB UPF "Wake me up before you go-go" (Barcelona, 2010) An #edcamp experience | The Principal's Posts. DSC_3352. EdCamp NYC 2010. Sell Tickets Online - Event Registration and Box Office Solutions. 20x20 what is it? - PechaKucha 20x20. Convocatoria RAP CEIBAL. Miembros - Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal. Lee nuestra Convocatoria y si te dan ganas de unirte y dar una mano, inscríbete en la red de integrantes, si estás de acuerdo con nuestro Código de Comportamiento. ¿Qué planes tiene RAP, cómo apoyar? ¿Nuevo en este sitio? Haz clic aquí y encontrarás para qué existe, sugerencias sobre cómo usarlo. ¿Tenés una consulta técnica sobre las XO? Quizá encuentres respuesta en este foro (clic aquí) Un servicio RAP y podés seguirnos en. Herramientas docentes para la vuelta a las aulas.

A mediados de agosto, la siguiente web publicó un resultado de una encuesta que pasó a los docentes americanos para ver qué herramientas 2.0 tenían ganas de usar o ver en sus aulas ese año. Las herramientas podían ser del tipo hardware o programario, o cualquier variante que mezclara ambos tipos. Los resultados los publicó en el siguiente artículo. Ha sido curioso al ver los resultados, encontrarme con muchas similitudes con lo que nos esperaríamos los docentes españoles ver en nuestras aulas en este principio de curso, ya que los resultados (ordenados por preferencias) fueron los siguientes: Un iPAD o netbook, que nos brindará movilidad en el aula para una enseñanza 1×1.

No son unos resultados sorprendentes, ya que parece ser que en todos los países, los docentes que conocen y usan las TIC en el aula, sean estas las herramientas que llevan siempre en su “maletin de trabajo 2.0″. Proyecto SIESTTA 2.0 » SIESTTA 2.0. Edcamp Vancouver. EdCampNYC - We DO, DO you? Block ads without a plugin - is a free online ad-blocker. Where do ideas come from? Where do ideas come from? Ideas don't come from watching televisionIdeas sometimes come from listening to a lectureIdeas often come while reading a bookGood ideas come from bad ideas, but only if there are enough of themIdeas hate conference rooms, particularly conference rooms where there is a history of criticism, personal attacks or boredomIdeas occur when dissimilar universes collideIdeas often strive to meet expectations.

If people expect them to appear, they doIdeas fear experts, but they adore beginner's mind. A little awareness is a good thingIdeas come in spurts, until you get frightened. ¿Cómo funciona el Educamp? - EduCampMexico2010. The Role of the Educator in the Digital World. 5 cosas que (aún) puedes enseñar a tus alumnos. EDUCAMP. Programa - Aplicaciones TICs II | Wiki | USAL Rosario - TIC en educación. EduCamp - Brief. Flashmo_098_3d_curve_wall. 25 collaboration tools you should not miss. eFront: Facebook for e-Learning. Search - #EducampMonteria. EduCamp Colombia - Montería. Innovación: El camino para el cambio de paradigmas by Hector Melo on Prezi. Modelo tcpk. 10 Tips to Help Master Prezi. Google Apps for Education Demonstration Video. Creating Blogger Pages. 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web. Promising Practices in Assessment and Evaluation by Dean Shareski on Prezi. Why Blog? Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free. Learn It In 5 - Home. Dean Shareski: How To Make Better Teachers. Iniciativa Intel® Educación: Programa Intel® Educar. 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web. Mashup en estado puro, imperdible… PIM, la antesala del PLE | Educ@Xip. Personal Information Management: PIM 2009 Workshop - Home.

DocumentManagementSoftware - kognite - List of document and information management, thinking and writing software - Project Hosting on Google Code. Your class everywhere. Social Learning Tools for the School Classroom. Educampco [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Mi Ambiente Personal de Aprendizaje. Brain Rules: Brain development for parents, teachers and business leaders | Brain Rules | Educampco [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Bienvenida. Educampco [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage. Desarrollo del Taller. Lingr. Hoja Herramientas. Aprendizaje en un mundo conectado: Cuando participar (y aprender) es "hacer click" ¿Qué es un EduCamp? EduCamp Colombia (reloaded) Educampcolombia - Agenda_Monteria.